Leila's POV
"I'm so sorry that Damien made Peter kiss you but you can't deny it you felt a spark didn't you?" Sam whispered beside me as she nudged me in the arm playfully.
I glanced up from my book and scowled deeply. She parted her lips to say something but the sound of the door opening and shutting behind us put her to a thankful halt.
I listened as murmuring echoed throughout the class as Mr Kingston came strutting in, his head held high and his hands traveling down his ocean blue suit slowly as he made his way towards the podium.
Damn the man knows how to capture the attention of an entire room.
"Morning class, hope you are all ready for my unit one test today." Ah, we haven't even gone halfway through the unit and he's already giving us a test. Bless my soul and this poor mans heart because if I say what's on my mind he will surely kick me out of here.
"Miss Hart! Did you hear a word I just said?" His stern voice boomed from beside me and I snapped my head towards him to see him leaning against my table, his oceanic blue eyes penetrating deeply into mine as he arched his perfectly plucked brows.
I nodded my head with a gulp and watched as he rolled his eyes. He placed a paper down onto my desk and flashed me one of his dimply smiles, but I could see the fire behind his eyes as he said, "added a bonus question onto yours brat, have fun."
My entire body flushed with heat at the close proximity between us and I gulped as I felt the penetrating gazes of students on us. Mr Kingston didn't seem to mind as he leaned away and strutted towards the next student.
Every day he walks into class he finds a new way to torture me and everyone is aware that he does not like me and vice versa. Plus, there's no hiding that we share a dorm room, apparently the word got out and everyone knows.
Instead of calling me a slut like I'd expected and or finding it absurd that a student shared a room with a professor, I was actually praised me for and I quote, "living with a hot Scottish babe."
"Ugh, Mr Kingston I don't think that's fair." I scowled deeply, and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Sucks to suck miss Hart."
I freaking hate him.
I glared at him sharply before flickering my eyes down at the booklet. When I flipped the page open there were five questions on a separate page before the notice warned students to count the pages and numbers before proceeding.
That Scottish bastard.
I'll get you back for this Kingston, I promise you.
Glancing up at the clock I nervously fiddled with my pen and tried racking my brain for the last set of questions on this ridiculous test. But to my dismay the bell chimed loudly and I let out a pained groan, my head falling onto the booklet in exasperation.
"Okay everyone pass down your booklets to the last row and you may leave." Everyone did so one by one and I was left with a stack of test papers on my desk. I watched in astonishment as everyone toppled out of the class, including Sam and Midge.
You've got to be kidding me.
"Come over to my dorm room later, I have something planned for us, oh and bring a sexy outfit!" Sam whisper yelled as she strutted down the stairs, bid Mr Kingston goodbye and exited the classroom.
I grabbed the set of booklets on my desk and marched towards him angrily before slamming it down onto the podium before him. "Mr Kingston why are you so childish?!"
Slowly he peered up from the booklets, his eyes burning holes into my head as he settled his mesmerizing yet threatening gaze onto me. He stuffed his hands into his pocket, crossed one leg over the other and flicked the booklet shut.
"I'm a grown man miss Hart, and put some respect in your mouth, I am still your Professor at the end of the day, regardless of my age or yours." He scolded, his jaw ticking slightly as he said so.
"Sorry. . .sir. But if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" I mumbled sheepishly. His eyes flickered to my booklet that sat at the top of the file and he smiled sarcastically, "how old are you?" He asked.
I was perplexed for a moment but then realized that he knew my age because he's my teacher. He's throwing me off! Buying time so that he would not have to answer my question. That Devil!
"You know I'm nineteen Mr Kingston. If you're such the grown man, you claim to be why did you do something as petty as assigning me five more questions onto my test. Wasn't I and I quote you 'a little girl', I'm confused," I deadpanned.
If this goes as planned then in a few seconds I'll know his age.
"Little girl? I called you a little girl because I am a grown man compared to you. You aren't even allowed to purchase alcohol yet miss Hart, whereas I am old enough and wiser than you are." He said, his finger pointed directly at me as he said so.
"You're 21."
