A cheerful acoustic rendition of “I do like to be by the seaside rings” by Florrie Forde in my ears. Although I enjoy the tune, I can do nothing but groan and throw my pillow over my head, trying to block out the sound and let myself fall back to sleep. When the melody starts again, I accept defeat. Letting my hand blindly hit at my bedside table repeatedly I eventually stumble across my phone. Bleary eyed I manage to hit the green answer button first time, followed by a couple attempts to hit the speakerphone button.
“Hello?” I croak.
"Row, where are you? You said we could meet up at yours and then get breakfast out," comes the familiar voice of Hannah. Letting my fingers get lost in my messy bun I massage my pounding head, feeling extremely out of it.
"But my alarm hasn't even gone off yet," I manage before a yawn takes over my ability to talk.
"Row, it is almost eight you idiot.”
Checking the time on my phone I curse under my breath.
“I must have slept through my alarm.”
“You don’t say,” Hannah laughs through the speaker, “And all my messages. What the hell did you get up to last night?”
Forcing myself into a sitting position I hold my head in my hands, recalling the events from the previous evening.
“Nothing much,” I responded, the white lie slipping off my tongue with ease.
“Well take your time sweet cheeks, some of us are hungry and cold so feel free to let us in.”
Heaving myself out of bed I attempt to move with some speed although my limbs are sluggish, weighed down by a lack of sleep. Swiping the key off the counter I open the door to be greeted by an immaculate Hannah.
"You look a mess," Hannah comments simply as she strolls leisurely into the house. Her naturally straight hair falls in blonde curls today down the spine of her back, kept out of her face by a blue Alice headband. Her porcelain skin makes her look like a china doll, only emphasised by her huge blue eyes and long thick eyelashes.
"That's nice," I call as I run back upstairs.
Racing into the bathroom, adrenaline now hitting me I immediately set about brushing my teeth.
“I’ll make some coffee to go for you Row,” Hannah’s voice comes from downstairs. I try to shout a thank you back but end up spitting out and half choking on toothpaste. I make a mental note not to try that again. Before pulling my hair out of its bun, which had already mostly fallen, out I splash my face with cool water in an attempt to freshen up. To hide my lack of shower I drown my hair in dry shampoo and spray an obscene amount of deodorant. Feeling time slipping away I make another dash into my bedroom where I throw my uniform on.
I look in the mirror to see myself in knee high black socks, black skirt, white blouse with a black blazer to finish. There is no way to disguise the tired green eyes which stare back at me. I make do by quickly applying concealer on my bags and giving my lashes a quick swipe of mascara. Wedging my feet into my shoes I hear Hannah shouting at me again.
"Hurry up Row, I want a bacon bap,"
Slinging my satchel over my shoulder and throwing my tie round my neck, I take one last look at the mirror before deeming myself somewhat acceptable.
"Coming," I shout as I run back down to her.
She stands at the bottom of the stairs with her perfectly pedicured fingers wrapped round a coffee cup.
“For sleeping beauty,” she quips as she hands the drink to me. I thank her and we begin to head out of the door.
"So tell me, what were you doing last night?" She questions with an arched brow and an emphasis on the word “were” as I stuff my keys into the inside pocket of my bag.
"Shit. Phone. I will be back."
Thrusting the coffee back to her I run back upstairs into my room for a few seconds to grab my phone off my bedside table. Beginning to wheeze with the sheer exercise I am reminded of how unfit I am.
"I am actually ready now," I pant guiltily as I jog down the stairs.
Hannah rolls her eyes playfully before taking a sip from my coffee with the excuse that she had technically made it.
"Okay, so I am going to ask you for the last time, and you are going to answer this time," Hannah says pointedly as we leave the house. I lock the door behind me. "What were you doing last night?"
"Nothing," I tuck my hair behind my ear.
Blue eyes narrowing at me Hannah holds the coffee away from me.
"Just some drunk idiot woke me up last night that's all," I respond shrugging whilst making an attempt for the coffee.
"Who?" She asks, not giving in so easily, nor giving me the coffee.
"What is with all the questions?” I laugh, “Are you trying to interrogate me?"
"Yes,” Hannah says simply, “So feel free to answer.”
I let out a chuckle as we walk side by side down the street and eventually Hannah gives in and passes me the coffee.
Silently, I pray that Alex doesn't leave his house as we walk past it. Just in case he, by some miracle, remembers last night. I enjoy living in my small world, I do not want it being expanded by Alex and the paparazzi that come alongside him.
"Row," Hannah nudges me in the arm, "Stop staring at Alex Rossa’s house."
"Sorry?" I come back to earth with a bump to realise that I have been staring intently at Alex’s house the whole time I have been lost in my thoughts.
“It is weird,” Hannah responds with confusion written all over her face, “Are you okay Row?”
Taking a sip from my coffee I nod, “Yeah, sorry, zoned out for a minute.”
We turn around the corner and find ourselves outside Rosa's Cafe. The little wooden cafe stands alone a huge banner stating its name strewn across the front. I lead the way in, pushing the door open and entering. Cinnamon instantly weaves its way to my nose causing my stomach to immediately rumble. Inside the rustic café is set up with recycled chairs and tables, each from a different previous home. Red checked tablecloths are dotted around, matched by red bunting hanging from the beams. My favourite feature of Rosa’s are the caricature salt and pepper shakers, just like the furniture no two sets are the same.
