Georgie's Point of View
I get up from the recliner, and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out the pie from a few weeks ago. "Hey Georgette," Stone says walking into the kitchen.
"Um what?" I ask. Where the hell did he get Georgette from?
"Sorry your boyfriend turned out to be a dick," he says.
I shrug my shoulders. "It's okay."
"No it's not," he says sternly. I look at him. "What I mean is you shouldn't say it's okay because it's not. What he did is never okay," he explains.
I smile at him. "Thanks Stone. I'm just use to it," I say with a sigh.
"Well now that you're hanging with us doll face you're going to learn to live," he says throwing his arm around my shoulders.
"Is that so?" I ask with a laugh.
"Abso-fucking-lutley!" He beams.
"Okay. How do I start living then?" I ask.
"There's a First Game of the Season party we're playing tonight. Come with," he says.
I shake my head. "I don't know. Jesse's friends are gonna be there," I say.
"Fuck them! And if they give you any trouble me and Rocky Balboa out there will kick their asses," he says with a smile.
I sigh. "Fine," I say. Stone really makes it hard to say no to him. "But can you just make sure Joey doesn't get two black eyes please?"
Stone laughs. "Your wish is my command," he says making me smile. He takes my hand in his and drags me into the living room. Like a five year old dragging his mom to the toy aisle.
"Guys I convinced Georgette to go to the party with us," Stone announces.
"First of all, what the fuck is a Georgette, and second of all, Georgie do you think that's a good idea?" Joey asks.
"I can't be scared forever Joey," I say.
"That's the spirit!" Stone cheers, making me laugh.
Joey walks over to me as Stone jumps back on to the couch. "Are you sure about this Georgie? If Jesse's friends hurt you," he says.
I cut him off. "As Stone so elegantly put it him and Rocky Balboa will kick their asses," I say with a smile. Joey blushes making his black eye look even worse. I run my thumb over it. "I'm so sorry," I say quietly.
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he says and smiles at me. I smile back, and for the first time in a long time I'm happy.
I walk into my bedroom, and start going through my clothes. I sigh when I can't find anything to wear. "You're not even dressed yet!" Stone says exasperated from the doorway.
"I have nothing to wear," I complain. He sighs and walks over to my closet pushing me out of the way. "Jerk," I laugh, and sit on my bed. He throws a tight black dress at me, and a pair of heels.
"You'll look hot," he says simply and walks out.
I close the door and put on the outfit he chose for me, and he was right I do look hot. I forgot I even had this dress. It's black lace with cap sleeves, and a low back, with a sweetheart neckline. I curl my hair, and add winged eyeliner, with a red lip.
I smile and try my best to cover up the cut on my lip, but it's to no use. I grab my phone, and walk downstairs.
"It's about damn time!" Stone says when I walk into the living room.
I roll my eyes. "Whatever," I say.
"You look nice," Tommy says.
I smile. "Thank you," I say.
Andy winks at me, and I take that as he thinks I look nice as well. I laugh and we walk out to Stone's van. Joey opens the passenger door for me. I smile and climb in.
Stone pulls out of my driveway, and heads to Wendy Summers' house. He puts on Avenged Sevenfold, and I start to nod my head.
"You know Avenged Sevenfold?" Andy asks from the backseat.
"Yeah I was wearing their shirt earlier," I say with a laugh.
"I just thought it was one of Joey's," he says. I can see Joey blush and look out the window.
I laugh. "Nope, but Joey did get it for me."
"So Georgette, are you ready to start living?" Stone asks as we pull up to Wendy's house.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I say.
I help the guys carry some of their stuff to the patio, and after we're done Stone, Tommy, and Andy immediately go to the bar.
"You look nice Georgie," Joey says and smiles at me.
"Thanks you, you do too," I say. He's wearing a plaid shirt, and a pair of jeans. Simple, but that's Joey.
"Yeah but you're definitely the prettiest girl here," he says, and blushes.
I smile at him. He really is a wonderful friend. "Thanks Joey," I say.
He sighs. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" He asks.
I laugh. "Yes Joey!" I say with a smile.
"Okay okay just checking," he says holding his hands up in surrender making me laugh.
"Hey Gia," Wendy Summers says walking up to us. Joey moves a little closer to me.
"Hey Wendy," I say.
"Look I'm sorry Jesse turned out to be an ass," she says.
I shrug my shoulders. "Thanks," I say remembering what Stone said earlier.
"Just for the record him and Olive were hooking up this morning," she says.
I shake my head. Deep down I already knew. "Look um the band is playing soon, and considering the lead singer just moved closer to you when I walked up, do you wanna hang out? I promise I'm a friendly," she says with a laugh.
Joey blushes and rubs the back of his neck making me laugh. "Sure," I say. I turn to Joey, and smile at him. "I'll be front row."
"I'll look for ya," Joey says as I follow Wendy inside. Her long blonde ponytail swings when she walks, and her red dress clings to every curve. We walk out to the side patio and sit at a table.
"So you go to a lot of concerts right?" She asks.
"Yeah with Joey," I say.
"Do you think I could tag along sometime?" She asks.
"You like rock?" I ask.
"Yeah it's my secret," she says with laugh.
I smile at her. "Of course."
"So what's with Jj, or Joey," she says.
"He's protective over me," I answer.
"I see that," she says with a laugh. "He definitely got the best of Jesse which I wasn't expecting at all. I mean no offense, but I thought Jesse would snap him like a twig," she says making me laugh.
"No no I use to think the same thing," I say with a laugh.
"Well it sounds like they're about to start, and you promised we'd be front row," she says.
I follow her out to the backyard, and we make our way up to the front row. I always knew Wendy was rich, but I never thought she was rich enough to rent a small stage.
"Hey everyone how are you guys doing tonight?" Joey asks into the mic. I wave to him, and he smiles at me. "We're OceanEyes, and this first song is a cover of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit," he announces. Everyone cheers.
When the music begins, and Joey starts to sing I get lost. He looks absolutely amazing up there. He's confident, he owns the stage. He's not the shy Joey anymore. I realize I've been a terrible best friend, and have missed out on so much. How does he put up with me?