I look up from the computer screen, my mouth shaped a perfect 'o'.
"Row? Is something happening because you keep blocking me out?" Hannah asks through the phone.
"Han, something has come up, I will call you later yeah?” Before she can respond I hang up the phone call.
I was so surprised by your food fight for one today I thought I would also surprise you - A: Unknown number.
Going back over to my window I wave my phone at Alex signalling that I had seem his film production feature.
“Well? Did you enjoy my surprise?” He called from his own house.
“The words rubbish quality are the ones that first come to mind,” I smite.
“Wasn’t much I could do in that department, we had to book the dancer last minute,” He shrugs as his smirk morphs into a wicked grin.
"If the film isn't shot properly then the dancer has no chance," I retort, mirroring his shrug.
"Would you like me to come over and we can do a re-shoot?" Alex raises his eyebrows at me.
"Seriously?” I exclaim, before I slam my window shut and draw the curtains. I make a mental note to ensure that I triple check that they are closed before I change.
Taking myself over to my bed I power up my laptop determined to create some sort of master plan for revenge.
I sit, waiting. A black balaclava in hand. A childish gesture as to what I am about to do, but nevertheless it is giving me great confidence for what I’m about to do. I get the part. Gingerly getting out of my own bed, I feel the need to sneak even in my own house to my curtains which I peak through as a surveillance measure. Recorded in my notebook on my desk, by 12:30 Alex Rossa had turned his lights off, and so an hour later, currently, at 1:30 I am certain that he must be asleep.
I steady my breath. Here goes nothing. Clenching onto the fabric, I open my curtains fully and open my window as far as it can go. Come on Rowan you can do this. I pull my balaclava over my head and adjust it accordingly. Carefully, I swing my legs out of the window and onto the sill outside. The cold night air instantly attacks me. I feel like I am watching my first horror movie all over again. The suspense is killing me, my heart is hammering so hard it could quite easily explode out of my chest. Breathe. I pull the rest of my body out until only my hand holding the handle is left inside.
I begin to shiver violently. What am I thinking? I am going to get myself killed. I look down at the drop between where I am now, and the floor. Oh god. I am going to die. I am going to fall and hit the floor with a disgusting splat. This will be the end of Rowan Steele.
I think back to the video, and the cause for putting myself in this ridiculous amount of danger.
They say revenge is sweet. Let's hope I get to taste it.
I take the plunge and jump. Not gracefully, nor elegantly, but, I jump. For a few seconds I am weightless in the air. Then I land on my feet on the other side. I do a mini celebratory dance before I lose my footing and almost fall to my death. I stifle a scream by shoving my hand in my mouth. Looking at the peculiar situation I had put my hand in I slowly retract it before whipping it onto my trousers.
To my delight, Alex's window is still wide open, just as before. Silently, I slip in and land softly on the springy carpet of his room. From my back pocket I bring out a trusty marker pen. Quietly, I make my way over to Alex's bed. His face looks so carefree as he sleeps. Not the smirking look he usually has glued to his face. I take off the lid of the pen and start my piece of art.
A few minutes later and I am done. I feel proud of my work, my artistic talent is somewhat limited, but I have achieved what I set out to do. I add one more dot to my canvas and study it a final time before placing the lid back into the pen. Sneakily, I grab my phone from my back pocket and snatch a picture of this moment that I am sure I shall cherish for the rest of time. Then, I make my way back to the window.
Just before I leave, I stop and go back. An idea springing into my mind. I grab Alex's English Lit book that I can see has been carelessly thrown onto the floor. The dark fog of the night tries to hide the book from view, but it is unable to escape from my sight. I sit it down on the desk and open it to the next fresh page. Unsurprisingly I found that to be the first page of the notepad. I write my message with as much speed as I can manage considering the lack of light and with satisfaction carved into every facial feature I have, I read my note back.
This Cinderella seems to have forgotten her pen at this ball.
I randomly add a kiss to the end for what I feel is an added effect, leave the pen on top of my message, and manage to leave the room without another idea halting my escape. Back on the sill I can see my bed calling me to join it. Fatigue making my bones heavy. Breathing in I give myself another pet talk. I bend my knees and jump once more.
