Joey's Point of View
We close our set with Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. It's one of Georgie's favorite songs. When I get off the stage Georgie engulfs me in a hug, but since I'm so much taller than her she has to stand on her tip toes.
"You're amazing, and I'm a terrible best friend, and I promise to be at every show from now on you beautiful and talented creature," she rushes making me laugh. She's definitely had a few drinks.
She smiles up at me, and I almost go into cardiac arrest. "You're an amazing best friend," I say.
"Really you and Jesse haven't even been broken up a whole day," Olive says walking up to us. Georgie glares at her.
"Fuck off Olive," I say.
"Yeah kind of like you were fucking Jesse this morning," Georgie says.
"Well maybe if you weren't bad at it," she says.
"I'm a virgin you twat," Georgie snaps.
"Even worse," Olive counters.
"Well at least I don't have to worry about having an S.T.D," Georgie says.
"Okay c'mon," I say trying to pull her away.
"You bitch!" Olive screams and slaps her. And they go at it. Georgie of course is beating her ass. She can damn sure throw a punch.
I pull Georgie off of Olive, and some football player holds Olive back. "C'mon killer time to go," I say picking her up and carrying her to the van.
"You should have let me break the stupid bitch's neck," she pouts when I set her in the passenger seat.
"Georgie honey that's murder," I say and smile at her.
She sighs. "Whatever," she says.
"Damn girl!" Stone says walking up to us.
"Yo you kicked her ass," Tommy says.
"She definitely has a broken nose for sure," Andy says with a laugh lighting a cigarette.
"Do you mind? I like breathing," Georgie says and motions towards Andy's cigarette.
"Seriously, you too," he says putting it out.
Stone laughs. "We're just looking out for you dude."
Wendy rushes up to us. "Gia, are you okay?" She asks.
"She's fine Barbie, get stepping," Stone says.
Wendy glares at him. "No one was asking you dumbass," she says.
"Yeah well I answered. Get back to your little cheer sluts," he snaps.
"She's fine Stoney," Georgie says. "And you shouldn't slut shame," she adds. Stone glares at Wendy some more, and climbs in the van.
"I'm fine Wendy," she says.
"If I would have known Olive was going to act like that I would have told her to keep her stupid ass home," she says.
"No biggie. Just a few scratches. Nothing I haven't dealt with before," Georgie says with a smile, and my heart breaks.
"Okay honey well get some rest," Wendy says.
"Okie dokie smokey," Georgie says drunkenly.
"I'm gonna buckle you up okay," I say. She nods her head and I buckle her up.
The whole way home she's jamming to whatever song comes trough the radio. "You have excellent taste Stoney!" She shouts overs the music as she's still dancing.
Stone laughs. "Thanks Georgette."
We pull into her drive way, and I get out. She's still dancing to the music. "I'll be right back."
I open her door, and unbuckle her. I pick her up out of the seat, and carry her inside. Once inside I set her down on the carpet. That's when she kisses me. It's sloppy, and slobbery, and I'm shocked. I push her away, and she looks up at me hurt. The look breaks my heart.
"Georgia, you're drunk," I say.
"No I'm not," she laughs, and tries to kiss me again. I keep her from kissing me, and laugh.
"Yes you are, now come on," I say picking her back up and I carry her up the stairs. I lay her down on her bed, and take her shoes off.
"Will you stay with me Joey?" She asks.
"I have to get home, and you need to rest," I say covering her up.
"Please!" She whines, giving me the puppy dog eyes.
"Alright," I give in. "I'll be right back."
I walk down the stairs and back outside to the van. Stone rolls down his window. "I'm staying here I guess," I say with a laugh looking back at her house.
Stone laughs. "She sure is a funny drunk," he says.
"Yeah," I say with a laugh.
"Alright man well you two crazy kids have fun," he says in a dad voice. I laugh and shake my head. I make my way back inside, and sigh. I walk upstairs, and slowly push her door open.
She's snoring. Sound asleep. I smile. She looks like an angel. I walk back down to the living room and lay on the couch, taking out my phone.
The front door bursts opens making me jump out of my skin. "Dude relax it's just us," Stone says walking in.
"What the fuck," I say, trying to get my breathing under control.
"Then van won't start," Andy says sitting in the recliner. Tommy sprawls out the best he can on the love seat, and Stone sits next to me on couch.
"I wonder what her mom is going to think when she sees four teenage boys sleeping in her living room," Andy says with laugh.
"I can send her a text real quick. Tell her about your van," I say looking for Ms. Collins' contact.
"You have her mom's phone number?" Tommy asks with a questioning tone.
"Dude you really got it bad for her," Stone says with a laugh.
I just shake my head, and send the text to Ms. Collins. "Whatever."
"Georgette and Joey sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g," Stone sings.
I pick up a throw pillow and smack him in the face with it. "If you don't fucking shut up, you'll wake her up," I snap.
Stone is laughing his head off. "Dude chill," he says.
"Until you man up and tell her how you feel, we're gonna bust your balls about it," Andy says.
"Thanks for the support," I mumble sarcastically. I get comfortable on the couch, and close my eyes. That's enough bullshit for one day.
I'm awoken by a pillow hitting me in the face. "Wake up loser," Georgie deadpans. I sit up and stretch. I have a crink in my neck, and every joint is popping like popcorn. I shake Stone awake, as she wakes up Andy and Tommy.
"What the fuck? What time is it?" Stone mumbles, groggily.
"Eight a.m.," Georgie replies.
"On a fucking Saturday. Why am I awake?" He asks.
"Cause we're going to fix your van dumbass," she says.
We walk outside, and Georgia pops the hood to the van. She looks inside and finally stops fiddling with stuff. "You need a new radiator hose," she says.
"How do you know?" He asks.
"My dad was a mechanic before he was a ranch hand. Just take my car, go get the hose, and I'll put it on," she says.
"What do I ask for?" He asks.
"Here," she says writing it down on a piece of paper, and handing it to him. She gives him her car keys as well. "Bring it back in one piece please."