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I was saved the trouble of encountering Cam, because he was??sleepy and he ignored me and got out of the car. I exhaled the loudest sigh of relief and decided to wake everyone else up and get out myself.

The other car was already inside the Campus and everyone was waiting for us.

My mouth almost dropped open as I saw Millie placing Stella on her feet and Stella adorably started strutting towards us. I swear to god, I wanted to kidnap that baby then and there.


I jumped three feet in the air upon hearing Cam??s bewildered voice. Shit! Did I say that out loud?

??That was creepy,?? he looked at me weirdly, ??and, you are creepy.??

Dang! I know, why are you exposing me, Cam?

He turned to look at Stella and my mouth dropped open for the second time. No, scratch that! My mouth was about to get free of all its hinges. Because, Cam??the Cam...Mr. I am numb and don??t feel anything Cam, had the slightest of smiles tugging at his lips.

??Yes, yes, your eyes do not deceive you Miss patootie,?? Blake walked up beside me, stretching his arms, ??Stella is his weakness. After all, who can resist a super baby???

My eyes widened at him, ??What did you say? Patootie???

Blake smirked, ??Yes, isn??t that your nickname???

??What?! Who told you???

??Your sister,?? he replied, grinning, ??she is honestly the best.??

I should have known??

??Blake,?? I adopted a warning tone, ??this shouldn??t come out of your mouth ever again.??

??No, I am gonna call you patootie,?? he winked, ??Juliet is such a mouthful.??

??Wow, and patootie is not??? Hailey walked up to us, ??honestly, only you can apply such stupid false logics.??

??Hellcat is jealous of my nicknaming abilities,?? Blake whispered to me.

??Sure, dumbass,?? Hailey scoffed, punching his arm.

Our attention was diverted when we Stella reached Cam, and hugged his leg.

Aw, this baby??

Cam picked her up lovingly and walked away??in the direction of the exit. Wait, what?!

??Um, why is he going out of the Campus??? I voiced.

??Oh, yeah, we are staying off Campus, actually,?? Millie told me.

??Yup,?? Hailey quipped, ??see that building??? she pointed in the direction of a huge three storey house, situated just outside the university. I nodded.

??That??s Cam??s parents?? property,?? Ashton supplied.

??He decided to stay there,?? Kris added, ??and, we decided to not leave him alone.??

??Yeah, besides, we couldn??t have accommodated Stella in the dorms with us,?? Alex further explained.

Oh, wow??

??Madison! Where are you going??? Julia suddenly exclaimed.

??To wherever my Cam is,?? Madison replied.


As far as I recalled, Cam had clearly ordered her to stay away from him??then, why was she still stuck on him? This was some next level obsession.

??No!?? Julia said, sternly, ??I booked you a dorm room.??

Madison was about to snap but abruptly stopped and gave a smile, ??That??s even better, the more the distance, the more the love increases.??

She needed help??

Dylan walked up to us with a bag on his shoulder, as soon as Madison disappeared in the direction of dorms. He turned to Julia, ??No offense, Julia, but, your sister needs to get her head checked.??

Everyone looked like they wanted to agree, but, were hesitant to do so.

??So, Juliet,?? Millie changed the topic, ??what about you and your sister???

??I am staying in the dorms and Cherry will stay with me for a week or so, before the senior year of her high school starts. Then, she will be staying near the school with some of our relatives,?? I told her, looking around for Cherry. Sure enough, she was doing a zombie walk to the dorms, with??no suitcase in her hands. Great!

??Blake! What the heck?!?? Alex suddenly exclaimed.

All eyes turned to Blake who was sitting on top of a trolley suitcase, and wheeling himself around the university grounds.

??Wow,?? Kris nervously chuckled, ??we don??t know him. Don??t judge us,?? she said to me.

??I know right, Blake who??? Hailey added, as nervously.

??Um, chill, I don??t judge,?? I assured them, ??it??s just that, I think it??s one of my suitcases??that, Blake decided to have fun with. It??s not exactly in the perfect condition. It can get as clumsy as me-??

Before I could finish my sentence, Blake had crashed into Dylan and the next I know, both of them were groaning, lying on the ground along with the suitcase.



??My God!?? I huffed, as I placed my luggage outside the door of my dorm room. I should have taken up Alex on his offer of helping me out instead of letting my ego get in the way.

I fished out the keys which the dorm coordinator had handed me on my way and turned it into the lock. As soon as the door opened, my eyes landed on Cherry who was sprawled on one of the two single beds. A girl was standing over her, glaring.

