"FINN..." I WHISPERED TIREDLY, I COULD FEEL HIS HANDS on mine as Clarke fix my leg. Who knew my first time swimming I'd end up like this?
"Hey, I'm right here. You wont get rid of me that easily." I breathlessly laugh at his response, I'm not going to die not yet.
"Okay Isla, Ive stitched up the mark and used some sort of clothes to put pressure on the bleeding. Can you walk?" I was lifted up by Monty and Finn. Although it was hard, I could still walk.
"Thank you." Octavia said, sitting by my side. "And, I'm sorry for I said about your dad." I express a tenderness smile to accept her apology, after all I did save her life. As we walked further down the river, we needed to go across the river but we cant not after what happened to me. Finn and Clarke use a vine to make across the river, I wasn't feeling going down there.
"If you want, you can go back to camp." Monty suggested to me. A part of me wanted me to leave but I cant leave Jasper and Monty.
"Not a chance." After that being said, Clarke tells Finn to go first. Before he does, he checks if the vine will holds his weight.
"Mount Weather awaits." Octavia announced.
Jasper gives a final piece of advice to Finn. "Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine."
"The apogee like the Indians, right?"
"Apogee, not apache." Jasper corrected, I couldn't help but snicker.
"Today, Finn." Clarke impatiently said. Finn checked the vine one last time but Jasper stops him before he could even leave. I was puzzled why he'd stop him.
"Let me. I can do it." My eyes widened by his confidence. I was proud of him, he sure has grown up.
"Knew there was a badass in there somewhere." Jasper cracked a laugh.
Due to my leg, I slowly walked towards Jasper holding his shoulder. "You can do this." showing my support for him. He clearly enjoyed this and was excited. Jasper tugs onto the vine grinning.
"Hey, it's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it." I captivate his words and him, Finn is a charmer. Jasper jumped over with the vine swinging to the other side exclaiming words.
He releases the vine a bit early hitting him self on the rock. My belly eruptted with panic but he stood up turning around screaming apogee. I cheered in excitement for him, that he managed to go there. He found a banner that said Mount Weather, we all cheered for Jasper.
"Your turn, princess." Finn handed the vine to Clarke, I cringed at that nickname but when Finn says it, it's okay I guess.
"Woo! Jasp-" I scream in agony when i saw Jasper fly to the tree with an arrow in him. I covered my mouth frozen crying to see my best friend like that. Finn tries to take me away but I refused trying to find a way back to him, but that failed when Finn picked me up from behind.
"Finn! Let me go!" I cried. "Jasper! Jasper!" I wailed, hoping he'll answer back.
Finn holds me down to the ground as we take cover. My breathing was uneasy, quivering and heaving I watch Jasper lifeless. "We're not alone." Clarke shakes.
Forcefully pushed away by Monty and Finn, we were forced to run. I couldn't run as well but Monty did help. Unfortunately, that took a turn and we both ended up falling. I back away as I saw skeletons around the floor. "Who are they?" Finn questioned.
Octavia helps us up when Clarke holds up a strange skull. "What are they?"
"We're so screwed." Octavia stated.
A loud echo rushed through the forest, from the same direction we left. "Jasper.." I said to myself. "He's still alive." I rushed back but Finn stopper me again but this time I'm ignoring him.
"Isla,wait. Wait! Wait. Stay out of the trees." He moved me down.
"He was right there." Octavia confusingly noticed.
"No..no, they took him." I trembled. Why would they take him? One of my best friend for the longest time just got taken away in seconds.
»»————- ————-««
"Wells!" I heard Clarke shout as we enter in camp. Monty kindly helped me back in camp with my leg. Bellamy runs to his sister as they both intertwine in a hug. The look on Bellamy's face when he saw my leg seemed worrying but he didn't even come and help me. "Let him go!" Clarke ordered. So he did, Murphy tried to get to him but Bellamy managed to hold him to prevent it.
"Enough!" I shouted letting my anger out of them. "Both of you grow a pair!" I sit down wincing at the slight pain I added from the fall.
"Where's the food?" Bellamy focuses. Doesn't care about Jaspers whereabouts or my damn leg.
Finn sits down before answering. "We didn't make it to Mount Weather."
"What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy retorts.
"Clearly attacked." I throw an obvious tone of voice to him.
"Attacked? By what?" Wells asked, concerned.
"Not what. Who. Turns out the when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder." Clarke informed everyone. Im still pretty bummed by the fact no one asked about Jasper yet.
"It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us." I tried standing but Monty sits me back down on the log.
"Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will." Finn points out.
Wells looks around us, noticing something wrong. "Where's the kid with the goggles?"
"Jasper was hit and taken." I clenched my teeth together. Panic was filled around the camp, I even glimpsed at Bellamy even he was worried. I look at Wells wrist, then back at Bellamy he swiftly shakes his head making sure I don't say anything.
"Where is your wristband?" Clarke beat me to it anyway.
Wells jaw clenched before he answered. "Ask him." He glares at Bellamy.
"How many?" I furiously asked.
"Twenty-four and counting." Murphy came in chirping. If I didn't hurt my leg I would beat the living life out of him.
"You idiots. Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!" I nod, agreeing with Clarke.
"Jasper is already gone! We were all attacked. It's not a matter if we want the Ark or not. We need them." I joined. However Bellamy broke through defending himself.
"We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good." I stood up not caring about my leg when he used the word privileged. I push Bellamy's chest but it didn't do much good as he barely moved.
"Privileged? You don't know a damn thing about privilege. According to my own father I'm a criminal, he was willing to float me just like he floated my mother. You don't know anything about me." At this point I was feeling emotional but I managed to hide the tears. I cant stand this guy. I kept my gaze steadily at his, as he kept heaving.
He didn't take into an account of what I said. Bellamy takes fewer steps closer to me, I don't know what he is trying to prove. I'm not scared nor am I intimated by him. "We can take care of ourselves" He shouted, brushing my shoulder on my side.
"That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" A bunch of cheers and shouts like he's some sort of king.
I groan in disgust by him.
Monty asked a question. "What do we do now?"
"Now, we go after Jasper." I said ready to leave but I was stopped by Finn as he softly held my torso.
"Not you. You're hurt." I huffed at his comment.
"No. I can take care of myself." I yanked his hands off me.
"I know how much you care for Jasper, but you will slow us down with that leg." I cant help but to listen. He's right and I'm just going to slow everyone down. I know Finn is trying to help but he can be ass at some times.
"Fine." I gave up. "Please find him." I said lastly before he went off with Clarke. I saw Bellamy packing his stuff.
The fact that Bellamy Blake is helping took a turn, his eyes caught to mine for a quarter of second before I turned away. Looking back, the smirk grew on his face but fury grew on mine.
They better bring him back.