Have you ever felt depressed, abandon, unloved, and like no one cares?that's Sunny's life. the only thing that keeps her...
Chapter one
Chapter one
I could see the light shining from behind my eyelids and it was so annoying. I opened my eyes slowly. The light shinned from behind my thin white curtains. Why did I think it was a good idea to put up white curtains? I pulled my sheet over my eyes trying to enjoy as much sleep as I could.
Bam! Bam! I heard knocking on my door.
“Go away!” I shouted from my comfortable bed.
“Get your lazy ass out of bed,” my brother shouted from the other side of the door.
“It’s a Saturday, I don’t need to wake up early and it’s only...” I stopped what I was saying and looked over at the clock beside my bed.
It was already ten in the morning wow I thought it was earlier.
I could hear my brother’s laughter from behind the door.
“Enjoy yourself,” I Shouted back getting out of bed.
I walked over to the door with a frown on my face the whole time.
I opened my door harshly.
I was greeted with a huge smile from my brother. I couldn’t stop myself from joining in with his good mood.
He pulled me in for a hug
I pushed him away from me confused.
“What’s up with you this morning,” I asked my brother suspiciously.
“Today is a special day that’s why I’m happy,” my brother said.
“How is today special?” I asked still confused
“Wow you’re the only person I know would forget their own birthday.” my brother said still smiling.
I could never forget my birthday, I thought as I hassle back inside my room.
I looked on my calendar on my phone it was November 2nd I really forgot my own birthday especially an important birthday Like today.
Let’s hold up a little let me introduce myself.
Hey, my name is Sunny Moon and I am 16 years old. My life is not as normal as most girls my age. I'm a werewolf. Today is my birthday and I might be finding my mate. I'm not that happy because I'm afraid he might reject me. I'm not that attractive.
I'm short, I'm only 5 feet 3 inches, I have long black hair, small hazel brown eyes, and small pink lips, I’m fat with medium size boobs, I have a big ass and my skin is caramel brown.
I smiled at my brother but my smile quickly dropped as my nervousness increased.
“Don’t work little sister, any man that doesn’t fall for you instantly is a complete idiot,” my brother said comforting me.
“Stay here,” he said with a smile while running away.
He came back quickly with a gift bag in his hand.
“Happy birthday,” he said handing me the bag.
I looked in the bag and pulled out a beautiful yellow and white dress. my eyes opened as I watched the beautiful dress in my hand.
“Thank you,” I said with so much joy. My brother's smile got larger and he slightly blushed.
“You’re welcome my little sister.” my brother said.
“You’re going to wear it tonight,” he said walking away.
“To where?” I asked.
“Your birthday party. Be ready for eight,” he said disappearing from my view.
My brother wasn’t home for most of the day. I did my own thing but I made sure to get ready for eight.
My makeup was simple a small amount of face powder, I did my brows and put on a nude lipstick that just made my lips look more full.
I put on the dress and it hugged me in all the right places. How could my brother know what exact size I wore.it didn’t matter I was just happy.
I heard a car horn and made myself downstairs. I looked through the window and noticed an unformulated car.
“Who was that?” I called out.
“I was told by your brother to pick you up and bring you to your destination,” the man said.
Normally a female would never go with a man like that but in our society not only do we have wolves that could fight we have strike laws against rape so females were more trusting.
I locked up the house and left with the man.
I was dropped at a large house. My face was shocked because of how grand the house was. I walked out of the car and into the house I was greeted by my brother again.
“happy birthday,” he said happily while hugging me tightly
I looked behind him and noticed my best friend.
What did I expect plenty of people will never come to my party? I was nothing.
"Hey girl," I said while walking over to my friend. I tried to clear my face from the unhappiness.
"Wow you look beautiful," my best friend said.
By the way, I only have one friend because most people think of me as a nerd, but only one person tried to know me and that is my best friend Affion. She is also short just like me she has long red hair, she is fat but she calls herself sexy.
Both of us are nerds so there are not many people that would want to be friends with us.
"You look good today, it's an improvement compared to how you normally look little sis," My brother said.
I have one brother who is older than me and one of the hottest boys at school. Every girl drools over him.
"Sunny did you hear the soon-to-be Alpha is coming to your party!?" my best friend, Affion asked.
"Really? Why would he come, I'm not even popular," I said filled with confusion.
"Your brother invited him," she said with a smile plastered on her face.
I looked at my brother, my eyes filled with joy and I hugged him.
"I love you so much. I thought I was only going to have three people at my party but thanks to you I have the whole school coming, I love you so much." I said with a huge smile on my face.
"It was nothing. I couldn't make my little sis spend her birthday with only two people, plus now it will be easier for you to find your mate," my brother said.
About five minutes after my brothers' friends arrived. When I say friends, I mean hundreds of people, yet the soon-to-be alpha wasn't here. About half an hour later I smelt the amazing scent of watermelon and fresh mangoes.
"Do you smell that," I asked Affion?
"Smell what?" Affion asked sniffing the air with me.
"Don't you smell that!" I asked again.
"Nope!" she said, popping the p.
I walked away from her into the crowd, though; I have no idea who they are.
I followed the scent until I saw a tall boy, with short black hair, that flaps right over his eyes, he had hard strong collar bones, his lips looked so plump and kissable, he was well built and you could see the outline of his abs through his tight black t-shirt. His long lean legs were hidden by loose-fitted black jeans. He was sniffing the air and then his eyes landed on me then he began to walk toward me.
I swallowed, Hard.
He stood a few centimeters away from me studying my appearance. I shifted from one foot to the other anxiously.
"What is your name?" he asked.
His voice so deep and dangerous, I felt something move in my body.
"Sunny Moon," I answered.
"So, you're Jake's little sister," he asked me looking at me from head to toe. I could feel my knees getting weak as his intense, brown eyes scan my body. I begin to feel more and more self-continuous.
"Yes, I am," I hesitantly replied.
"Okay so I am Drake, the soon-to-be alpha of this pack, and we are mates," he said, not looking too happy.
"Yes, w we aa arree, " I said stuttering.
He held my hand and I could feel sparks go through my body and I knew he felt it too because of the way his face changed into a surprised expression for just a second. He pulled his hands away from me and I whimpered at his reaction.
"Can I speak to you somewhere quiet and private?" he asked me.
I tried to read his face but there was nothing. I shook my head and lead him to an empty room. He entered and closed the door behind him.
At this point, I was beyond nervous. 'Please don't reject me' I begged in my head
"I’m so sorry,” he said with sadness clearly visible in his eyes but quickly hid the emotion
"What I'm going to say is for your own good, "he said.
I looked at him; my heart was already breaking before I knew when he was going to say. I just knew he wouldn’t want me I looked at him with my eyes fill with sadness as he continued. By the time I realized what he was going to say, it was too late.
"Sunny Moon I reject you as my mate"
I felt my whole heart shatter into millions of pieces. I couldn't stand it anymore. My knees fell weak and I fell on my bed with tears running down my face. My heart was clenching. I heard the door open and closed. I kept crying. Black spots soon started to appear and darkness consumed me. I fell into a deep sleep.