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Blake, Hailey and I wasted no time in rushing towards Cam??s car. I stopped in my tracks when I realized that the Brent guy wasn??t coming with us. I retracted my steps, shot him a glare, took his hand and dragged him along.

Blake gave me an accusing look when he saw this.

??Gosh, it can be a medical emergency, and he is a medicine student, that??s why I brought him,?? I explained.

We reached the car and all of had to cough at the amount of smoke emanating from the engine. My vision gave up on me and I couldn??t see anything inside the car.

Blake covered his mouth and took a peek inside. ??He is okay! Though, seems like his condition is not??we have to get him out of the car.??

??Ugh, this damn door isn??t opening,?? Hailey declared. I tried to open the door on the other side but to no avail.

??Looks like, only Cam can open it,?? Brent pointed out, ??it??s locked from the inside, of course. No use wasting our energy here.??


??Dude, watch me,?? Blake challenged him, then, reached his hand inside the car and the next I know, I was hearing the click of the lock opening.

??Aren??t you quite a pessimist for someone who is supposed to be saving lives??? I glared at Brent. He just shrugged in response.

I decided to ignore him and watched as Blake got a half unconscious Cam out of the car, supporting him with his shoulders.

??Oh look, a crowd is gathering,?? Brent pointed towards the onlookers in Campus, ??we better get out of this crime scene.??

??Shut the hell up!?? Hailey, Blake and I snapped simultaneously.

I went to help Blake and supported Cam??s right arm around my shoulder, while Hailey quickly dabbed with her handkerchief on the several cuts and wounds he had acquired from the accident.

Cam was in no position to say anything. Hell, he was in no position to even walk, so at last we decided to take him to the nearest place, which just so happened to be my dorm room.

??There??s no serious injury, we can take care of him,?? Hailey explained, ??and besides we don??t want any kind of attention until we are not sure about what actually happened with him and the car.??

??You two take him to the room, I will take care of this audience and this car,?? Blake said, ushering us in the direction of the dorms.

Hailey and I nodded, balancing Cam??s body with difficulty, on our shoulders.

??Damn, he is always creating some kind of trouble,?? Hailey huffed, on the way.

??Tell me about it,?? I groaned.

??Roles have reversed,?? Hailey continued, ??he was the one who used to get us out of trouble.??

??I can??t believe it,?? I muttered.

Finally, we reached the room and as soon as we were near the bed, Hailey dropped Cam??s arm, which took me off guard and I lost my balance, falling on the bed along with Cam, or more like??on top of him.

Before I could even recover and get to my feet, I heard the snap of a Camera. My eyes widened and I turned to Hailey, to find her smirking at me, with the back of her phone directed towards Cam and I.

??Perfect,?? she grinned, ??at least something good Came out of this.??

??Oh my God,?? I quickly walked to her and scrambled to get the phone out of her hands, ??delete the picture.??

??Sorry,?? she said, not sounding sorry at all, and pocketed the phone, ??but, no can do. I hardly get to capture photos of my ship in early stages.??

What the hell was she going on about?

Our attention was diverted when we heard Cam groaning. He was still unconscious. Hailey asked me for my first aid kit, which I quickly handed over to her. After that, she did what she had to do??I was just standing to the side, trying to control the nausea within me, which was born out of the sickening scent of antiseptics in the air.

I was actually surprised that I had not fainted at the sight of blood. It was always the worst case scenario with me, whenever I spotted blood??because I don??t know why but it always felt like I was the one hurt and it was my blood.

Cams?? wounds were minor, I guess??and hence, bearable for me.

??Okay, now. Keep an eye on him. Call me when he wakes up,?? Hailey announced, squirting sanitizer on her palms and rubbing them thoroughly.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, she had disappeared from my sight.

Uh, wow??leaving me alone with Cam??this girl wanted disaster.

I watched Cam for a few seconds, taking in his unconscious form and how there was this permanent crease between his eyebrows??indicating that his guards were up even in this state. This brought a frown upon my own face and I studied his face for a bit more, before I started feeling like a creep and gave up.

It was after two hours, that he Came around. I heard some shuffling and quickly went to pour a glass of water for him.

