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Chapter 7: Not an Obsession, Just a Liking

"You seem to have an obsession with chips," Alex observes as the diner lady piles more fries onto my plate.

"Salt and vinegar chips," I correct, moving along to the fridge.

Alex rolls his brown eyes, "Salt and vinegar chips then."

"And I wouldn't call it an obsession, just a liking of them," I say grabbing a bottle of water.

Alex leans over me to retrieve some juice whilst shooting me a sceptical look. "Of course."

"I am glad you can understand," I tease finally getting to the cashier, “Besides it’s all about balance. Look,” I shake the bottle of water in my hand, “Balance.”

"I wouldn't go that far," he mutters.

I feel completely out of place when Alex guides me to his table. I don't sit here. I never have. Liam is already sitting with Spencer, both obviously laughing about something. They look up as I near the table with Alex.

"Do you have an obsession with chips or something?" Liam questions with a wicked grin.

"Salt and vinegar chips," Alex corrects him, "And it's a liking not an obsession. Don't make the mistake I did." He slumps into the seat next to Spencer lazily and I stand there for a second, not knowing what to do.

"Well are you going to sit down? Or is eating whilst standing up your thing?" Liam jokes, then he kicks out the seat beside him. Heat rises into my cheeks as I sit in it and awkwardly and shuffle it closer to the table. Liam begins to move his hands towards my chips but then retracts it after a moment of thought, "Not after what happened to Alex," he chuckles.

"Wise choice," I reply before I start eating my lunch.

After a while I start to miss my best friend, "Has anyone seen Hannah?" I question. Sneakily I snatch a glance at Liam's reaction but nothing. He doesn't even flinch at her name. Oh wait. I smile as I see his hand tighten ever so slightly on his fork.

"Not since break," Liam says smoothly.

I look around and spot her entering the canteen. She makes her way to the food stand and collects what I think is chicken Caesar salad then carries on to the cashier.

"There she is," Spencer nods in her direction.

"Hannah," I call as I spy her looking round for me. Her head flips round to face me, and I gesture for her to join us. When she joins us, I slyly move over to allow her to sit next to Liam. For no reason of course. She slips into her seat and carefully places her salad down.

"So, Rowan, what's your story?" Liam asks resting his chin on his palm like he is ready to hear a great tale.

"You're such a moron," Alex chuckles.

"Shh," Liam scolds, resting his chin on his palm, "I'm trying to listen." He looks at me expectantly and widens his eyes.

"I haven't got a story."

"Come on everyone has a story."

"Not me.” I respond, “I've lived a normal life. I have a mum and dad, an older brother who is in university and that's it," I shrug and eat another chip. “Not even a pet.”

"Wow. You're right.” He says, “You really don't have a story. Not even a pet to salvage it."

I laugh at his remark and stab another chip.

"Feel free to shut up at any time," Spencer jokes to Liam.

"And deny these lovely people the sound of my voice?"

"Don't feel you must strain yourself for us," I tease.

Alex looks up momentarily from his phone and mumbles an agreement. A great input to the conversation.

"So, what have you got next?" Spencer asks creating small talk.

"History,” I reply promptly.

"I'd probably fail that," Liam jokes, “I can only manage to kick a ball round the field and I’m only so good at that.”

“It’s alright Liam, you make up for it by failing your other two A Levels,” Spencer teases earning himself a punch from his friend.

“It’s fine,” Liam says, “I have found Hannah who is even more clever than you Spence, there is going to be a Doctor amongst this table in a few years.”

I watch a Hannah’s cheeks tinge pink as she mumbles something about Liam exaggerating.

Alex doesn't even bother to look up from his phone when he mutters in agreement this time around. Again, creating a lot of thought-provoking conversation.

Suddenly the chatting of students around us increasingly becomes louder until I hear people shouting. Confused by this sudden change in volume, I turn around to see a blonde-haired figure rushing out of the canteen: Bethany. The place goes silent as if a bomb has just gone off.

I see Cleo standing up with a scowl etched into her face, "Now look what you have done!" She yells before storming out after her best friend. I turn back around and share a questioning look with Hannah. Quiet whispers instantly begin. At first scattered around the room, then growing until each whisper, a brick, layers on top of one another to create a wall of noise of their thoughts on the scene. My thoughts were mainly towards my chips.

"I have a meeting with coach, see you later," Alex announces out of nowhere, standing up.

"Captain duties," Liam and Spencer chorus.

Alex rolls his eyes, shoves his hand in his pockets and leaves our table. Immediately pairs of eyes begin to move, following Mr Rossa out of the canteen. We carry on talking about meaningless things until I remember what day it is.

"Wait. What day is it?" I ask Hannah, just to make sure.

She knits her eyebrows tightly together to show her confusion at my question, "Friday."

"Shoot, I need to write an English essay before 5th period. I will see you later I reply. I leave the last of my chips and make my way to the library.


My arm is strained as I carry a loaded tray of empty dishes to the counter in Rosa's cafe. The smell of freshly baked bread greets my nose as I get closer to the kitchen. Hannah opens the door to behind the counter, shooting me a sympathetic smile as I am on cleaning duty today. I respond with a grin and push through the doors leading into the tiny kitchen. There are only three small ovens, one sink, and a few cupboards.

The sink is already full of hot water, so I just dump the dishes in it- knowing I’ll come back to them soon. Out of habit I brush down the little brown half aprons we have to wear in an attempt to get it to lie flat against my legs. I go through the doors once more and feel my eyes widen with surprise at what I see. Sat in the corner are no other than Spencer, Liam, and Alex.

