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Chapter 12: Gertrude

"Meat feast."


"Meat feast!"

"Margarita!" I exclaim.

Leo and I are currently in the supermarket arguing over what pizza to buy. I open the freezer and pick out a margarita, "What is wrong with a margarita?" Usually I would opt for a meat topped pizza but today I am feeling the extra cheese you get by opting for plain margarita.

"But meat feast is better," Leo argues, he copies me by pulling out his choice of pizza.

I give Leo my best puppy dog eyes which he greets with raised eyebrows.

"Meat feast," he says slowly.


"Just pull the toppings off and you have a margarita."

"But wouldn't it be a waste of toppings?"

"They would go to a good cause," Leo points to his stomach with a serious expression, "Come on Rowan. You want a meat feast, admit it. I really doubt the margarita has extra cheese on."

"Fine,” I respond with a pout, “But I get to choose what ice cream we have.”

I don't really mind losing out on the pizza choice because getting to choose the ice cream which is my favourite part is a more than fair trade.

"Deal," Leo chirps, taking the margarita out of my hand and plonking it back into the freezer before putting the puts the meat feast into the basket.

"What else do we need?" he questions as we leave the frozen food isle.

"Chocolate, sweets,” I swing my arms down by my side, “And I'm pretty sure a micro pig."

"Here we go again,” Leo chuckles, preparing himself to batter down my latest pet idea.

He leads the way round the store, his muscled arms carrying the heavy basket with ease. His plain white T-shirt clings to his hard chest which, it is fair to say he does not go unnoticed. With his left hand tucked casually in his jeans pocket, you can almost see confidence radiating from him. He was the popular guy of his year when he was at school. Amazing at sport, captain of the football team, and remarkably clever. Studying currently at Oxford with a degree in economics he makes me feel like the runt of the litter.

The rest of our shopping trip is successful, and I manage to sneak myself an additional two packets of magic stars to the previously agreed amount. Laden down with bags full of food, we get in Leo's car and drive home. I rest my elbow on the window so I can place my chin on the palm of my hand and find myself staring out at the view outside. From the fields that stretch out into the horizon, to the wildflowers that work together to create a fence between the road and the blankets of grass. My eyes begin to hurt due to us moving too fast and everything blurring into one big green mess

"Oh my God Rowan!” Leo exclaims causing me to jump out of my skin. Heart pounding in my chest I turn to face him. “Seriously? Get your grimy elbows off my windowsill, marking the windows,” He continues to list all the terrible repercussions my crime of resting my elbow on the sill has caused for the majority of the journey home. I decide to begin to scroll through my newsfeed ignoring him, looking up only once he has stopped to mumble an insincere apology.

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of today?" Leo asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Not sure, I feel Netflix is calling me," I reply shrugging, "Plus those magic stars probably need eating up. What about you?"

"Gertrude needs a wash so I'll do that."

I look at him hard, "Gertrude? Is that the car?"

"It's perfectly common to name your car," he mutters, skilfully turning onto our road. A smile spreads on my face as I try not to laugh.

"You named your car Gertrude," I giggle, trying to hide the fact I'm chuckling by shoving my hand over my mouth.

"Do you want to get out and walk?" He responds seriously.

"No. I'm sorry," I manage in between snickers, “I love Gertrude.” Saying the name out loud causes me to fall back into loud laughter. The hand over my mouth is doing very little to hide my amusement.

As our house comes into view, I see we have some visitors. Three to be exact. One with blonde hair, one with brown, and one with almost black. Leo's grip visibly tightens on his steering wheel.

This will be fun.

"So big brother before we get out-" I start but it is too late as I see Leo swinging open his car door and getting out.

I roll my eyes and follow him out, hoping that my brother doesn't interrogate Liam, Spencer and Alex too much. The three guys turn around. A flash of nervousness sweeps over Alex’s face, I guess he hasn't forgotten his last encounter with my brother yet. I shut the door behind my calmly, not making it swing on its hinges viciously like Liam does.

"So, Leo, this is Liam, Spencer and Alex," I say pointing to the correct boy for each name. Leo arches his eyebrow when I say and gesture towards Alex. Evidently, he also hasn’t forgotten their last encounter.

"And this is my brother, Leo," I carry on quickly before Leo can make a comment about how Alex was in my room.

"You didn't tell me that you had planned anything today Rowan," He says turning to face me.

"We didn't," I reply to my brother truthfully with a shrug before shooting our guests a quizzical look.

