??The coast is clear,?? I whispered to myself, looking to my left and right, as I made my way out of the lecture hall to the corridors.
This was what had been going on for me, on my first day of college. I had been successful in dodging Cam this morning because Blake showed me some secret route out of the canteen. But, he also warned me that Cam was not the type of guy to attack directly, he would attack when I least expected it.
I had gaped at him and asked that why would Cam attack me? He could just simply take his gun and get lost. Blake had no answer to this but; he assured me that he would protect me from Cam with his life. I had rolled my eyes at this.
After that, Blake tried to get me to exchange my real gun- I mean, Cam??s real gun, with his own toy gun. I refused outright, because something told me that Blake plus a real gun was not a good combination. And, I planned on giving that stupid gun to the university authorities, anyway.
??Such a waste,?? Blake had said, ??you can simply hand it over to me. I promise, I will keep it safe and not give it back to Cam.??
??It??s not some pew pew gun that I can entrust you with,?? I had replied.
He took offense at ??pew pew gun?? and started feigning hurt. Thankfully, I had the experience of dealing with Cherry, so I didn??t give in to his theatrics. Finally, he gave up and also, revealed that he was actually taking the course in theatre of performing arts.
That suits him so well, to be honest. Even though, I had known him for only one day, I could tell he was the goofy, carefree and dramatic kind of guy.
Blake also told me that I should be safe from Cam in the Campus since; Cam was in the business administration department. The classes for that course were held in a different wing.
As for me, I had not chosen an elective. They were offering the option of choosing the final electives by the end of second semester and I was honestly glad for that, because, I was the most indecisive person on this planet.
??Girl, have you met me??? a voice broke my thoughts, and I looked up to see Millie walking beside me.
I groaned, ??Did I say that out loud???
She smiled, shaking her head, ??Don??t worry. It appeared like you were murmuring to yourself.??
??I have issues of rambling and ranting, and I seriously need to work on them,?? I sighed.
??It??s cute though,?? she assured me, ??anyway, I was saying, I haven??t chosen my elective either. So, that makes two of us, huh???
??Oh, that means, we must have most of the lectures together,?? I mused, ??what do you have next???
??Great!?? I exclaimed, ??I have English too! Thank God, I will have some company,??
??Of course,?? Millie laughed, ??you didn??t have to worry about English anyway, because it??s a compulsory elective for everyone. All my friends will be there.??
I stopped in my tracks. ??Does that mean, Cam will be there too???
She pursed her lips at the mention of Cam. ??I don??t think so. He hasn??t attended any one of his classes since morning. I don??t even know where he has been.??
Well, he was terrorizing me and Winter at four in the morning, after that??I don??t know either.
??Why is he like this? Missing classes??? I asked her, resuming my walk.
She let out a heavy sigh, ??I wish I knew. He didn??t want to get enrolled in college. We did it forcefully. And, now, he is giving us a hard time, as you can see.??
??Have you guys tried talking to his parents???
??Well, we tried to??but, Cam wouldn??t let us,?? she replied, gloomily, ??we even barged into his house several times but his parents were out for business, every single time.??
??That??s normal actually,?? Millie replied, as if reading my mind, ??his parents own some big business, and most of the time they are out of town for work. I have seen it like that for as long as I have known Cam.??
We had almost reached the lecture hall. I stopped outside the hall and turned to face Millie.
??Um???? I started nervously, looking around, ??I have something to tell you. This morning-??
My sentence was cut off when my eyes landed on Cam, making his way towards us, his face blank and his gaze wandering. Definitely looking for me, or should I say the gun.
My breath hitched in my throat when his eyes stopped on me, and he inhaled, his nostrils flaring.
Crap! Crap! Crap!
Millie waved a hand in front of me, ??Hello? Are you still here???
I wanted to run, but my feet refused to obey for some reason.
Face it, Juliet, face it. You did nothing wrong. He could have used that shut your big mouth forever.
??Damn, Juliet!?? Millie exclaimed, ??You don??t look so good. Are you okay???
By this time, Cam had reached us. He stood beside Millie, and folded his arms across his chest.
??Hi,?? I breathed, taking a few steps back, ??I mean b-bye.??
Millie looked between us in confusion, while Cam shot me a vicious glare.
??Where is it??? he asked monotonously.
??Where is what??? Millie reiterated, in bewilderment.
I chuckled nervously, ??Oreos! He wants more oreos.??
Millie??s mouth dropped open, while Cam looked like he wanted to bang his head against the wall.
He took a step forward. ??Look,?? he started smoothly, ??I really don??t want to deal with you right now, or in future. Just give it back to me and we are good.??
I met his eyes, willing my voice to be steady. ??Did you really think that I will carry it around with me in the Campus???
If he thought no, then, he was a fool, because, I am Juliet, and I am the dumbest of dumb, and yes, I was carrying the gun with me in the Campus, indeed.
Cam??s eyes flickered with uncertainty. ??It can be a possibility. It??s you, after all.??
Okay, dude was not a fool.
I laughed, hoping he couldn??t sense my nervousness. ??I tossed it in the dustbin, on my way here.??
Millie gasped, ??You just tossed away oreos like that???
Uh oh, poor girl. She had no idea.
??You are lying,?? Cam stated, bluntly.
??No, I am not!?? I replied, frustratingly, ??Check my pockets, if you don??t believe me!?? at least my pockets were safe.
Wait! Wouldn??t it be inappropriate for him to be checking my pockets like that?
??Cam would never!?? Millie exclaimed suddenly.
I looked at her in question.
??I mean, Cam would never touch a girl like that,?? she explained, then turned to face Cam, ??right, Cam???
I looked at Cam, and detected doubtfulness on his face. He fisted his hands, and if his expression was anything to go by, he was torn.
Millie smiled proudly, ??I am glad to see that some things have not changed. I remember how hard it was to convince you for that awful plan of seducing Madison, Cam. Remember, what you said that day???
Cam bit his lip, looking like he didn??t want to remember anything.
??You said and I quote, ??it??s wrong at so many levels.?? You also said that it was against your morals to lead on any girl like that,?? Millie supplied, while Cam remained quiet.
Did Cam??did he really? Cam and morals? What about Cam and guns, then?
??I don??t need a reminder of that, please. That time is over and I have no interest in recalling it,?? Cam suddenly said, then, turned to glare at me, ??and you,??
??Me??? I backed away again, then, realized what Millie had said and my lips slowly turned up into a smirk, ??come on, dude, you are free to check my pockets. Do it, I dare you.??
From the way his hands were fisted, I was sure he wasn??t going to budge from his position anytime soon.
??Fine,?? he finally said, ??I can at least check your bag,?? he said, advancing towards me.
What did he say?
I didn??t even realize what was happening until he had snatched my bag from me, and was halfway through unzipping it.
Double crap!
Without thinking I grabbed my bag from his hands and dashed away in the opposite direction.
But, I think luck and I can never go hand in hand.
It all happened in slow motion??I bumped into an old man on my way, and the bag fell from my hands, and the gun dropped out of it, landing on the floor with a clink.
I looked up to see the face of the old man in horror, and Came to the realization that I was looking right at the astounded face of the university Dean.
A/N: Do you guys remember the old Cam and his ??morals??? And that awful seduction plan? XDXD what I remember of that is, that Madison was the one who started seducing him, instead of the other way round. Not that our Cam was seduced??he was just too polite to snap at her lol. I hope you liked the chapter! Vote and comment if you did!