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Chapter 13: Lets Go to the Beach

"Almost there," Spencer informs us as we go past a sign for the beach. I sat in the back in the middle having been told that as being the shortest I must have the smallest seat. Alex sits to my right and Hannah to my left with Liam in the passenger seat. I watch as Liam turns round and beckons Hannah to lean forward towards his seat. He whispers something into her ear which is received with a blush. Out of anticipation and excitement I bite my lip out of habit and tap my feet against the bottom of the car. Alex draws his eyes away from his phone to look at me.

"Are you seriously that excited?" He chuckles, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Are you not?" I reply incredulously, "I love the beach!"

"You act like such a kid Princess," he teases shaking his head in amusement.

The car turns into a sandy car park which overlooks the glistening sea. The carpet of blue stretches to as far as the eye can see, and the rolling waves create an idyllic song. Liam is the first to leave the car, but soon enough we are all out. The sun is hot on my skin as I root around in my bag for my sunglasses. Once they are finally found I proceed to putting them on. We make our way along a worn wooden path leading down to the beach.

"Are you enjoying yourself yet?" I whisper to Hannah as the guys go ahead. She turns to face me with a grin.

"Maybe," she replies. Her long blonde hair falls naturally over her shoulders, the sun causing it to shine brightly. Her blue eyes are protected by a large pair of large sunglasses that seem to take up half of her face, and I can tell she is wearing her red bikini by the strap round her neck. We finally land on the golden sand. I slip my feet out of my flip flops and let the sand squeeze between my toes. I drop my bag, ditch my sunglasses and decide this is where we are going to stay for the day.

Setting myself up a nice seating area I hear Liam say, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?".

I eye the mischievous look Alex and Liam wear and mistrust begins to build in my stomach. Beside me Hannah tenses up, evidently feeling the same.


Suddenly Alex picks me up bridal style and starts running towards the sea. I begin to scream, knowing my inevitable destination. Desperately, I try to squirm out of his iron grip.

"Liam don't you dare," I hear Hannah yell from behind. I comfort myself with the knowledge that I am not the only one about to plunged into the depths of the sea.

"Alex I will kill you," I threaten, "Like I will hunt you down."

"But Rowan," he says sweetly, batting his long eyelashes at me, "It's just part of the revenge games."

I feel myself being thrown through the air, my hair flying in different directions as the sea breeze catches it. Before I know it, I hit the water with a bang and my mouth fills up with salty liquid. I swim back up and when my head breaks the surface, I see Liam and Alex laughing, hands on their sides.

Hannah comes up beside me coughing, "He has definitely lost some brownie points with that one," she mutters. I shoot Alex my filthiest glare and swim towards him and Liam.

"You are going to regret that," I shout when being able to stand up. I push my hair backwards over my head and walk the rest of the way out of the sea.

"I don't regret anything," Alex calls back.

"Yet," I correct, "You don't regret anything yet."

"I wouldn't want to go against an angry Rowan," Spencer jokes, having chosen not to run to the shore.

"Now there is a guy who has his priorities right," I chuckle.

We walk away from the sea to where all our bags are sat my clothes clinging tightly to my body.

"Spencer, come have a hug," I joke, "Drowned rat look would appear to be in fashion at the moment."

"I could never deny a hug off you Rowan," he retorts, opening his arms exaggeratedly.

"Hannah I wouldn't mind the drowned rat look," Liam teases with a wink, naturally sending Hannah bright pink.

"Not after what you just did," she replies curtly, retrieving her sunglasses from him. He must have taken them off her before casting her to the waves in order to protect them.

When we reach the bags, I grab my towel and spread it out on the ground. Hannah does the same placing her own next to mine.

"Well whilst you two sun yourself I'm going in the sea," Liam says wickedly, stripping his top on so that he was only in trunks.

"Who said I won't go in too?" I retort quickly at the idea he thought I would only sunbathe.

"Well with your reaction before Princess, you can't blame us for thinking you don't like going in the sea," Alex replies playfully, pulling his blue polo top over his head. He dumps it on the sand carelessly besides me.

"There's a difference between going in the sea by choice and not," I look back up at him but with his bare chest on display I look away quickly. “I’ll have you know I actually quite enjoy the sea,” I go on to say standing up and peeling my sodden clothes off. Stood just in a bikini with the three guys I feel somewhat self-conscious.

"I'll race you," Alex grins madly.

And he said I was the childish one.

Self-consciousness leaving my body as soon as a competition is involved, I accept his challenge.

"Okay three two-" I start running as fast as I can, giving myself a tactical advantage. Not cheating.

"Cheat!" I hear Alex yell as we run towards the sea. I can't help but laugh as we race across the sand. My hair is flying wildly behind me and I am already panting from so much exercise. My feet sink into the sand every time take a step, drastically slowing me down. I reconcile myself with the knowledge Alex will be facing the same issue.

