Joey's Point of View
I can't believe I fucking chickened out! Actually I can, but that's not the point. Me and the guys are standing in the kitchen, while everyone else is out in the pool.
"Dude you chickened out," Stone says.
"I couldn't tell," I say and roll my eyes.
"I knew it wasn't gonna happen," Andy says. "Tommy you me owe five bucks."
"Don't remind me," he grumbles.
"Sorry man," I apologize to Tommy.
"I really thought you were going to tell her," he says.
"I thought I was too," I say.
"You invited her to Battle of the Bands right?" Stone asks.
"Yeah I did," I say with a sigh.
"Okay well do something big," he says.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Dedicate the set to her, or a song," he says.
"Do you think my point will get across?" I ask.
"Are you dumb? Of course it will," Andy says.
"Thanks for the support man," I say sarcastically.
"Hey why don't y'all come swim?" Georgie asks walking into the kitchen. She's breath taking, and I do my best to keep from staring at her. I don't want to be creepy.
"Be out there in sec Georgette," Stone says.
"Whatever losers," she says with a laugh as she leaves the kitchen.
"Come on dip shit let's go swim," Stone says.
We walk outside and jump into the pool in the shorts Colton let us borrow. Gym shorts of course, because Colton is the size of the fucking Hulk.
"So you guys are playing Battle of the Bands this Friday?" Colton asks.
"Yeah man we're stoked," Stone says as he leans against the pool's edge.
"Speaking of, we need to get a set together," Andy says with a laugh.
"Very true," Tommy says.
"Yeah let's go ahead and get that done," Stone says.
"You guys play rock right?" Eileen asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Oooh you should definitely play an Avenged Sevenfold song!" Georgie says.
"Yeah, but which one?" I ask with a laugh.
"Gunslinger," she answers.
"Really not like Hail To The King, or something?" Stone asks.
"No cause that's predictable when someone covers them. Think outside the box," she answers.
"Smart woman," Stone says.
"Thanks," she says.
"Well that's one down, four to go," I say with a laugh.
"You should do like a classic," Wendy suggests.
"Yeah!" Georgie agrees.
"Like Poison or something. Sorry that's about all I know," Carmen laughs.
"Well you guys did Smells Like Teen Spirit at my party. Do that one," Wendy says.
"Yeah we can open with that. Get the crowd going ya know," Tommy says.
"Yeah I like it," Andy says.
"That leaves two more. Come on gang we got this!" Stone says clapping his hands.
"Aye aye captain," I laugh, and throw a pool float at him.
"Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted," Andy suggests.
"Sounds good to me," I say.
"Well now y'all need a slow song," Colt says.
"Very true. We wanna show that we can play ballads too," Stone says.
"Oh Green Day!" Carmen says.
"I thought you only knew Poison," Tommy teases.
"My older brother's ex listened to them, and when they broke up she sent him this really sad song called Good Riddance. You can play that," she says.
"Well okay then," Tommy says with a laugh. "Now we just got to figure out the order."
"Well okay you can open with Smells Like Teen Spirt to get the crowd going, Hey Baby, then tone it down with Good Riddance, and close with Gunslinger," Georgie suggests.
"I like it," Andy agrees.
"Yeah sounds great," I say.
"Hey Georgette wanna be our manager?" Stone asks.
She laughs. "Me?"
"Yeah you're pretty smart with this," Tommy says.
"Uh okay," she agrees. "What all do I have to do?"
"Set up gigs, help us prepare the set list, market us," Stone lists off.
"Okay well I can make flyers, and post them around town," she says.
"Cool we'll help," Wendy says.
"You sure about that Barbie?" Stone asks.
"Yes Stone," she says, rolling her eyes. Stone chuckles.
"It's set then," Andy says with a smile.
We all get out of the pool, and eat the burgers Colton made on the grill. Not too long after that mostly everyone has gone to sleep.
"Thanks for making me y'all's manager," Georgie says.
"Yeah, yeah no problem. We need a good team behind us," I say with a laugh.
She smiles at me. "I'm sorry I was such a dumbass about Jesse," she says.
"I don't hold it against you," I say.
"I should've listened to you," says.
I sigh. "Yeah, but that's in the past now. Focus on healing, and just living your life," I tell her.
"Thanks Joey. What would I do without you?" She says and hugs me.
I shrug making her laugh. "So what happens when y'all win?" She asks.
I laugh. "There's no guarantee we'll win, but if we do we get one thousand dollars, and there's going to be some big time producers there so maybe get signed," I explain.
"Y'all will win for sure," she says making me smile.
"You're already the perfect manager," I say making her laugh.
"I try," she says with a shrug.
"Wendy and the girls want me to go Homecoming dress shopping with them tomorrow," she says.
"You in a dress?" I laugh.
"Shut up dork, but yeah," she says with a laugh.
"Tommy and Carmen seem to be getting along," I say.
"Yeah. Maybe we can hook them up," she says.
"Unlike Stone, he also actually likes Wendy," I joke.
Georgia laughs. "Those two are ridiculous."
"You're telling me," I scoff. "Before we came over we had to listen to Stone complain about her one thousand times," I say, and she laughs.
"Keep this a secret, but she totally wants to hook up with him again," she says.
"No shit really?" I say surprised.
"Something about The Breakfast Club," she says with a laugh. We hear the front door open, and her mom walks in.
"Hey honey," she says walking in the living room.
"Hey mama. Hope you don't mind I got some friends over," she says.
"Oh no. You need the company with what you're going through," she says.
"Colt's here," Georgie says.
"I know he texted me. I can't wait to spend time with him," she says.
"Well I'm going dress shopping tomorrow. If you're not working we can catch dinner?" She asks.
"Of course sweetie. I'm going to get to sleep," she says. "Goodnight y'all."
"Goodnight Ms. Collins," I say.
"Joey honey I've told you a thousand times call me Kansas," she says with a smile.
"Night mama," Georgie says as her mom walks up the stairs. She yawns, and cuddles into my side. "Goodnight Joey."
I look at her, and smile. "Night Georgie," I say getting comfortable.