A cat would be jealous at my perfect land, if I had actually manged to land without stumbling and almost go nose first into the wall. I note that today is not a good day for the nose. Sleepily I crawl back through my window and slip straight into my bed, the covers greet me with warmth as I pull them over my head. Before I can even pull my balaclava off my face I am in a deep sleep.
I scoop another spoonful of cornflakes into my mouth and chew. I feel like a child on Christmas Eve, giddy with excitement to see the result of my revenge plot. My phone vibrates. The moment I have been waiting for.
That was children's play - Alex.
Having saved his number earlier this morning in anticipation of his response I quickly type back.
Did you like your surprise? - Rowan.
A ghost of a smile plays on my lips as I open up Instagram on my phone and upload my picture. Waking up with permanent marker on his face would not be the only surprise for Mr Rossa today.
I add the caption, "Poor boy hasn't hit puberty yet, has to draw his facial hair on," and I have the sudden urge to cackle but I restrain myself. With a feeling of justice being served, I press the post button.
Bit of a rubbish artist - Alex.
I watch with glee as I receive more and more likes on my masterpiece.
The people don't seem think that, but if you are really unhappy with it, I am sure the artist can draw your facial hair back on - Rowan.
Smugly I cup my coffee in both hands and sip on it. My legs swing happily off the bar stool. I only pause when my phone goes off again.
You just can't stay away can you? - Alex.
How can one possibly restrain themselves from the Alex Rossa? - Rowan.
Rolling my eyes at the conversation I push my chair back from the table and shove my bowl and spoon in the sink with the promise to myself that I will wash them once I am back. A promise almost certainly getting broken this evening. I run upstairs and get ready for college.
Once I am dressed, and about to leave for sixth form, there is a knock at my door. I drag myself off the sofa and turn the TV off, throwing the remote back in the general direction of the sofa.
The door opens to reveal two teenage lads on my doorstep.
"Hi Rowan," Liam replies, his grin showing off his set of perfect pearl white teeth.
"Hello," my voice becomes guarded as I narrow my eyes at Liam and Spencer in an attempt to figure out what they are doing here.
"Why are you glaring at us? We haven't done anything," Spencer chuckles lightly. His blonde curls catch the morning light whilst his blue eyes remain big and innocent portraying him as an angel. Unlike Liam's ocean eyes which have a constant mischievous glint that never leaves.
"Why are you here?" I ask bluntly.
"We like you Rowan," Liam answers, "You entertain us."
"The chip stunt yesterday," Spencer furthers.
"The photo you posted is almost Liam standard," Liam carries on. As the joker of Chippenham, I am unsure whether to be proud or on edge as to why he is complimenting my prank.
"And?" I question, "Are you trying to say something or just stand on my doorstep and making me wait?”
Liam laughs, "Look Rowan, Alex is fuming about that photo”
“Really?” I respond sceptically, folding my arms and leaning on the side of the doorway.
“Something like that will never damage his reputation, but is he happy that someone has beaten him at his own game?”
"No," Spencer finishes.
"So, we are here to offer our protection," Liam concludes clapping his hands together with a grin.
“That is what I said,” Liam nodded, “Jesus Rowan, please be a little slower for us-”
“You really think I need protection from Alex? What kind of a psychopath is your friend?” I say interrupting whatever Liam was going on to say.
“He is not a psychopath, just sometimes unpredictable, besides don’t you want a day free from revenge pranks?” Spencer reasons with a smile. I can see how he balances the group being the diplomatic one.
Liam on the other hand simply shrugs carelessly at me, "So do you want our help?"
I pretend to think hard about the situation. Have Liam and Spencer who I may be perhaps be warming up to prevent any Alex behaviour, whilst getting Hannah who has had a soft spot for Liam since nursery in the same vicinity as him.
“I suppose I can just about cope with you guys,” I say finally. I nip back inside to grab my satchel before re grouping on my doorstep.
"You hurt us," Liam mocks pain in his voice and clenches hit hand to his heart.
"You are such a looser," I chuckle, “We are meeting Hannah though on the way, so we are going to need to detour."
"Hannah?" I hear Spencer say as I take the lead walking down the drive. "Is she the one who tutors you?"
"I think," Liam replies, "How should I know who Rowan is friends with?"
"Yes, she is," I interject with a shout over my shoulder.
“Hold up Usain Bolt, we aren’t walking today, or I guess running in your case,” Liam calls to me. I look back to him swinging his car keys around his index finger.