He opened his eyes groggily and jerked back in surprise upon seeing me standing there with the glass in my hand. Oops, maybe, I scared him.

??Damn, personal space much??? he muttered hoarsely.

I took a step back, smiling sheepishly and extended the glass towards him. ??Sorry. Just trying to help. Here, have this.??

He eyed the glass in my hand, as if it was a bomb.

??It??s safe, I promise,?? I assured him. At least safer than he himself was??

He eyed the glass for a moment longer, then, reluctantly took it. After he was done drinking, he sat up and looked around the room. Realization dawned in his eyes and he turned to me.

??Okay, so??what happened??? he asked.

??Do you really wanna know???


??Do you really don??t remember???


??Are you really really sure???

He gave me a deadpan look. ??Just spit it out.??

??Okay, okay, fine,?? I relented, sighing, ??so, you rammed your car in the uni boundary gates and let??s just say, it??s a miracle that you are still sitting in front of me.??

??That??s all???

??What do you mean, ??that??s all????? I asked incredulously, ??you almost got yourself killed dude. What the hell were you thinking? Why did you even do that? Were you drunk? And, you think this is not serious? Do you even-??

I was abruptly cut off when he stood up. ??I will take my leave, if we are done here.??

I inhaled a sharp breath and stood up, tilting my head up to meet his eyes. ??Are you for real? This is not a matter of joke! Do you realize the consequences of all this shit you have been pulling? I know it??s none o my business, but your friends deserve better-??

I was cut off again, when I heard him murmuring something under his breath, which sounded suspiciously like, ??Cue the rant.??

??Welp! I take offence to that!?? I exclaimed, ??You think of this as a rant? Dude, really, get your head out of your butt. If you listen to and follow even one percent of what others say-??

He suddenly grabbed my wrist, making me go breathless.

??I see,?? he raised an eyebrow at me, ??this off switch is still working.??


Why was my brain not able to process his words? Okay, so maybe, he was right. I may have been ranting. It must have used all my energy and hence, my brain was lacking in the thinking department now.

??No, don??t think otherwise,?? Cam said, smoothly, bringing me out of my thoughts, ??this switch is no joke.??

And, before I could process his words and decide whether he was being serious, he had walked away.

Huh??confusing times and confusing people??


I covered my mouth to stifle another yawn, while Brent went on to brag about his high school achievements. We were currently at Cam??s house where his friends were living too. We were having that supposed study ??date?? which, to be frank, was boring as hell because the only person speaking here was Brent, the bragger.

For a moment, I was scared that people around me felt what I was feeling, whenever I was on my rant sessions. But, Blake assured that both were two different things.

Oh, yes, Blake??to be honest, he was the only reason, why I was still awake. He was making funny faces at his phone Camera, trying to take selfies, and oh God, it was taking everything in me not to burst out laughing at his antics.

Hailey, on the other hand, was listening attentively to Brent. But, get this: it was all for show. I caught her stealing glances at Blake multiple times and stifling the smile that threatened to break on her face.

Ugh, why were these two not married already?

I am kidding.

But, still, this needed to be a thing??a relationship.

??Selfies are too much work,?? Blake groaned, keeping his phone aside and reaching for his bag. ??but, food is not,?? he grinned, fishing out a pack of nachos from his bag.

??Uh, food is basically more work,?? I pointed out. ??You have to bite it or chew it, then, let it pass through your windpipe or whatever it is, then, let your stomach digest it???? I trailed off.

Blake waved his hands at me. ??And, then, get it back out of-??

??Okay, that??s enough!?? I interjected, laughing at what he was about to say.

Hailey was quiet the entire time, and Brent still went on and on. Blake started flipping through the pages of a book absentmindedly. He suddenly, paused at a page and sat up straighter.

??Huh??interesting,?? he commented.

Everyone fell silent at that, and, by everyone I mean Brent.

??Would you look at this??? Blake smirked, ??hellcat has been reading some R-rated books.??

My mouth fell open, while Hailey gasped, snatching the book from Blake??s hands. She surveyed the page and glared at him. ??It??s my course book, idiot.??

