Chapter two
My eyes flew open and I immediately close it back the light was blinding and I had the most painful headache I have ever felt.
I reopened my eyes slowly. I sat up on the bed and rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep in my eyes. I held my head as that small amount of movement cause my painful headache to become more painful.
It was as if something was forcing itself through my head. I closed my head and began to massage my temple hoping it would make me feel better.
Maybe it was just a hangover after all I have a weak alcohol tolerance most werewolf has a high tolerance but I haven’t gotten my wolf yet. A normal werewolf wolf shows up at the beginning of puberty. it begins with a voice in your head that is not your own and soon after you transform into your wolf for the first time. My brother says I'm just a slow shifter.
I got from off my bed and held my head. I made my way to the door and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the cabinet to look for some pain killer. In the back, I finally found some. I took the pain killer and made my way downstairs. It seems like my brother wasn’t down yet.
I know you guys are thinking why I’m not crying after all my mate rejected me. Truthfully I expected I'm nothing special I’m not attractive, I’m not outgoing, I’m just me.
I don’t have my wolf so the pain is not as strong. Rejection has known to kill many werewolves. they either kill themselves because of extreme sadness or just the pain of losing your other half kills them.
It was the first time I was happy that I was different from the rest of my pack.
I made something to eat and a cup of coffee hoping it would make my headache better but it didn’t it end up getting worst.
After eating and cleaning up I made my way to the living room my headache was getting worst and I didn’t know what to do. laid down on the couch on my side holding my head and rocking side to side.
“are you okay?” I looked behind me to see my brother.
“my head ,” was all I could say I clenched my hand as my head began to feel like something was ripping itself out of my head.
“ tell me exactly how it feels,” my brother said this time right in front of me.
I opened my eyes not even noticing I closed it in the first place.
“it’s like something forcing itself out of my head,” I said as fast as I could.
“I know what can help,” he said sounding relief.
“Open your mind,” he said.
“What does that even mean?” I asked snapping at him.
“let whatever forcing itself out. Don’t fight back just clear your mind,” he said gently even though I snapped at him.
I did what he said. I opened my mind and tried to stop thinking. I didn’t fight anymore instead I embarrassed it instead.
My headache slowly begins to fade but the pain in my chess increased I felt completely heartbroken. By letting in those presents made my rejection all real. I was fighting my tears. I couldn’t make my brother see me cry. I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me I didn’t need any more pity.
“I’m feeling better I’m going to my room now,” I said getting up fast and running back to my room.
I slammed the door shut and allow all the tears out. I wanted to cry I wanted to scream I wanted to die. I had no purpose living anymore. The one person that should accept me turned me away I was nothing to him. I rolled up into a ball and I allow all my sorrows to come through me. It was a darkness I have never felt before I always saw myself as a strong person until now. I wanted the pain to end I wanted someone to love me. Why me?
All of a sudden, I heard a voice in my head.
“you’re not alone,” the voice said.
I looked around expecting to see someone behind me but no one I was the only person in the room.
"Hi, I'm Jenny," the voice said again.
I started to freak out. I am going to die! There is a person inside my head! No, the rejection messed up my head so much I’m begging to hear voices!
I whipped my face and opened my door.
“Help me!” I shouted downstairs.
My brother ran upstairs as fast as he could while I was having my outburst.
"Hey, what's wrong?" my brother asked looking worried.
"I just heard a voice in my head," I said pacing around the room.
"What kind of voice?" he asked.
"It's a girl and she said her name is jenny. I can't believe I have someone inside my head," I told him still freaking out.
"You're really stupid you know that? You're finally getting your wolf and you're freaking out!" he said face-palming himself.
What did you say? I asked shocked
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m finally going to have my wolf,” I said.
The celebration was short-lived when I realized what that meant. The rejection would only be getting worst.
Then all my miserable feeling from earlier came back. My mate rejected me.
"Yes, our mate Rejected us, " my wolf Jenny said.
I was just about to freak out again but I remember my brother said it was only my wolf. Tears fell down my eyes as they struck me again. My brother quickly ran to me and squeezed me into a hug.
"What's wrong baby sis?" he said worry lacing through his voice.
"Did you find your mate?" he asked gently, almost as if he would break me.
How did he know? how did he know just like that who told him?
"Who is he?"
"Did he reject you?" he questioned me.
As my brother said those words I started crying even more. My mate didn't want me and to make the matters worse, we are going to move into the packhouse tomorrow so I'm going to see him almost every day.
"Yes, I found my mate and he rejected me," I said with a broken voice.
I couldn’t hide it anymore I had no fight left in me I was just tired. Tears flow down my eyes like a river.
My brother hugged me tighter and said “everything going to be alright. He doesn't know what he has yet. "
Shortly after my brother left to get something to eat I was sitting in my room. Now that is when I felt it.
Pain erupted from the center of my belly and it flowed through me. I held my belly crying. I wanted this pain to stop but it was only worst now. I began scratching my stomach trying to get rid of the pain once more.
I heard as some dished fell but I was in so much pain I couldn’t look up. I started to scratch at my stomach more harshly but my brother only tried to hold my hand But I needed to scratch real badly then as fast as it came it went away.
I stopped scratching and opened my eyes.
My brother's worried face disappears as he realized I was okay again.
He got up in anger a punched a huge hole in the wall.
“That bastard had the heart to sleep with someone else on top of rejecting his mate he’s trying to kill you to . “ my brother said he was so angry his wolf began coming out. I could see his nails turning to claws.
“who is he?”, my brother asked I couldn’t tell him.
“Tell me now!” he shouted and jumped back a little I have never seen him so angry before
“My mate is Drake the next in line for an alpha,”