Joey's Point of View
I sit on my bed still a little annoyed about Wendy kicking us out. "God I hate her!" Stone exclaims.
"We know Stone you've only told us two hundred times already," Tommy groans.
"She's so infuriating!" He exclaims.
"Yeah we get it," Andy snaps, rolling his eyes.
Stone huffs, and sits down on my couch with his arms crossed. He looks like a pouting five year old.
"She's not so bad," Tommy admits.
Stone gives him a glare. "You wanna fuck her or something?"
I snort, and almost choke on the soda I'm drinking. "Very elegantly put there Stone."
Tommy rolls his eyes. "No dickwad," he snaps. "I actually enjoy her company. Not everything has to be about sex."
"All the good things are," Stone says chuckling.
"Not necessarily," I reply. Stone raises an eyebrow. "The way she laughs when you tell a stupid joke, the way she stares, mouth wide open, with a smile as she watches fireworks, or the way she always has to be front row at a concert because if she's not she has a panic attack cause of all the people. The way her eyes light up when she sees a dog, or any kind of animal really. Those are all good things too."
"What kind of Nicholas Sparks bullshit was that?" Stone asks. Tommy and Andy are laughing their asses off. "You've been in love with Georgette forever dude. Grow some balls and tell her all that yourself."
"She has too much going on right now Stone. She needs time to handle her situation," I reply.
He rolls his eyes. "It's always a new excuse with you man. Jesus if you don't go after her someone else will," he says.
"What's your problem man?" I ask. I'm annoyed at his sudden attitude.
"My problem is you go on and on about this girl, but never do anything about it. If you're not going to be man enough to tell her how you feel, move out of the way for someone who will," he snaps.
Now I'm pissed. I stand up from my seat and stare him right in the face. "And who would that be Stone?" I ask threateningly, already knowing the answer.
He smiles that smug, but signature Stone smile. "Me douchebag."
"Yo we're suppose to be best friends why are y'all fighting over a girl?" Andy asks.
"I'm not fighting," Stone replies. "I'm telling him either man up, or move on."
"You know what go ahead man. She'll shoot you down anyway," I say with a laugh. Am I confident in my assumption? Absolutely not, but after all these years I can't believe he never told me his interest in Georgia.
Stone sits down and sighs. "I wouldn't do that to you man." He shakes his head and looks at his hands.
"Do you really like her?" I ask.
"As a friend. I was just being an ass. I'm sorry. It's just you go on and on about her, and never tell her," he replies.
I sigh. He's right. I always talk a good game, but I never do anything about it. I'm honestly scared to. What if it ruins everything? I'd rather just always be her best friend than nothing to her at all. What if I tell her how I feel, and she doesn't feel the same way?
"I'm never going to say anything. Well not until May," I admit. Not only to Stone, but to myself. I don't know what I'm going to do come May.
"Why not until May?" Tommy asks.
I let out a deep breath. "Because she'll never feel the same way about me. To her I'll always just be her best friend. And then at least I can just have this last year, before it ruins everything," I say.
Stone looks at me sadly. "Do you really feel that way?" He asks.
I nod my head. "Yeah it's better if me and her just stay friends. I can't lose her ya know. Not yet anyway," I say.
"So what does all this touchy feely shit mean?" Andy asks.
"I don't know. We'll just be friends, until you know she reads my confession, and then she'll probably never talk to me again," I say with a laugh.
I don't know what I'm going to do actually. I didn't really think things through when I wrote down my confession. Maybe I could sneak in there one night and replace it.
"I'm not going to go after her man. That would be breaking bro code," he says.
"I know," I say.
"I'm sorry I snapped" he says.
"Get in the van dumbass," I say getting up. He looks at me confused. "I'm going to go tell her how I feel," I say.
"Dude seriously," he says.
"Yeah why wait? Right?" I say.
"Holy shit it's finally happening!" He exclaims. "Joey grew a pair."
We climb in the van, and I start driving over to Georgia's house. "I can't believe this is happening right now," Tommy says. "I'm so fucking confused."
"Jj this is going to be epic. She's gonna say yes man!" Stone says.
"Dude I really hope you're right. I don't wanna make a fool of myself," I say. I'm like a man in a mission. My friends are looking at me like a crazy person, and honestly I don't blame them. I feel like a crazy person. One part of me is like yes this what Georgia needs, and the other part is asking me what the hell am I doing.
"Jj seriously you've been in love with her for forever. The worst she can say is no," Stone says.
"Can't let the fear stop me," I reply. Joey what the actual fuck are you doing? My new found confidence is honestly scaring me.
Stone sighs, and laughs. "Okay man," he says. "If you're this serious about it."
"I don't understand what is going on," Tommy says.
"I think Jj is having a mental breakdown," Andy says.
"I'm not have a mental breakdown," I say with a laugh. I'm actually not totally sure about that, as I pull into Georgia's drive way. The light in her room is on, and I can see her with some other girls up on her room. Am I crazy for doing this? I feel crazy for doing this. Oh God I'm doing this.
I get out of the van, and walk up to her front door. I stand there, and take a deep breath. This is it. I'm about to do it. I'm about to change everything.