Isla Kane
IM PRETTY HAPPY TO SAY THAT IVE SPENT A LOT OF TIME jumping and dancing around with Jasper and his silly googles he wears. I haven't felt this alive for a good ass time, it didn't occur to me that i stumbled over a girl around the same height and age as me. "Oops!" I laughed like some sort of child, she's the blonde chick that told the space walker to sit back down. "Sorry.." I waited for her name.
"Clarke." I nod shaking her hand politely.
"Isla." I introduced, I've noticed Clarke wasn't as happy as others. "Why are you so serious? If you don't mind me asking?" She shows me a map pointing the mountain.
"Do you see that peak over there?" I mumbled a yes. "Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." Space walker walks towards us eyeing Clarke mainly.
I hate how his face is so familiar, like I've seen him from somewhere.
"What's wrong, princess?" I snort at the horrendous nickname he gave her. "Whats so funny?" He glared at me angrily.
"You." He clearly looked offended, but I laughed it off focusing back to the main issue. Mount Weather.
Wells joined in so did Octavia and her brother. I didn't need an introduction from none of them, pretty much everyone knows Wells and I mean not in a good way and Octavia, Bellamy is just her older brother.
"We got problems. The communications system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires." I faced Wells, plastering a warm welcoming smile. I feel like everyone hates him for no apparent reason other than being the son of the Chancellor. I get that too from my father.
"We're on the ground." I rolled my eyes at him, is he stupid? "That not good enough for you?"
I took a deep breath, before defending Wells.
"Unless you want to die out here with nothing be my guest." I say to Bellamy.
Bellamy was amused by my remark, he lifted a slight smirk from his face. However his sister clearly didn't like it as she stepped in front of him. "Hey! Be careful who you are talking to."
"Oh, I am." I confidently barked. Octavia took a step closer but Bellamy stops her grasping onto her arm.
Bellamy spoke up to me, Wells and Clarke. "I got a better idea. You three go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." I scoffed by his comment, that word privilege is far from who I am.
"Have you got something to say?" He bowed down to me.
A lot of things actually, If he really thought we are going to do the hard work and let him do nothing then he has lost his mind.
"Yeah, I do actually."
Everyone was quiet, eager to hear more.
"We are all going to go." I told him but also the rest of the hundred who was listening to our conversation. The fury in Bellamy's eyes, we both know we are not going to get along like I do with Jasper and Monty.
"Well If it isn't little miss sunshine here." A voice I thought I'd never hear again. The voice came behind Bellamy. "Isla Kane. Who would've thought?"
It can't be.
Lets just say me and Murphy had some history in the Ark and to make it short, we both hate each other. As soon as he told everyone I'm Kane's daughter echo's of voices rushed through my ears. This is why me and Wells get along so well, we have parents that everyone despises. I flash an eye at Bellamy the look on his face was way worse than it was before.
"Isla Kane." I twirl my body and see the space walker. "I knew I recognised you!"
Oh! Finn Collins how stupid can I be? "Finn!" I ran to hug him. "Your hair.. you grew it out thats why I barely recognised you." I gasped in surprise.
"So did you." He playfully played my hair.
I chuckled slightly before apologising. "Sorry for being a dick to you."
"It's alright."
Murphy came closer towards me and Finn, though his arms were around me it didn't stop Murphy from commenting. "Did you and Daddy get into fight?" Murphy sneered just as I was about to attack.
"Isla is right, we all have to go." Clarke started to prevent an outbreak.
"Who is we?" Murphy snorted.
"How long do you think we will survive here without any supplies? We're looking at a twenty mile trek, so if you want to get there before dark we need to leave now." Clarke spoke up.
"She's right." Wells supported, Murphy pushed Wells, hitting him on the knees. I flinch at the sight of him. I hope wells stands up and tries to beat his ugly ass.
Come on Wells. He stood up ready to fight even though his knee is clearly injured as he was about to take the first punch, Finn comes to the middle to stop.
"Kids got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?" Murphy didn't say a word so he left, I smile at Finn proud that he still has that charm in him.
I stood beside him and I felt eyes burning on my side, it was Clarke but I didn't think twice of it. Finn took a glance of Clarke, I smile letting him go as I walked to Monty and Jasper. Both talking about idiotic nerd things but I know everyone around us is feeling tensed after Murphy blurted his big mouth that I'm the daughter of Kane.
Without thirty seconds in Monty and Jasper was dragged by Finn, "Four of us." I was confused but then I realised it was Mount Weather.
"They are not leaving me." I told Finn.
"Sounds like a party." Octavia joins in.
Clarke creased her forehead as she looked at Finns wrist closely, "Hey, were you trying to take this off?"
Finn touched the surface of his wrist. "Yeah. So?"
Clarke groaned. "So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." I slant my eye to Bellamy as his expression changes, causing me to become suspicious of him. I took a peep of his wristband and it wasn't there.
"Should I care?" Finn carelessly says.
"Finn, you should. This gives us a chance to live on the ground and for the people in the Ark to know we're still alive." I assure him. A simple okay came out of his mouth.
I shift my focus to Bellamy. Theres something going on with him that I want to know. He noticed me staring so he stopped his tracks walking closer towards me. "Can I help you, Kane?" He emphasised my last name.
"Yeah, you can. I want to know what you did in the Ark to make you so interested in these damn bracelets. I saw you back there, you don't want the Ark to know we're alive." I questioned, folding my arms. This caught his attention.
"Didn't think it was your concern." He defensively responded. Loving the reaction, I smirked.
"What did you do?"
He looked around his surrounding. "Did you kill the big boss upstairs or something?" I joke, but Bellamy shot his eyes down me in surprise. I can read people and a flush of panic was written on his face. My lips parted in shock and my eyes widened understanding. "You did.." I breathed.
I referred the big boss as the chancellor.
"You don't know anything!" He hissed, coming closer.
"Really? Why are you whispering then?" I raise my right eyebrow at him. His lip trembled, I've defeated him, chuckling I walked away but his grasp on my forearm stopped me from leaving.
"I had to." Examining his eyes, he was desperate.
"Isla? You coming?" Finn shouts from the other side. I harshly let go of Bellamy's grasp leaving him behind. Turning around to take one last look at him, his eyes didn't leave mine.