"Well if it isn't my two favourite customers," Rosa says, coming out from behind the counter to greet us with open arms.
"We also work here," Hannah chuckles accepting her embrace.
"You are still my favourites!" Rosa quips, adding me to the hug. Finally releasing us, she heads round behind the counter. Rosa's rich dark skin is knitted into lines of wisdom on her forehead, and her caramel eyes are constantly shining with laughter. She is the friendliest woman I have ever met and took Hannah and I in like we were her own.
"Do you love us enough to give us a free bacon bap each?" Hannah looks hopeful at her, and gives Rosa her best puppy dog eyes.
"Now that's some fancy trick you got there Hannah," Rosa says, "Now let me think about it” She pauses and places her fingers on her chin to mock thinking, “no."
"Don't make your decision too quickly, you might regret a rushed choice." Hannah retaliates heading up to the counter.
Rosa wipes her hands down on the front of her apron before placing her hands on the counter in order to let her lean over towards Hannah.
"Hannah, I think I am good doll,” she negates with a smile, “So, I'm guessing two bacon baps, with a coffee and a mango smoothie?"
"Thanks Rosa," we sing at the same time.
"Oh you two do tickle me," Rosa laughs.
I slide a ten-pound note onto the counter and Rosa takes a few seconds retrieving our change. The coins bounce against each other as I shove them into my purse. Engaging in an exchange whereby I give Rosa my coffee cup and she passes us back two bacon baps carefully wrapped, Hannah is soon content now having her breakfast. Before long our baps are accompanied by our drinks and we begin to get ourselves ready to leave.
"Don't get into any trouble at school today, I want you two here on time," Rosa calls to us as we exit the cafe.
"Goodbye Rosa," we chime at the same time.
The door swings shut behind us and the friendly smell of Rosa's cafe is no more.
At once I begin to chomp on my bap, the salty bacon explodes in my mouth and I cannot help but let a small sigh of happiness escape my lips.
"You are so strange you know that?” Hannah says with a singular arched brow at me.
"Expressing my delight about my bacon bap is hardly strange," I scoff in between bites, not noticing the ever-mounting pile of crumbs forming on my chest.
"You're right, it is downright insane," Hannah quips, taking matters into her own hands and brushing me off herself. I shoot her a guilty smile which causes her mouth to curl upwards with amusement.
I throw the wrapper to my bap in a bin as we go past it and rub around my mouth with my hand. I wait a minute and then proceed to repeat the action just in case there is anything left. Hannah looks at me and turns her head slightly signalling for me to check that she had not gotten anything left around her own mouth. I take a sip of coffee and I feel myself beginning to feel human for the first time that day. Although my second coffee, energy starts to run through my veins.
"And so, we have another day at hell," Hannah mumbles under her breath as we enter the school grounds.
We push the double doors open and enter the school. We begin to make our way to our lockers, trying not to get trampled by the masses of other students in the hallway. Our Sixth Form is built into the high school which means that it is virtually impossible to navigate your way through the ocean of people without hitting into at least one other student. Usually, it gets better as you get older due to height, but unfortunately, I decided to stop growing at five -foot-two.
The hall begins to clear and looking in front of me I see the dark eyes and I see the smirk.
I take the avoidance approach including being deadly silent and gluing my eyes to the floor.
"Hey Princess."
Grudgingly, I look up to see the owner of that voice: Alex.
I feel Hannah tense up beside me.
"That wasn't very nice of you last night," he says, strolling up to me casually, "Slamming the door in my face."
"It wasn't very nice of you to wake someone up from their perfectly decent sleep," I retaliate, standing my ground.
"Ouch Princess, that hurts," he feigns a pained expression and swipes my coffee from my hand.
"Give it back Alex," I growl, glaring at him. I throw my hand out in his direction expectantly, waiting for him to deposit the cup back into my grasp.
"Still just as feisty as last night then," Spencer teases his eyes gleaming something wicked.
Alex brings the drink up to his lips and takes a long, painful, sip.
"Thank you, Princess," he says, offering me back the coffee.
"No thank you, I’d rather not catch something."
Alex gives a deep chuckle which only goes to infuriate me more.
"Fine, I guess thanks for the free coffee then, Cinderella," he begins to walk off with the stolen drink in your hand.
"I'm not your Cinderella!" I shout back at him.
For a moment, the bustle in the corridor stops as everyone turns to face me. Instantly, I feel heat rush into my cheeks and now I must be blushing profusely, that knowledge somehow making my cheeks even hotter thus more red.
"You might want to be a bit quieter Princess, people might think you're crazy," Alex turns back to shoot me a smirk and to mime his fingers going round the side of his head, the signature movement for a crazy person.
I bristle with anger and embarrassment as Hannah and I stand in the middle of the corridor. Hundreds of stares stares burn into my back.
Payback will be had.
"You never told me that Alex was the drunken guy who came round your house!" Hannah rounded on me, brows raised and ears at the ready.