“Scale of nought to nought how much should I trust his driving?” I question looking at Spencer. The blonde boy chuckles whilst his companion looks hurt. Hitting Spencer in the chest and muttering something about no loyalty Liam decides to take the lead unlocking the car and sliding into the driver’s seat. Quickening his stride to get there before me Spencer opens the door with a bow in jest.
“Just saying you didn’t give me such chauffeur treatment Liam,” I tease as I sit myself in the back.
“When you tease the ability to drive you don’t get jack squat my friend,” He responds, although trying to act as if he’s still mad I can’t help but notice the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. Once Spencer is besides his friend in the front, he gives Liam a gentle pat on the shoulder reassuring him that he is indeed a good driver. This is met by a shove and Liam telling to shut his mouth and that the damage had already been done.
Considering Hannah only lives two streets away it doesn’t take long before we are outside of her house. As a cohort we exit the car and walk up to her door.
"Hi Rowan," a seven-year-old boy with sandy blonde hair chirps as he opens the door.
"Hi Sammy, can you get Hannah for me?" I reply to Hannah's little brother.
"Sure," he shoots me a wide grin with a few of his front teeth missing. "Hannah!" He yells, louder than you would expect a seven-year-old possibly could. I cringe, as I am sure that I have just lost my hearing for the next few minutes.
"I'm coming!" I hear a disgruntled yell from Hannah. She stomps grumpily down the stairs visible through the open door.
"You are looking delightfully cheerful," I comment as she joins me.
"Why is there no off button for little brothers?" she says throwing her hand in front of her in order to emphasise her annoyance. Her blonde hair has been roughly pulled into a quick pony held by a blue scrunchie. Different to her usual immaculate hairstyles.
"I wouldn't know what one is like, I've never had one," I practically sing to her.
"I can’t believe that you get a super-hot older brother and what do I get? A hyper-active seven-year-old."
"He's super cute," I protest, not allowing any blasphemy against Sammy.
"What super- hot older brother and who's super cute?" Liam interrupts from where he and Spencer are standing, "I mean I know I'm super cute but It’s good to know who the competition is around here," he gives us both a cheeky wink.
"If you really want to know who the cute boy is, it's Hannah's seven year old brother," I chuckle.
"Ah, I can't compete with the cuteness of a seven-year-old," Liam shrugs his shoulders, faking defeat.
"Some battles aren't worth fighting," Spencer pretends to be sympathetic to his best friend. The pair are so ridiculous, I can't hide the amused smile creeping onto my face.
I turn to Hannah who has gone a deep shade of pink at seeing Liam.
"Hi Hannah," the two guys say at the same time.
"Hi?" She replies meekly. I watch as complete and utter confusion carves itself into her facial features.
"We should probably be getting to school," I say loudly to try and defuse the awkward moment and quickly move things on.
"That's a good idea," Hannah agrees, nodding her head.
Liam raises his eyebrows at us and in return I shoot him a sweet and innocent smile.
Hannah and I decide to walk in front whilst the guys lag behind.
"Sorry when did you, Spencer and Liam become best buddies? And where was your warning that I would find two of the best-looking guys at school on my doorstep?" Hannah hisses.
"Well I didn't know you would have them until five minutes before I knocked on the door," I reply.
Reaching the car Hannah whispers, “When we get out of this car you are to tell me everything.”
“So, Rowan,” Liam begins, turning down the music so we can hear him, “Favourite flavour of ice cream hit me with it now.”
“That is such a bizarre question,” I laugh, “Why would you want to know what?”
“If I’m going to be your friend this is imperative knowledge for me to have.”
“Oh we are friends now are we?”
We pull into school and Liam navigates his way successfully around the swarms of children flooding the car park.
“Key word was if,” He says swinging into a space. Putting his hand break on and turning the engine off he turns to face me with a wicked grin, “Besides who doesn’t want to be friends with me.”
Shaking my head with amusement I open the car door and slide out, Liam somehow manages to get out faster than myself and is stood waiting opposite me.
“Honeycomb,” I laugh, “It’s honeycomb you weirdo.”
"Don't look now," Hannah says suddenly.
"What? Why?"
"Because your favourite person is up ahead."
You know when people say don't look, but you can't help yourself and look anyway? That's what I do. I peer up and see Alex stood in front of me.
Let's hope my revenge doesn't turn sour.