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Chapter Three

Joey's Point of View

I walk into the cafeteria, and search for Georgie. She isn't here yet, but he is. He's laughing and talking with his dumbass football buddies. How dare he? He's just sitting there like he didn't hurt her. I begin to see red.

I drop my bag down at my table, and walk over to him. "Hey jackass," I say. He looks at me, and I clock him. Right in the mouth. Jesse gets up and punches me in the face, and it turns into an all out brawl.

We're pulled apart by a couple of his football buddies, and I'm glad to say he looks pretty beat up. We're escorted to the principal's office, and sit in the chairs, and wait.

"Can you two come in my office without it turning into a WWE match?" Principal Quinn asks. We both nod our heads, and follow her inside.

She sighs. "So what was this about?" She asks.

"I don't know, you tell me," Jesse says, and glares at me.

"He hurt my friend," I say.

He looks at me with a defeated, but angry expression. "What exactly does that mean Mr. Carter?" She asks.

"He slapped my friend Georgia," I say.

"Georgia Collins?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Mr. Burke is that true?" She asks.

"No," he scoffs. "I don't know where he got that from," he defends.

"How about her busted lip you dickhead," I snap.

"Language Mr. Carter," she says. "This is going to be investigated accordingly, as domestic violence is not something we take lightly Mr. Burke. As for right now you're both suspended for a week," she says.

"But the game," Jesse says.

"Not tonight Mr. Burke," she says, and dismisses us. Once we're out of her office, Jesse pushes me against a wall.

"You'll regret this Carter," he seethes.

"Fuck you asshole," I say and push him off me.

I walk out to the parking lot, and get in my car. I drive home, and park my car in the garage. I walk inside, and go to my bedroom. I lay down on the bed, and sigh.

"Joesph Jay Carter, what is this I hear about you getting suspended?" My mother asks me.

"Jesse hit her again," I say.

My mom sighs, and sits next me. "Well did you kick his ass?" She asks making me laugh.

"I did a little," I say knowing I probably look a little worse for wear myself.

"That shiner on your eye tells me he got some good licks in. Want an ice pack?" She asks.

I shake my head no. "Okay sweetie," she kisses my head, and leaves my room.

A few hours later Georgia bursts into my room. "Joesph Jay Carter, what the hell!" She says, and pushes my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Georgie, I just lost it," I say.

She sighs and sits next to me. "Maybe this is for the best. Maybe now I can really get away from him, become a better person ya know," she says.

She's not the one who needs to become the better person. I don't say anything though. I don't want a fight. I put my arm around her. "Yeah I know," I say. I want to tell her. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I decide against it.

"Are you going to press charges?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "I don't want a trial, or anything like that," she says.

I take her hand in my mine. I can feel my heart speed up when she looks at me with that smile. The one he dimmed.

"I'll be there. Whatever you decide. I'm there," I say.

"I know," she says.

"He'll get what's coming to him, Georgie," I say.

She nods her head. "Yeah. I just feel bad that it turned out this way. Now his life is ruined," she says.

I can't believe this girl. She's worried about him. She's a better person than I could ever be, because as far as I'm concerned Jesse Burke can rot in hell.

"Do you have band practice tonight?" She asks.

"Yeah, but I can cancel," I say.

She shakes her head. "No, y'all have fun. Come over when you're done?" She asks.

"Of course," I say. She smiles.

"See ya later Joey," she says and walks out.


"Hey Jj," Stone greets me.

"Sup man," I say.

"Nice shiner ya got there Rocky Balboa," Andy says with a laugh.

I chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "Yeah," I say and laugh.

"What was that about anyway?" Tommy asks.

"Haven't you heard dumbass? He was slapping Georgia around," Stone says. "Honestly, I'm glad you beat that prick's ass. Georgia's a decent girl."

"Not to mention Jj here has a thing for her," Andy says.

"Was he really hitting her?" Tommy asks.

I nod my head yes. "I don't think she's going to press charges though, even though she should, she doesn't want a big public spectacle," I say.

"They should hang him up from the highest fucking tree," Stone says.

"Agreed," I say.

"Look man if you wanna spend time with her we can cancel," Andy says.

"Nah it's okay. I'm going over after practice," I say.

"No Andy's right let's go hang with her," Stone says.

"All of us?" I ask confused. They're usually not into hanging with me and Georgia.

"Yeah c'mon," Stone says and climbs back in his van. We all pile in and I tell them the directions to her house. We pull into her driveway, and knock on the door.

Georgie answers. She's taken aback by the sight of all four of us standing there. "Uh hey," she says a little uneasy.

Stone envelopes her in a hug. "Fuck that asshole," he says oh so elegantly. She laughs, and hugs him back.

We walk inside and sit on her couch. "I wasn't expecting all four of you," she says picking up some strewn magazines.

"Don't clean up on our account doll," Stone says. She smiles awkwardly and sits down.

"Did you put ointment on that?" Tommy asks meaning her cut lip.

"A little here and there. Y'all musta heard," she says.

"It's all over school since Jj beat his ass," Andy says.

"Yeah that wasn't the smartest thing to do Joey," she says and gives me a stern, but caring look.

"Joey huh?" Stone asks.

"Yeah I've called him that since we met," she says.

"We've called him Jj longer," Stone says sticking his tongue out at her. She laughs, and it's a beautiful sound.

"So how long have you two known each other?" Tommy asks.

"Dude he talks about her all the time get with the program," Andy says, and I shoot him daggers.

Georgie laughs, and smiles at me. "Nice to know you talk about me Joey," she says, making my heart melt. "And as for y'all calling him Jj longer, Stone, he likes me better." She smirks at him.

"Well you have boobs so duh," Stone says.

"Jackass!" Georgia says laughing, and throws a pillow at him.

"Nah it's cause she's cooler than you dude," I say laughing.

Stone puts his hand over his heart, and feins hurt. "You're breaking my heart," he says fake crying.

Georgia is laughing like crazy, and it makes my heart swell. I know it's gotta hurt, but just to see her smile. God it's amazing.

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