Georgie's Point of View
I get up, and walk over to my vanity. I inspect the hickey Jesse left on my neck, and begin to cover it up with makeup. I wish Jesse could be more accepting of Joey. It would make things a lot easier on me.
It would be a lot on easier if he wasn't a douchebag toward me as well. When me and Jesse first started dating, a month in I found out he went out to a party and hooked up with Penelope Diaz. I was crushed, but I eventually took him back after he did a lot of begging and pleading.
Not too long ago he was drunk, and he slapped me. I forgave him because he was drunk, and he didn't even remember it the next day. Joey thinks I'm crazy for staying with him, but he just doesn't know him like I do. Jesse can be sweet, and romantic, and I know he loves me. Those were just one time screw ups, that'll never happen again. Everyone makes mistakes right?
I get dressed and slip on the jersey Jesse gave me. I grab my stuff and head down the stairs. "Have a good day sweetheart!" My mom calls from the kitchen. She's just coming in from her night shift at the hospital.
"Okay mom, love you!" I call back, and walk out the door. Joey is waiting for me in his black Camaro. I climb in, and he drives off towards the school.
"So why couldn't Jesse pick you up today? I mean I don't mind, but I know he likes to pick you up on game days," Joey says.
I can tell he's mad at Jesse. I know he really doesn't mind picking me up, it's just the fact that Jesse makes a big deal about me spending game days with him, and then he doesn't pick me up.
"Early morning practice," I say. Gosh I hope that's the truth.
Joey doesn't look convinced. "Really? Okay," he says.
"I trust him Joey," I say. Do I really though? I don't know actually.
"You shouldn't," he says.
I bite my lip. "Can we not do this please," I beg.
He sighs, and runs his hand through his hair. "Okay," he says.
My confession rings out in my head. My name is Georgia Rae Collins, and I have a confession to make. I'm a human doormat when it comes to my boyfriend, Jesse. Why am I like this?
Why am I like this? I love him that's why, I think. I want to make him happy, just like he makes me happy. When he's not being an ass.
We pull into the school parking lot, and I see Jesse with his football buddies and some cheerleaders. One of them, Olive Turner, is a little too close for comfort, in my taste.
Joey parks the car and smiles at me. "Thanks for the ride Joey. I'll see you later," I say unbuckling my seatbelt, and gathering my stuff.
"See ya later Georgie," he says as I get out of the car. I walk over to Jesse and he smiles at me. He hugs me, and Olive shoots me daggers. Get your own boyfriend Olive.
"Hey beautiful," he says kissing my forehead.
"Hey how was practice?" I ask. Some of his buddies look confused, but Jesse just smiles.
"It's was great babe, thanks for asking," he says, but I'm too focused on the confused looks his friends are giving each other, and the snarky one on Olive's face. I decide not to bring it up. I don't feel like fighting with him today, and it's probably just nothing.
"How are you doing today, Gia?" Wendy Summers asks me. She has long blonde hair, and green, but kind eyes. She's a cheerleader, and she's really the only one of them that treats me decent, well besides the underclassmen cheerleaders.
"I'm okay. You?" I ask.
"Other than being a little disgusted I'm okay," she says glaring at Olive. Her answer is cryptic, but I don't push it farther. Whatever drama they have, can stay between them.
"You look pretty today, Gia," Olive says in a fake, overly-nice tone.
I give her a small smile. "Thanks Olive," I reply. Snarky little bitch.
Jesse pulls me closer to him. "C'mon babe, let's go sit in my truck for a minute," he says.
I follow him to his truck and climb in the passenger seat. Jesse leans over and kisses me. "Did you have fun with that loser yesterday?" He asks. His tone is a little bitter.
"Jesse, I've asked you not to say shit like that about him," I snap. I'm annoyed that he keeps pushing the issue.
"Well when you constantly choose him over me, Gia, I'm gonna get a little angry," he snaps at me.
"That's not even true, stop being an asshole!" I defend. That's when he slaps me. Hard. I'm stunned and so is he.
"Gia, baby I'm sorry," he tries apologizing. I shove his hands away as tears roll down my face.
"Don't touch me!" I scream.
"Gia," he whispers.
"No Jesse, fuck you! Don't ever talk to me again!" I yell, and get out of the truck. I slam the door, and storm inside to the girls' restroom.
I look in the mirror. My lip is busted, and my face is red and swollen. What have I become? My dad would be so disappointed in me, if he were still alive.
I wash my face with cool water, and text Joey to meet me in the old smoker's pit behind the gym. I walk out of the bathroom, and down the halls to the gym lobby. I walk out of the side door and wait.
"Hey Georgie," I hear Joey chirp from behind me. I turn and look at him. The look on his face tells me I look about as bad as I feel.
"I swear to fucking God, Georgia, I am going to kick his ass!" Joey exclaims taking me into his arms. I'm numb, so I just sit there, and cry.
Joey takes my face in his hands. "Georgia Rae Collins, you are more than this," he says.
"Joey, why do I love him when he does this to me," I sob. He takes a napkin out of his backpack and wipes away the blood from my lip. He then wipes my tears away with his thumbs.
"Only you can answer that Georgie, but I hope it's soon because I can't stand seeing you like this," he says.
I lean my head on his shoulder. "I love you Joey," I sigh. He hugs me tighter to him.
"I love you too," he says and kisses the top of my head.
"I'm sorry I'm such a mess," I say.
He sighs. "Yeah, but you're my mess," he says. I look up at him, and he's smiling at me. I give him a small smile, but even that hurts my lip.
"He's taken away your smile in so many ways Georgie. I hate this. Get rid of him," he pleads.
"He said he was sorry," I say quietly.
"He always says he's sorry!" Joey says exasperated. "When he lies, and cheats, and hits you. He always says he's sorry, but he does it again, and he's always going to do it again Georgia," he says.
I don't say anything. I've been doing that a lot lately. Keeping silent. There's a lot of things running through my mind, and that I want to say, but I can't. I can't find the words, so I just stay silent.