"Rowan, we have run out of chocolate muffins," Hannah says pointing to the display case that rests on half of the counter, "I'm going to make a batch, can you take over that table?" Before I can even say no, she chirps, "Thanks," and makes her way past me and into the kitchen.

"You're welcome," I mutter under my breath. Just my luck I can't call on Rosa to serve the table because she's gone to visit her mother.

Grudgingly I walk over to the wooden table with the café’s signature red tablecloth draped over it that just so happens to have Alex, Liam, and Spencer sat at it. Liam and Spencer seem to be enjoying each other’s company whilst Alex sits in a glum silence.

"What can I get you?" I ask, pulling out a pen and a notebook from my front pocket once I have approached the table.

"So, this is where you work," Liam comments, leaning further back in his chair and surveying the café, “Nice,” he says with a nod.

"I don't think we stock that."

"Ha ha, very funny Rowan."

"A coke," Spencer interrupts, throwing us a bemused smile.

"Now that I can do, Liam?" I tease.

"Mango smoothie. Please," he smirks.

The three of us look at Alex who once again is attached to his phone.

"Dude, it's fine just pull your grades up and coach will be fine again," Spencer says.

"I'm doing worse than you," Liam shrugs laughing, “I know it’s not the hardest thing but still.”

Alex looks up at me, his eyes devoid of any emotion, "I'll have the same as Liam," he mutters before looking at the screen again.

I leave the table and go behind the counter wondering who had peed in Alex’s cheerios. Behind my I hear Liam and Spencer further attempting to get through to him. I bend down and open the tiny fridge and grab a can of coke, then I go onto making two mango smoothies. Over the other side of my room I hear my name being muttered but try to ignore it and focus on the task in hand. Once finished, I stack the drinks onto a tray and go back over to the corner of the cafe.

"I vote a trip to the beach," I hear Liam suggest.

"You always do," Spencer replies.

"And the problem with that is?"

Their conversation dies as I get to the table and begin to place the drinks onto the table in front of the correct person.

"Cheers Rowan," Liam gives me a wicked grin. Next time Hannah is not getting out of serving this table. Speaking of the devil herself, out of the corner of my eye I see her exiting the kitchen. I shoot her a filthy look as I go up and greet her.

"You didn't need to make chocolate muffins, did you?" I growl, seeing a full row of them in the display case.

"No. But I didn't want to serve Liam and make a fool of myself so I owe you one," she sings, swinging her apron, "Oh and Rosa messaged me, she says can you make some dough and leave it to prove. You know those for those bread rolls."

"You owe me a tub of chocolate ice cream," I say before going into the kitchen, flicking my dark brown pony tail on the way to show Hannah I'm still annoyed with her.

I grab the flour from the cupboard above the sink, having to go on my tip toes due to a sheer lack of height. Then I retrieve the other ingredients needed and a bowl. Ten minutes later I am here kneading a wet dough and slowly adding more flour to it. Carelessly, I throw the dough in the bowl, put clingfilm over the top and just leave it on the side.


I mentally high five myself for my speediness and wash my hands. The cold water sends shivers down my back, and I physically shudder as the shock of it. Quickly, I dry my hands on a towel and leave the kitchen once more. Hannah is already out taking the order of an elderly couple who have I presume have just come in. I spot a table which needs clearing and slowly make my way towards it, delaying the inevitable picking up of dirty dishes and washing them. Luckily, it is just two dishes and the same amount of glasses. As I bend down to collect the dirty items, I notice Alex is no longer at the table in the corner. Not that it is much to me.

I stand back up to my full (small) height and go back towards the kitchen.

"What the hell?"

A string of cusses leave my mouth as I spit flour elegantly out of my mouth. I begin to cough and splutter, luckily not dropping the dishes. Due to working here for so long I manage to guide my way to the side blind and put the breakable plates and glasses down. Then I immediately start to rub the white stuff of doom out of my eyes. Hysterical laughter is heard, and I know who it is. Only someone as ridiculous as him would do such a thing.

"Alex!" I shout, flour spewing out of my mouth in the process. I open my eyes to find him clutching his side with laughter.

"Brilliant," he manages between breaths.

"This," I point to myself, "Is not funny! I look like the abominable snowman!"

"You're too small to be the abominable snowman."

"Well, his or hers kid then, you know what let's stop talking about abominable snowmen," I say, attempting to get some of the flour out of my hair with my hands.

Alex continues laughing as he comes up to me, "I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not really."

"You should be," I reply, grabbing a wet dishcloth and whacking him with it.

"Ouch. Okay I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

I stop and stand there with my mouth hanging open.

"What?" Alex looks uncomfortable, "Why are you looking like that?"

"You just said sorry."


"You just said sorry," I repeat, slowly coming out of shock.

"You are so weird Rowan," he says, dusting some flower off on my shoulder

"It’s hardly weird to be shocked, how many time have you actually apologised in your life?” I throw the flannel in his direction which he catches with ease, “And you owe me because you threw flour over me, so you can help me do the dishes,".

"Do I have to?" He whines like a three-year-old.

I raise my eyebrows and prop my hands on my hips. Reluctantly he saunters over to the sink.

“You wash and I’ll dry,” I order, feeling an immense amount of power over Alex Rossa right now.

"I feel this is extremely unfair."

"And I have a feeling you have a video of what just happened which you will post online, get washing," I retort.

Alex guiltily rolls up the sleeves of his jacket to his elbows and begins wiping plates clean confirming my suspicions. Now I just had to think of another pay back.

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