??Ooh, that??s what they teach you in medicine??? Blake asked, teasingly.

??Biology,?? Hailey replied, ??it??s called biology.??

Blake shrugged, ??Whatever. It doesn??t change the fact that it??s R-rated.??

??It??s not!?? Hailey protested, swinging a pillow at him.

Blake dodged it, getting up from the bed, ??It is!??

??It??s not! Come back here, you dumbass!??

??Who you talking to??? Blake frowned at her.

Hailey scoffed, ??You, obviously. Who else do you think is a dumbass here???

At this Blake turned around, pointing to his butt, ??Technically, that??s a dumb ??ass.?? By all means, talk to it all you want.??

I choked on my breath upon witnessing that. Let??s just say, that the next few minutes were downright nasty (imagine threats, chase around the room, pillow fights and likes). Brent and I got caught in the crossfire of it all.

It finally Came to an end when we heard a loud cackling from downstairs. A cackling, that I think, I recognized all too well.

??Shit, that??s Madison,?? Hailey voiced my thoughts.

We didn??t waste any time in getting downstairs after that. And, boy, was the living room a scene!

On one side, sat Cam on a couch, with his ear plugs on, and with Stella to his side, playing with a ball. While on the other side, stood Kris, Alex and Madison.

Madison laughed like a maniac, shaking Kris, ??You heard him, right? He said he will go the party with me!??

??Uh, I am sorry Madison,?? Kris started hesitantly, ??he asked you to go away.??

??No, he actually said and I quote, ??piss off.???? Alex added.


Madison threw back her head and laughed. ??You both are delusional. Wait, I will ask him again.??

??I strongly advice you against th-?? Kris started but was cut off because Madison had dared to tug off Cam??s earplugs.

At this point, my heart was racing and to think that I was just an innocent bystander.

??Cam, we are going together to this freshman party, right??? Madison asked him.

Cam rolled his eyes, ??Honestly, just find someone else, Madison. I don??t even- wait, what did you say? Freshman party? Is everyone going to be there???

I could almost feel the gears in his mind turning. He was up to something, again??

Madison nodded with a bright smile, ??Yes, all students are invited. But, they have to bring a date. You are going with me, of course.??

Cam winced at this, and so did the rest of us.

??Sorry but no. I am not interested in going with you. I will go on my own,?? he said, leaning down to pick up Stella in his arms, ??now, excuse me.??

Madison stopped him, by wrapping her arms around his bicep.

Oh, wow, this girl had some courage??

This time I could see it in Cam??s eyes. He was not going to talk nicely now, he was going to explode??

But, before he could do so, Stella intertwined her little fingers in Madison??s hair and started pulling at it, making her yelp. Relief washed over Cam??s face and his eyes danced with amusement.

This baby??

??Stella! The hell??? Madison shrieked, ??I am your aunt! For fu-??

??Okay, buddy, that??s enough!?? Kris chastised, pulling Madison away from Cam and Stella, ??stop with the swearing!??

Blake trudged forward with a jar in his hands and I couldn??t control my laughter when he asked Madison to deposit ten dollars in it for swearing.

??This is a fake jar,?? he whispered to me, with a wink, ??the original one is with Millie. But, oh well, a guy gotta eat, you know???

??Now, leave,?? Cam told Madison impassively, ??I am so fed up with your antics.??

??No!?? Madison stomped her foot, ??I am not leaving until you agree to go with me.

Cam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, looking around in frustration, ??I don??t feel like dealing with this now???? he trailed off, when his eyes suddenly landed on me.

Uh oh??

I gave him a small wave and a nervous smile, backing away, hoping that somehow I would shrink. Okay, why did I suddenly have a very bad feeling in my gut???

??Oh, you know what??? he said, finally, his gaze not wavering from me, ??if I really must have a date to go to this bloody party then, I am going with her,?? he lifted a finger in my direction, ??end of discussion.??

Hahaha, what?

A/N: I hope this long chapter makes up for the delay. I have some more covers to post (which I will do in the next chapter) and well, see you all later! Thank you for bearing with my late updates nowadays. I love all of you to death.

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