"JASPER, YOU CAN'T LOCK YOURSELF UP IN HERE FOREVER!" I pleaded Jasper to come out of the drop ship. Unfortunately, since the death of Wells he's been even more scared to leave. In fact, the death of Wells made everyone more stronger by training and creating a wall for our camp. Screw Grounders.
"Watch me." He retorted. I gave up in trying sitting back down on the floor Octavia came inside. She gave me a look if I took him out and I simply shake my head no, I heard Octavia's sigh before she picked Jasper out of his bed.
"Look, Jasper they all didn't drag your ass here just to be hiding. So, you're coming out with me whether you like it or not." Jasper was taken back by Octavia but he surprisingly did listen to her. Huh, interesting. He definitely likes Octavia no doubt. I closed my eyes relieved she managed to get him out.
After a few minutes to myself I follow Octavia and Jasper out of the camp. "Jasper, it's been a week, okay? You've been given a second chance. You gotta use it." My hands were behind Jaspers patting it.
"C'mon, you got this." I said to him. He shakily shook his head, stepping forward.
Suddenly Octavia was taken away. "Octavia? Octavia? Octavia! Octavia, are you okay?" Jasper screamed, I ran forward but it was too late when one of the campers grins at the sight of Octavia.
"Hey, jerk! Get the hell out of here." I relaxed that it was a stupid dumb joke. "Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid of." She tried to embrace her hands to his but Jasper falls. As soon as I help him I noticed two fingers cut off and a blade.
"Oh my God." I breathed. Taking a cloth out of my pocket, I used it to take the fingers that belonged to Wells and the blade. "Lets go."
Rushing past people, I see Bellamy talking to his guys but me being me I drag him from behind by his jacket. He startled, "Whoa, what's wrong sweetheart?" I heard a few whistles from behind him and I deathly glare at them, they all automatically walked away.
"Where is Clarke and Finn?" Was my first question, he quickly glances around before answering.
"Is that really what you dragged me for?" I rolled my eyes, showing him Wells fingers and the blade. His eyes widen by the Blade almost like he recognises it.
"You cant show it to Clarke or Finn." He warned, clutching the fingers. "Not to anyone." Creasing my forehead, I harshly snatched back the fingers, showing J.M on the knife.
"This has Murphy's initials on it. He killed him." I say in disbelief, It shouldn't be a surprise he did hate him. "The people have a right to know." I twirled around to go to Clarke and Finn, Bellamy moved in front of me.
"Get out of my way, Bellamy." I gritted.
"Isla, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved... the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders killed Wells is good for us."
"How long left until he kills another one of our people Bellamy?" I stared deeply into his brown eyes. "Our friends." I firmly let go of his grasp.
They were both in the tent with Octavia and Jasper. Clarke lowers her head seeing what I have in my hands, she breathes heavily trying to hold her tears. "It was one of our people that killed Wells, not the Grounders." I hold up the blade showing Murphy's initials. Bellamy comes inside standing behind me, it wasn't long until Clarke brushed past both of us to run to Murphy.
"You son of a bitch!" She yelled passionately.
"What's your problem?" He amusingly asked.
"Recognise this?" Clarke visibly shows his knife that she took off me.
Everybody stopped doing their work, fascinated by whats going on. "It's my knife. Where'd you find it?"
"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells." I shout stepping forward. Mutters and chattering erupts in the crowd.
"Where I what?" He laughed. "The Grounders killed Wells, not me." He looks at me viciously, God I hate him so much.
"I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it." I held my anger together saving it for a better time.
"Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" He walked to Bellamy hoping for some backup. Thankfully Bellamy takes our side.
"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells." Murphy gives me a disgusted look, from my toes to my head narrowing his eyes. Tension between us hasn't changed since the moment we met in the Ark, we will always hate each other.
"Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up." He paused, stepping closer to me even more. I'm not intimated by him and he should know that by now. A rustle from the background feeling a body behind me. "Just how people hated your old man." He took a step back grinning like he made the proudest comment. I wanted to kill him right there and then but I'm not a killer like him.
"Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him." Clarke pointing facts.
"Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either."
I angle my way when Octavia spoke. "Tried to kill Jasper, too." I mentally hug her for that point.
Murphy turns to the crowd, scoffing. "Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone."
Bellamy unfolded his arm. "Come again?" He spoke.
Murphy came closer to Bellamy lowering his voice. "Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this." I rolled my eyes by his lies. "Isla, you know me. I wouldn't do this I'm not a killer!"
"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife."
I furiously stood up for myself and others. "Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without... without punishment?" I rant to everyone, saying what is right.
Murphy fiercely past my shoulder, Bellamy catches me before I fall. "I already told you. I didn't kill anyone." He deathly glares at me. I refused to look scared. "I know we don't see eye to eye anymore but I'm telling the truth." He sounded desperate.
A part of me believed him because I knew he's not a killer, but he changed. God only knows what he's capable of.
"I say we float him." Someone yelled in the crowd. I frown by the idea and not be like my Dad. Others in the crowd agrees but I refuse to go by that way.
"This isn't the Ark. He should be punished but not the way we think." I argue.
"Why not? He deserves to float. It's justice." Connor at the front angrily spat.
"Revenge isn't justice." I shouted over people. "This makes us no different to the Ark."
Connor ignored me and began to chant. "Float him." The rest of the camp began to chant with Connor, I nervously swallowed not knowing what to do. The chanting grew louder, I nervously eyed Bellamy. We both exchange looks but he didn't seem as bothered as I am.
People began to stomp over Murphy forcing him to roll over the hill, kicking and punching him on the muddy falls. Panic rushes over me yelling to people to make them stop. "No! Get off him." Clarke panics, finally someone like me.
Me and Murphy do have some history good and bad but I can't watch him get 'floated' regardless of our history, this isn't the Ark.
I push people out the way trying to help Murphy but I was pulled back by Bellamy. "What the hell are you doing?" I scream at his face. "Make them stop Bellamy!" A group of guys tied him and pulled him to the tree with a rope around his neck.
"No.." I face back to Bellamy. "They'll listen to you," I begged. "You son of a bitch!" I forcefully yank him off me running to Murphy. Before I could get to Murphy I was picked up off the ground. "Get off me!" I yelled straining my voice.
I look up to see Murphy terrified by what is happening for once, I felt sorry. He begs Bellamy to stop and to listen to him that he didn't kill Wells. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, people began to chant Bellamys name. "Bellamy stop, this isn't you!" I tugged on his jacket close to my face.
"You don't know me at all." His voice was quieter.
"I thought I did," I cry at the sight of Bellamy kicking the table underneath Murphy. I gasped by Murphy hanging swinging everywhere trying to get some air.
I darted to Bellamy shoving him as I slapped his chest constantly. "You son of a bitch!" I wimped. "How could you?"
"This is on you sweetheart!" He screamed at my face, shoving me back making that word sound harsh and violent than he used to say. "You should've kept your mouth shut."
Finn jumped out of no where. "What the hell are you doing? Cut him down! " As everyones attentions on him, I snatched the axe of Bellamy's goon and cut him down. Murphy was gasping and catching for air. "Charlotte, get out of here now!" Charlotte scavenged her way into the crowd.
"Stop! Okay? Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did!" I stopped my tracks, stunned that Charlotte who I created a close bond killed Wells. I guess we really don't know each other.