"I'm sorry. I can't hear you,” I shout with glee, “It must be because I'm too far ahead of you.”

"You are a terrible person Princess!"

"That's what they all say," I sing.

Focusing on my destination I will my legs to go that bit faster. With the sea just a few steps away now I let the glory of winning beginning to run through my veins.

"Well I can't let you win."

A pair of arms wrap their way round my waist, and I feel myself being twisted round. Alex drops me once I am the one furthest away from the sea. I throw my hands on my hips as I turn to face him.

"Who's the cheater now?" I pout.

Alex gives me his famous smirk as he steps backwards and his foot lands in the sea.

My stern face crumples into a grin.

"You're just jealous," he teases, walking backwards further into the water.

"I'm feeling cheated out of winning," I respond, following him into the water.

The water cools my hot skin and soon half of my legs are under water. Alex doesn't break our eye contact, not even for a second does his smirk leave his face. Behind me I hear the splashing of someone else entering the sea. I turn to see the rest of our entourage joining Alex and I. All three of the boys have muscular bodies and I try and make a conscious effort not to look at them for too long. I feel better once they head out further and begin to swim, hiding their features.

Hannah comes up by my side and rakes her wet hair with her fingers. It falls down her back and she doesn't bother to pull it round her shoulders.

"Liam seems to like your outfit," I whisper slyly upon seeing him steal a glance at my best friend. In response Hannah hits me in the shoulder, telling me to not even think about playing cupid. As a pair we decide to stick to breaststroke, both not athletic enough to keep up with the boys. The rolling waves do not help me look elegant.

Suddenly I feel something gripping onto my ankle. I scream as loudly as I can, trying kick away whatever creature or plant has ensnared me. My foot comes into contact something hard and instantly I find myself free. Liam's head bobs up beside me laughing hysterically.

"Jesus Christ Row,” He manages, “I know not to try and drag you under water now."

"Oh my god. Did I kick you?" I reply, genuinely worried for his wellbeing.

"Aside from losing my manliness, I am fine," he assures me with a chuckle.

We carry on messing around in the sea, taking it in turns to drag or be dragged under the water. Spencer grabs me by the ankle one last time and luckily, I manage to hold my breath and close my eyes before my heads is fully submerged under water. I had the misfortune earlier when Hannah pulled me under that my mouth was open. When I push myself back up Spencer was stood there waiting with a guilty smile, his blonde hair plastered to his forehead.

"Well I'm starving so I'm going to go get some food," Liam announces, pushing his dark soggy hair out of his sapphire eyes.

"I second that," I say, listening to my stomach's cries for food.

"Me too," Hannah chirps swimming up to me.

Liam leads the way as we make our waves back to the shore. Having been in the water for so long my body is shocked by the change of temperature. I try to walk with speed towards my towel, eager to wrap myself in it’s warmth. Spencer evidently has similar thought as we take the lead ahead of Liam who hangs back with Hannah.

He leans in and whispers in my, "Nice bikini."

Blood rushes into my cheeks as I fumble over what to say as a reply before coming up with, "Nice trunks."

Really Rowan?

I throw my forehead into my palm.

"Please forget I ever said that," I say looking at him through the gaps in my fingers, “I don’t know why this stuff comes out of my mouth.”

"I won't ever forget it," Spencer chuckles, pulling my hand away from my face, "The things you say make me laugh."

Taking my place I give him a friendly shove away and tell him to be quiet. The rest of the group catch up to us and instantly I notice Liam noticing the colour in my cheeks.

"Why so red Rowan?" he says, trying his best to look as angelic and innocent as possible.

"Sun burn," I reply, not even trying to hide the fact that I'm lying.

“I’m sure Spencer or Alex would help you put some on,” he teases.

Hannah punches him in the arm lightly and mutters something along the lines of, "shut up."

Getting used to Liam’s taunting I laugh.

"Anything to get yourself out of the job helping me Liam,” I say with a smirk, “I’m a big girl, I am sure I will cope just fine.”

Sand cakes the bottom of my feet feet and I know that at some point I am going to have the gruelling job of trying to brush it off. I pull my towel over my shoulders and my shivers begin to subside.

"Rowan can you do my back?" Hannah asks, passing me her bottle of sun cream and helpfully turning around. She holds her blonde locks up, to prevent me from getting any of the cream in her hair. I snatch a look at the three guys who are messing about minding their own business.

"Sure," I reply sweetly, a plan forming in my head.

I signal Liam to come over and before he says anything, I place my finger over my lips. Silently I pass him the bottle and point to Hannah's back. He gives me a mischievous grin and accepts it. I choose to walk away in the direction of Alex and Spencer.

As I reach them I here Alex asking Spencer if he thought that his friend had true feeling towards Hannah.

"What do you mean?" I say as I come to a stop, my tone sharper than I intended.

“The last girl he was with messed him up badly,” Spencer explains quietly looking over my shoulder at his friend. I feel stupid for immediately assuming that these popular people would naturally live such perfect lives. Scolding myself I promise not to make some assumptions in the future.