I sighed. Cherry must have done something to piss her off.

??Hi,?? I greeted, politely, walking in, tugging along my luggage, ??I am Juliet, your roommate.??

??Is she yours??? she asked, pointing a finger at Cherry.

I wish I had the choice to say no.

??Um, yeah, she is my sister,?? I replied, cautiously.

??Okay, so, she very rudely barged in and crashed on my bed, yelling ??I call dibs!????

Uh oh.

??I am so sorry, can you??um, maybe you can take the other bed??? I asked her.

She folded her arms across her chest, ??No.??

??Why??? I frowned. It??s not like the beds were personalized or something??both were same.

??Because,?? she started, ??I called dibs on this one, first.??

??Oh,?? was all that Came out of my mouth.

Why did I have a feeling that my roommate was another Cherry?

After much struggle, and enduring a lot of kicks and slaps from a sleepy Cherry, I was able to drag her to my bed.

??What??s your name, by the way??? I asked my roommate, after pushing my luggage under the bed.

??Winter,?? she replied, plopping down on her bed, ??just so we are clear from the beginning,?? she raised her hand, ??first things first, never disturb my sleep,?? she began counting on her finger, ??never mess with my food, never touch my personal belongings without prior permission, never disturb me while I study, keep the dorm keys on you all the time because I may or may not help you in the time of need, keep your flings and boyfriends out of this dorm, and last but not the least, never ever interfere in my matters. I hate nosy people.??

My mouth was wide open by the time she was done. I gulped, ??Everything is cool, but I may or may not follow the last one. Fair warning: I am the nosiest girl on this earth.??

??No!?? she snapped, ??the last one is important to me. Keep your nose out of my business, at all times.??

I shrugged, lying down beside Cherry, switching off the night lamp, ??I am not making any promises.?? I smiled in the dark, imagining the expression on Winter??s face. Oh, I am evil, I know.


I groaned in my sleep, when heard loud knocks on my door. I opened half of my left eye and checked the time. It was fricking 4 am. What the heck?!

I turned around to see Cherry sleeping soundly, and on the other side, Winter had her ear stuffed with cotton buds. Wow! That girl was something else??

Was I the only one who could hear the incessant knocking on the door? The curse of not being too deep in sleep??

I rubbed my eyes and walked to the door, opening it in half-sleepy state. I let out a shriek when I saw the person standing in front of me. But, my shriek was muffled by the person??s hand on my mouth.

My eyes widened and bit into his palm. He immediately retracted his hand, cursing under his breath.

What the fricking hell was Cam doing in my dorm room at 4am?

??Look, I will say this only once,?? he whispered harshly, ??keep your mouth shut.??


My sentence was cut off, when he procured a knife from somewhere in his pocket and flashed it in front of my eyes. ??I mean it. Shut the hell up,?? he bit out, coldly.

I swallowed, backing away from him. What.The.Actual.Hell.Was.This.Guy.Up.To?

I watched quietly, anxiously as he made his way over to Winter??s bed. Oh my-

My fear turned into confusion when he bent down to pull out her luggage from under the bed.

??Ew,?? I couldn??t keep myself from exclaiming, ??what the hell are you looking for, in a girl??s suitcase? What kind of guy-??

I was cut off mid-sentence when he turned to glare at me, pointing his knife at me, gesturing for me to stay quiet. I nodded, feeling all colors draining from my face. After that, I watched him, throw out all of Winter??s clothes and stuff from her suitcase, as he searched for something.

What did this guy want? And, what was I even supposed to do in a situation like this? He could slice my throat in one stroke, before I could even yell, ??help.??

Wait, what the heck? Why did he knock on the door, if he wanted to do his work quietly? Did he come prepared to terrorize any poor girl (in this case, me) with that fricking knife?

God, what kind of guy was he? And, did his friends even know? Or were they like him too? Maybe-

My thoughts were cut off when I noticed something shiny peeking from the back pocket of his jeans, where his t-shirt had rode up.

I took a closer look at the shiny object and almost had a heart attack.

Oh.my.god. That was a gun! A fricking gun!

I think I shattered the walls with the inhuman scream I let out after that.

A/N: As you know, I had to write this chapter again :( and, doing this kind of thing twice, takes the enthusiasm out of it. So, it was really hard for me to write again. Anyway, I hope you liked it! Vote, comment and share if you did :)

On another note, I am giving my laptop to the service center for four to five days. So, I am not very sure about my further updates, till then??I will update if I manage to write on my phone.

And, I have added the aesthetic for Winter in the aesthetics section, if you want to check out:)

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