Georgie's Point of View
Joey follows me inside and plops down on the couch next to me. "When are they suppose to be contacting you about Jesse?" He asks.
I sigh. "Soon. My mom was pissed," I say.
"I could imagine. I mean my mom was pissed when I told her," he says
"Awe. Tell Melissa I said thanks," I reply with a small laugh.
"I will," He answers. We're so close. If I lean in just a few inches I could kiss him. But he's Joey. My best friend, and nothing like that would ever happen. Do I want it to though? My phone rings before I can answer myself.
"Hello?" I answer. "It's the lawyer," I whisper walking into the kitchen.
"Hello Miss Collins. This is Marina Sanchez. Unfortunately I have to inform you that since there is not enough evidence to back up your claims we will be unable to prosecute Mr. Burke," she says. "There's no witnesses, or video of the incident. Anyone could have caused the lacerations on your face."
I'm crushed. I don't know what to say. Should I scream or cry? "Okay," I say, and hang up.
I walk out of the kitchen on the verge of tears. "They're not going to prosecute him, because there isn't enough evidence," I say.
"What the fuck?" Joey asks. He's pissed.
"Since, no one ever saw him hit me, and there's no report of it, she said there wasn't enough evidence to take him to court because anyone could have done this to me," I explain.
"That is such bullshit!" He exclaims. "How could they let him get away with this?" He pulls me close to him as I cry, and my heart breaks. I can't believe this is happening? He hits me and nothing can be done? I don't understand.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Stone asks walking in.
"They're not going to prosecute Jesse," Joey says still holding me.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?" Andy snaps. It's nice that they haven't known me long, but are just as baffled by this as I am.
"His family has money," I say quietly.
"No fuck that. We'll take care of this guy ourselves," Tommy says.
"No, you guys shouldn't. It will only cause more problems," I says huggingJoey tighter. I don't want him getting any ideas. I know if I let him he would go to Jesse's house right now, and throw him another ass beating.
Stone groans and throws himself on the couch. "I hate living in a small town," he mumbles.
I look up at Joey, and he gives me a small smile.. "I'm gonna see if Wendy wants to hang out." I can't help, but smile back. His smile is so infectious.
"Okay, do you want us to give you guys girl time or something?" He asks.
I laugh, and wipe my face. "No y'all can stay. I mean I still gotta work on Stone's van," I say.
"If you don't feel up to it, it's no problem," Stone says.
I shake my head no. "No it's okay."
They all give me uncertain looks, but honestly I need to do it. I need to take my mind off of this for a minute. I text Wendy, and then walk outside to the van. I grab my tools out of my trunk, and begin working.
"Hey it's super hot that you can do this," Stone admits.
I laugh. "Uh thanks."
"The dude you end up with will be one lucky fucker," he replies.
I laugh even harder. "That's nice," I say.
"I know we haven't known each other long, but you're pretty chill so," he says with a shrug.
"Are you always like this?" I ask.
"Yes," Joey, Tommy, and Andy reply in unison.
"I'm not that bad guys," he defends. I laugh at their bickering back and forth. I put the clamps back on and dust my hands off, just as I see Wendy pulling in.
"All done," I state with a smile.
Stone groans and glares at Wendy. "Barbie's here."
"Play nice you two," I say with a laugh, and walk over to Wendy.
"Hey babe. Those shitbag lawyers are dumbasses," she says and hugs me.
I stand there awkwardly until she lets go. "Thanks."
She groans. "Stone Keller is here."
"What is it with you two?" I ask.
"Okay don't repeat this," she says sternly. "But we hooked up once, and he was a total douche."
"Wow," I say shocked.
"Yeah so Stone Keller is dead to me," she states.
We walk over to the guys. Stone and Wendy can't stop glaring at each other. "What is with you guys?" Joey asks.
"Really wanna know?" Stone asks.
"Shut your mouth," Wendy snaps.
Stone gives her a sinister grin. "We hooked up one night," he begins, as Wendy cringes. "We were both drunk, and afterwards she was going on about how I was a loser and not her type so I left, and never called her again."
Wendy looks confused. "That didn't happen," she says.
"Oh yes it did sweetheart," he snaps.
Wendy thinks on it for a minute, and then her face turns red. "I remember now," she says quietly.
"Yeah I felt like shit thanks to you," Stone says.
"Look I'm sorry. I wasn't in the best place I guess. Which doesn't excuse it I know. So, I'm sorry," she apologizes.
I can't believe what's going on. When did this become a Lifetime movie?
"Apology accepted Barbie," Stone says.
"Can you stop calling me that?" Wendy snaps.
"No," Stone replies. Wendy rolls her eyes, and glares at him. Ah back to normal.
"What the fuck did I just witness?" Joey asks.
I give him a shrug. "I couldn't tell you," I reply.
Andy and Tommy on the other hand are laughing their asses off. "You and Barbie hooked up?" Tommy asks.
"That's golden," Andy adds.
"Shut the fuck up you hyenas," Wendy snaps.
"Ooh Barbie's got claws," Tommy says cackling.
Wendy huffs, and storms inside. "You guys are impossible," I say with a laugh, and follow Wendy inside.
"Those stupid boys!" She yells when I walk in.
"I know I know," I says.
She groans out of frustration. "Stone is so hot though," she complains, and I'm floored.
"What?" I ask.
She sighs. "Okay I have like a huge crush on him. It's not anything serious. It's just like he's the forbidden fruit ya know?" She asks.
I stare at her with my mouth open. What the hell did I just hear? "What the- is he a fucking tide pod now?" I ask confused.
She sighs. "The attraction is purely sexual of course. Animalistic, hungry, lust," she says.
"Okay I've heard enough," I say with a chuckle.
"Sorry it's just so Breakfast Club, and I love it," she says.
"Well I'm just gonna erase that description, and be fine with this," I say making Wendy laugh.
"It's weird we never hung out before," she says.
"I don't do cheerleaders," I say.
"You mean you don't do Olive, not all of us are that bitchy," she says with a smile.
I smile back. "Yeah she's a lot."
"We're gonna have a slumber party," she announces.
"Uh okay," I say uncertain.
"Haven't you had a slumber party before?" She asks.
"Uh besides staying with Joey, and the guys sleeping in my living room last night. No," I answer.
She looks at me shocked. "Well that's just gonna have to change."