I follow Spencer’s eyeline to see Hannah turning round in surprise upon finding Liam putting her sun cream on instead of myself. Feeling as if I am invading something private, I look away quickly.

"I vote we go on the boat now," Spencer announces, to which Alex and I both nod our heads viciously not wanting a distraction from the blossoming romance. Liam must have heard becomes he turns around with a huge grin.

"Boat?" he shouts to us.

Upon noticing the excitement building on my face, Liam stands up before calling, "Right ladies and gentlemen, grab your bags, we're going to Liam's cruise."

"Liam's cruise?" Spencer scoffs walking back over to the towels.

"Yes. Now are you coming or not?"


"Beer?” Spencer offers as he comes towards me. My hair blows behind me in the sea breeze as the boat cruises through the sea.

“Thanks,” I respond gratefully taking the can. Foam threatens to spill over with a hiss as I open it. “Would you like a sip?” I ask holding the drinks out towards him.

“I prefer just to not go near it when I’m driving,” I replies, pushing the can back to me. I like that about Spencer, it’s nice to have some sense among the trio of boys.

Liam stops the boat and comes out from behind the steering wheel.

“Spencer, you’re in charge of getting us back safely,” he chuckles, digging into the ice box and pulling himself out a can. Drinking its contents quickly he casts it to once side.

“You can drive a boat?” I turn to Spencer with raised eyebrows. He smiles flashing his pearly white teeth.

“I have known Leo since I was in preschool, his family have taken me on this thing a lot,” He gestures at the deck, “But yes, I can.”

“Have you ever thought how annoying you are,” I tease, taking a sip from my drink, “Being able to do everything.”

“That is not true,” He laughs leaning towards me, his eyes matching the sky, “I most definitely cannot sing.”

Liam comes over to us and pulls Spencer by the shoulder, pulling their tops over their heads they making their way to the edge of the boat before throwing themselves off into the clear water.

"You not coming Princess?"

I look up at Alex who is now stood in front of me. Determined to force Alex to endure what I had earlier, being plunged into the sea clothes my plot for my revenge begins to develop. Knowing I don’t have the strength to push him in whilst he’s not distracted, I walk towards him.

“I never said that,” I say.

I scrunch my eyes up, and count to three, eager to get it over and done with.

I lean forward and kiss him.

Pulling away quickly I open my eyes with glee to see him stood confused and taken aback. Using this to my advantage I ram my full weight into his body sending him off the edge. As he surfaces with a glare we erupt into laughter.

"You deserved that one," Liam chortled punching his best friend in the shoulder, “Very enjoyable Rowan.”

Alex swims up to the side of the boat and begins to ascend up back onto deck.

I throw him my best innocent smile, “Oops?”

Standing up, he peels his top of and throws it at me. To my surprise, I manage to catch it before the wet fabric hit me in the face.

"So, are you going to come in then?” Alex asks me with an expectant look, his eyebrows raised.

Smug at my ability to successfully defend myself from his attack I smirk.

"Of course," I chirp.

Turning towards Hannah who is sat amused behind me I begin to slip out of my top.

"You coming Han-"

My sentence is interrupted by my own screams as Alex grabs me round the waist and jumps off the edge of the boat, casting both of us into the water. This boy really would be the death of me.

The rest of the afternoon is spent swimming and drinking. As the sun goes down, we all head back to the deck of the boat. Throughout the day Hannah and Liam have visibly gotten closer until they are holding hands as we walk back down the beach.

With a full moon out, we are guided by its light. The boys decide to make a campfire and Liam from his bag of never-ending snacks produces marshmallows. Now the beach is desolate of people tunes are played through Alex’s phone and I find myself content. I watch as the flames lick at the various foliage being used as fuel. They dance around, bright against their dark background.

Sat next to me Spencer leans in to whisper in my ear, "So, you and Alex?" he begins.

“Me and Alex what?” I respond in an equally hushes tone with a smile as I bite a chunk out of my marshmallow.

“Do you like him?” He asks, twirling his stick to ensure equal cooking of his marshmallow.

I can’t help but laugh at the idea I like Alex. Spencer furrows his brows at me in confusion.

"So do I take that as a no?"

"Yes," I giggle, "Now eat your marshmallow before I steal it."

Spencer pulls his stick out of the fire and offers it to me.

"I don't particularly like them."

"You really are strange," I tease before sliding the marshmallow off the stick. The sugary treat burns my finger and in shock I drop it into the sand with a squeak.

"Gods sake Rowan, you are a walking disaster,” Spencer says gently grasping my hand to inspect my injury.

“I guess this is a lesson to me about being greedy,” I laugh lightly.

Still holding my hand Spencer replies, “It’s a lesson to not touch things which have just come out of a fire.”

Noticing how long my hand has been his I snatch it back.

“That too.”

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