A LOUD INFANT SCREAM WAILED FROM OUTSIDE the camp. "Charlotte." I paniced, waking up Bellamy. "Wake up! Charlotte just screamed!" After a few blinks Bellamy darted out to see Charlotte flabbergasted by the sight of Atom burned skin, struggling to breathe.
"Oh my God.." I walked further to him, kneeling down.
"Isla," Bellamy warns. It looked like Atom was trying to say something but the closer I got I heard a brief of it.
"Kill..me." As much as I wanted to save him I couldn't, there's no way I could be able to do it. Even Clarke thought the same. Charlotte took the knife Bellamy gave her to Bellamy.
"Don't be afraid." She said, as Bellamy took the knife.
"Go back to camp." He beckoned to Charlotte. She did what he told, Bellamy kneels down next to me. I gently collided me and Atoms hands together, he began to choke.
"Kill... me. Bell...a...my... pl...ea..se." His restrained voice killed me inside. Bellamy was hesitant to take his life, I brushed my hand on his taking the life off of him. He didn't oblige. I let a tear fall down when I place the knife near his neck, as I was about to go in Bellamy holds my hand. He nods and within seconds the blade went in and out releasing blood everyone.
I begin humming a lullaby my mother used to sing me to bed as I stroke his hair. I bit my bottom lip when the choking began to stop and he was finally gone. Clarke came in with Wells and Finn as soon it was over.
"We heard screams."
"Charlotte found him. I sent her back to camp." Bellamy notified, clearing his throat. I can't believe, I actually killed him. Or at least we did. I view Bellamy with a blur vision and mentally thank him that he helped me kill his own friend.
»»————- ————-«
We all made it back to the drop ship. I've got a banging headache and all the noise is already irritating me. Clarke seems to know what she's got and to help Jasper and I felt more at ease by it.
"We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine." I followed Clarke and Finn to Jasper to help.
"Get Clarke whatever she needs." Bellamy told to the camp, I thought he'd go back into his old ways but he was really helping.
Octavia was relieved once she saw me. "It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper." My heart stopped as she said that. Bellamy was with me so he couldn't kill him unless it was that prick of dick Murphy.
Octavia moved to Clarke and Finn. "Did you get the medicine?" They both nod and ran to the drop ship where Jasper was at. Before I follow, I hugged Octavia. Her stiff movement hesitated but she eventually gave in. This is my way of apologising for everything but most importantly Atom. I knew how close they were.
"I'm sorry.." I shakily whispered to her, her face drops when she sees a body. She rushes to see who it was but Bellamy stops her.
"Oct-Octavia, please." Bellamy tried to push her away, Octavia managed to see Atom. She took the coat off of him and gasped at the sight of him.
"There's nothing I could do." Bellamy defended.
"Don't." She showed her hands, placing the coat back to its position. A deathly glare was sent to me even though we didn't want it to happen. As Octavia cried, she stood there and left before it got too much. Bellamy tried to explain but she wasn't having it.
"Did we lose anyone here?" Bellamy asked.
The devil in disguise known as Murphy replied, "No."
"Still breathing." The way he said it pissed me off like he wants him dead. The nerve to say it like that in front of me. "Barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister..." I lashed out my anger on him as my fist connected into him causing him to fall on the floor. I wasn't done there, I could feel sharp pain on my leg as I kneeled down continuously punching him like the punching bag I had on the Ark.
I felt a pair of arms picking me up by my torso away from Murphy. "Say that again! I dare you!" I screeched at him trying to reach his face.
"Okay Isla. Calm down." Bellamy grasped both of my forearms. He flashed back at Murphy, once he let me go he shoved Murphy against a tree.
"Talk about my sister like that one more time. You'll get a lot more what you just got." Murphy expressed a frightened look. He viciously let go of Murphy leaving him behind, I felt my mouth forming into a smirk knowing that Murphy is scared of Bellamy.
My body flinched when I felt the wind of Murphy's knife pass by me. I wanted to slap that smirk he had on his face, I've never met someone that I hated so much until I met Murphy. Of course I wanted to retaliate by throwing a couple of punches but he's not worth my energy anymore, no matter what he'll just be worse.
Hours later drinking some some sort of substance with Octavia, Finn and Monty. "Rank." I squinted, passing it to Finn.
"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" I gasped at Jasper, widening my face seeing him alive and in stereo.
"Jasper, thank God." I gently hugged him.
"Let's start with the soft stuff." Monty commented as Finn helped Jasper drink some water.
"Welcome back, buddy." I held on Jaspers hand tight not wanting him to leave again.
"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" I released a soft laugh, thanking God he kept his humour.
Clarke entered, relieved that he's alive. "You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." She came closer.
"My savior."
"Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today."
"I don't think any of us could." I jumped in.
"I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool." He tiredly lets out. "Oh, hello." He lastly said before drifting off to sleep. I kiss him on the forehead goodnight, ready to sleep knowing that I get to sleep that Jaspers fine.