"Rowan, will you hurry up!"
I look at my reflection in the mirror, a small seventeen-year-old girl in a long top that only just covers her hello kitty pants.
"I'm almost ready Leo," I shout down to my impatient brother. A Lie.
Tonight, is Dad's final exhibition which Leo and I are attending. I have two hours and 7 minutes until we are meeting dad. It takes an hour on the train to London. I add the time it takes to travel to and from the station. That leaves me with exactly thirty-seven minutes to get ready.
And I have nothing.
"You have been saying that for the past half an hour Rowan," Leo groans back, "Please be ready before seven. I’m not missing the train.”
Glancing back at my mirror I sigh and wish that is was to turn up in joggers. I yank open my wardrobe doors once again to be greeted by an array of garments, all different colours and sizes
Knocking starts up on my door and a wave of irritation washes over me.
"Leo!" I exclaim walking towards my door and opening it, “I promise you I will be ready by-“I stop as I’m not greeted with my brother’s face.
He stands there with his famous grin spread across his face, hands slung into his pockets.
"What are you doing here?"
Bypassing me and walking carelessly into my room he replies, "You've been stood glaring at your reflection for almost an hour and a half Rowan. I figured you couldn't find something to wear." He shrugs his shoulders and folds his arms.
Looking behind me at my window I notice that I had forgotten to take necessary Alex blocking precautions.
"That is a wonderful observation, but really one I feel you could have told me over a text.”
Alex rolls his eyes and grabs my wrist. He pulls me towards my bathroom, ignoring my demands to be freed. Before he opens my bathroom door, he places both of his hands over my eyes, forcing me into a world of darkness. I hear the faint click of the door opening before he swiftly lifts his hands away from my face. I take a sharp intake of breath. Hanging up is a stunning full-length red dress. Upon the bodice are tiny embroidered flowers, joined together my careful beading. I walk slowly up to it, my fingers wrapping around the fabric.
From behind me Alex begins to ramble, "I’m sorry its second hand. It’s my mum’s old prom dress. You’re a similar size and I thought it might look nice on you.” He rocks backwards and forwards awkwardly, “If you don’t like it, I promise that she will not take offence.”
"It's amazing," I manage, unable to take my eyes of it, "But there's no way I can possibly accept and wear this,” Finally pulling my eyes away I turn to face Alex, “It’s your mum’s prom dress!”
Alex takes a step towards me smiling, “It’s okay, honestly. She wants you to borrow it. And,” He adds, “You haven’t even tried it on yet.”
With the corners of my mouth curly upwards I place my hands on his chest and begin pushing him out, “Okay then,” I say will a giggle, “I will try it on.”
I close the door on his grinning face.
I slide the dress off the hanger after unzipping the back and carefully step into it. My hand snakes its way round my back and begins to tug on the zip. I manage to get it partway up before my arm begins to refuse to bend at such an angle.
“Alex?” I call out, “Can you come here a sec?”
The bathroom door opens, and I look over my shoulder to see Alex entering.
“Could you?” I point at my back and he understands.
His hands are warm on my back as he pulls up the zip, fastening the dress. I watch the concentrated look playing on his face through the reflection in the mirror. Once he is finished, I look away and to myself. I am struck by the girl staring back at me. The dress is a perfect fit. Using the bobbles that spend their lives sat on my wrist I pull my hair up into a low messy bun.
"Not too bad Miss Steele," Alex says from behind. Our eyes connect in the mirror and I smile.
“I thank my fairy godmother for the dress.”
Alex’s laugh rings out, the bathroom having surprisingly good acoustics.
“I will leave you to the rest of your evening,” He says, taking a step back from me, “Besides I don’t want your brother thinking I’ve outstayed my welcome and coming up to beat me.”
I giggle, “Right so.”
Alex starts to make his way out of the bathroom as I look back down at the dress with excitement. Before he’s out of sight I shout him.
“Yep?” He responds turning around.
“Thank you, and, thank you to your Mum. Does she like flowers?” I ask.
“Very much so.”
From downstairs, Leo's shouts interrupt our conversation, "Rowan will you hurry up, you have ten minutes before we leave!"
Alex laughs and points towards downstairs, “That’s me off. Enjoy tonight.”
I follow Alex out of the bathroom and watch as he makes his way downstairs until he is out of sight. I never thought I would be friends with Alex Rossa, let alone have him help me out. I practically skip back into my room and pick up a pair of black heels. Heading over to my desk I apply some red lipstick to match my outfit and top up the rest of my makeup.