"We were going to head to the beach and wondered if Rowan would like to join us," Liam explains taking a step towards us.

"She doesn't. Sorry for you to have to waste your time," Leo retorts quickly.

"Hey!” I hit Leo lightly on the arm, “I might.”

"Not if you're the only girl you don't."

Smoothly the lie rolls of my tongue, Alex must be beginning to rub off on me, “If I’m invited Hannah will naturally already be going.” In all honesty I don’t know if she has been invited but I suppose I’m getting a plus one.

“Of course Han is,” Spencer begins, “I have been driving for a while now, I promise to keep her safe.”

I give Spencer a thankful grin, "See Leo. I will be fine. Love you loads I'm off to grab my stuff," I sing, grabbing the door keys from his hand. I rapidly unlock the door and run upstairs. I love the beach, there is no way I am missing a chance to go. From my draws I retrieve a blue bikini that I bought last year with Hannah. I haven't had chance to wear it yet, so I feel today is the perfect day to try it. I slip easily into it and throw a pair of denim shorts and a light blue cotton shirt over the top. From the floor I grab a bag which proceeds to be filled with the beach essentials. decided just to let my dark hair hang loose over my shoulders as I can't be bothered to put it up. I find my flip flops at the back of my wardrobe I wedge them onto my feet. Once I deem myself ready, I make my way downstairs.

Downstairs I am greeted with my brother standing in front of the sofa where Alex, Liam and Spencer sit.

"Which beach are you going to? How long have you been driving?” Leo begins to pace around the lounge, “I’m also going to need your numbers just in case.”

The three guys nod their heads in unison and stay quiet. I hold back a giggle and skip down the last few stairs.

"Leo, you are worse than dad. Now stop," I tease, dumping my bag on the table.

"You can't blame me for wanting to keep my baby sister safe."

"No, but I can blame you for being overprotective." I give my brother a knowing look and perch myself on the arm of the sofa next to Spencer. "Now have you got any more questions or am I allowed to phone Hannah?"

Leo sighs, finally staying in one spot for more than two seconds before grudgingly saying, "Fine, go call blondie."

"Thank you brother dearest,” I sing.

From my back pocket I fish out my phone and tap on Hannah's contact. I decide to get off the arm of the sofa and walk into the kitchen with my phone to my ear. It rings for a few seconds, but soon enough Hannah picks up.

"Hey. What's up?" She asks.

"I currently have Spencer Adams and Alex Rossa on my sofa being interrogated by Leo because they have invited me to the beach,” I whisper so the others can't hear, "And you are also invited so come."

"I'm not sure Row."

“Please,” I say stringing the word out as long as I can, “And theirs is a certain Liam Cambridge also here.”

“You can’t just use him to get me to go,” Hannah responds with a chuckle, “I am not a lap dog Row.”

I bring my phone away from my ear grinning, "Hannah says she’s so excited and is wondering what time we will be coming to collect her,” I shout back to the audience in the lounge.

"Tell her we will pick her up in ten," Spencer replies, daring to break eye contact with Leo to turn round and look at me.

"We'll pick you up in ten. I promise you will love it. Love you forever. Bye," I sing, hanging up before Hannah can protest.

"Are you happy enough now Leo?" I question after seeing him looking disappointed that Hannah looked to be also coming meaning he could reject the idea no longer.

He mumbles something under his breath that I cannot quite make out, but I know I have won.

"Fine. But if you let my baby sister get hurt-" he starts towards Spencer.

"Leo," I say in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay, I'll back off," he replies putting his hands in the air and takes a step back. "Text me when you're on your way back." He leaves the lounge and goes upstairs, presumably to his room. I guiltily smile at Spencer, Liam, and Alex. I probably should have warned them about Leo, but in my defence, I never knew they would meet.

"Your brother scares me," Liam whispers with an evil glint in his eye.

I chuckle and nod with agreement, "He can be quite protective." I look next to him to see Alex predictably on his phone ignoring everyone else. This Alex is so different to the one I saw last night. As a group we exit the house and make our way towards Spencer’s car.

“Is it a bad thing I forgot to mention the boat to your brother?" Liam chimes, nudging my arms with a wicked grin.

"There's a boat?" I ask, unable to hide my excitement.

"Liam's family is loaded and so naturally they have a posh boat," Spencer rolls his bright blue eyes unlocking the car so we can all pile in.

"It's probably a good thing you didn't mention the boat," I giggle.

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