"I'm ready and coming now,” I yell down before Leo can finish his sentence, “And I mean it this time.”
I pull my long duffle coat off my floor and grab a stray clutch, throwing my phone carelessly into it. Making my way downstairs I see my brother at the bottom waiting for me. He's dressed in a black suit and has combed his usually wild hair.
“Looking good brother,” I comment as I reach him.
"You excited?" he asks.
"I’m really excited to see Dad yes,” I reply truthfully, following him through the lounge, “The art exhibition not so much,” I pause for a second, “But equally I am always excited for free food.”
“I’m going to say for the majority that a yes then?” Leo says holding the door for me. I nod whilst he locks the door, and together we head towards the car.
I often find myself staring out of the window when I am on a car journey. At night especially, as the cool glass is soothing to my head. Stars hang loosely in the night sky tonight, not a single cloud threatening to block them. The radio plays quietly in the background, just enough noise to block out the silence. The next song comes on and I recognise the introduction: Highway to Hell.
I share a look with my brother and a silent agreement is formed. Before people inside their own cars around us know what is about to happen Leo and I start belting out the lyrics with our very own dance moves. Leo just about manages to maintain control of the wheel, and so do the other drivers as they see us. We come to traffic lights as we hit the chorus, and Leo starts throwing his head up and down in time to the music. By the time the traffic lights change back to green the song has ended, I fall into a fit of giggles. Leo besides me is laughing so hard no sound is emitting from him aside from the occasional wheeze.
When we finally calm down, we pull into the station. I swing my car door open and am attacked by the cool night air. Shivering, I pull my coat closer around me and follow Leo. Walking with Leo often end up with me jogging due to our height difference. My heels clatter against the pavement, the sound echoing around us. I wonder how a person of my size can be related to his long legs.
Arriving at the platform, Leo checks the time and informs me the train will be arriving in five minutes time. Beginning to shiver, I start to jump up and down, a task not easy in heels. After a minute or two I give up, the effort required being too much for me. Leo looks at me with raised brows.
“Are we quite finished?” He asks.
I shoot him a filthy look as our train pulls in. Taking the lead, Leo walks up to the door and waits for them to open. Heading inside I am glad for the warmth. There are few passengers on board meaning we find empty seats relatively soon after embarking.
I rest my head on the back of the seat and close my eyes. It has been a month since I have seen dad. I have missed having him wandering aimlessly around the house looking for where he put his brush or even accidentally spilling his paint on my brand-new clothes. Though, I am sure after a week of having him back I won’t think like this. I fold my hands in my lap leaning my head against the glass as usual. Before long, a petite woman comes through the train with the food trolley, her grey curls fighting their way out from under her hat.
"Would you like anything?" She asks, stopping as she comes to our seats.
"Two coffees please," Leo replies, reaching into his pocket for his wallet.
"Three pounds 50 please," she says, beginning to carefully pour hot water into two cups, “Milk?”
Leo places the correct amount of money into her hand, “Just for one.” I nod my head, impressed that he remembers the fact I like my coffee black.
"Thank you," I say gratefully as I am handed my drink. Just the smell of caffeine makes me feel more awake.
After an hour, the train stops arriving at London Euston. Leo practically pulls me off the train and keeps hold of my wrist as he drags me through a sea of people. He only lets go once we are safely out of the station and out of the crowds. Buildings stand tall, only when I crane my neck can I see all the way to the top. I always forget the grandeur of London with the post card red buses going past.
My breath freezes in the air as we walk along. With little idea as to where we are going, I trust Leo to lead the way. Lampposts sprinkled along the pavement fight away the darkness lighting our route. Looking across over the road I notice a small male figure walking on the other side, an artists bag in hand.
"Leo there he is," I say, pointing towards the familiar figure. I wave madly at him until I catch his attention. Waving back with a smile he nods towards a set of traffic lights not far away, signalling to a meeting point. I practically skip my way there, for once taking the lead from Leo, less keen to take the same approach as myself. Dad and I hit the lights at the same time, and I hit the button. Impatience running through my veins I continue to keep hitting it, despite knowing it makes no difference.
"Hey there Berry," he calls me from the other side with a grin. As usual his glasses are crooked on his face and his hair is a brown mess upon his head. I promise myself to give him a quick tidy up before the exhibition.
I turn to see Leo bending down to grab his wallet which evidently, he had dropped. The lights turn green and beeping ensues. Not bothering to wait for my brother I begin to cross. Dad mirrors my movement. I smile at him, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Hey Dad”
Bright headlights suddenly blind me.