The color in his face drained for a mere second before he adjusted his jacket, cleared his throat and averted eye contact. "I am not."
"You so are! Oh, my god all this talk about being a grown man and you're only 21!? Wait how are you even a professor Mr Kingston? This just gets crazier and crazier." I chuckled humorously, and he flashed me a glare which automatically zipped my lips.
"Mr Kingston. . ."
"My name–it's Blake. It feels weird being called Mr Kingston, I am old enough but not that old. But only outside of class miss Hart as to retain respect towards me." He exclaimed as he adjusted his necktie and ran his hands through his brown hair.
"Thanks, Blake." I mumbled softly. Huh, maybe he's warming up to me, it's my second week here and we're on a first name basis?
"I said when we're not in class Brat!" He scolded sternly.
Yeah, I take that back.
"Stop calling me that!"
He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and assembled all the booklets before slipping it into his side bag, "sure do act like one." He muttered dryly before strutting away from me.
I stood there flabbergasted, watching his back profile as he tumbled towards the door completely ignoring me. "I kinda have to correct some assignments tonight miss Hart but if you choose to sleep here by all means feel free to do so." He gestured towards my frozen stance then the empty classroom and the door which he just opened.
I scrambled out of the class and stood by as he locked the door. He stood upright, nodded his head curtly towards me before pivoting on his heels and strutting away from me.
Who the hell are you Blake Kingston?
I'd really like to know.
I pivoted on my heels, deciding to take the other way out because the way Blake went is crowded with students and I don't want to be caught in the mass of students. . . nor do I want to see Peter.
That kiss was like hell, literal hell. I mean if I had to admit to myself Peter wasn't a bad kisser, he's handsome, obviously charming and witty but despite all his good qualities I still have a boyfriend that I cheated on.
Not intentionally but cheating is cheating.
I have to tell Reese.
I stumbled down the hallway, snapping my head from side to side hoping that I didn't run into Peter. But not all dreams come true, unfortunately.
Peter suddenly appeared before me as if he were tracking me by my scent. He was dressed flashy as usual. He wore a chocolate brown silk dress shirt, rolled up his sleeve so that his tattoos were exposed, clad with a pair of black ripped jeans and black boots.
I also only now noticed the stud in his ear and the multiple rings that decorated his slender fingers.
The man sure does know how to dress.
"Lei!" He exclaimed sheepishly as he approached me, that same captivating smile etched on his lips. I quickly spun on my heels, preparing to hightail the hell out of here but he was faster than I was.
His hand suddenly wrapped around my arm gently and he spun me onto my heels so that I was facing him. He frowned deeply and released his grip onto my arm, "are you angry with me?"
"Yes, and no." I grumbled.
He chuckled deeply and scratched the nape of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry that I kissed you last night. I mean it was triple dog dare, I had to do it. And to be honest, I really wanted too. . . since the day I met you in the elevator."
Is this supposed to help the situation or make it worse?
"It's fine, you weren't a total bad kisser anyway." I suddenly blurted out and I only soon realized the words that tumbled out of my mouth as the astonished and smug expression on his face.
Why did I say that!?
"I–I mean. . .ugh I have a boyfriend! Haha look at that." I babbled uncontrollably as I once again pivoted on my heels to leave but he sprung up before me, startling me slightly. He smirked and leaned in towards me so close that I was forced to take a step back.
But he didn't stop there. The more I shuffled backwards the closer he got up until there was nowhere else to run and my back greeted the wall.
He placed both hands above my head and leaned in so close that if he moved another inch our noses would touch. "You liked it when I kissed you?" He inquired once again and I shook my head vigorously as I placed both my hands onto his chest.
He rolled his eyes and smirked seductively, "are you sure?"
"Pretty damn sure buddy!"
Take a freaking hint!
"Really? You didn't like it when I did this?" Before I could respond or ask what was happening he closed the space between us and suddenly placed a chaste kiss onto my lips. I was startled at first and quickly shoved him backwards.
That same hallow feeling from last night loomed over me once again and I quickly sobered up. I can't keep entertaining this ludicrously.
"Peter, I have a boyfriend and I love him an--"
"I get it, when you're free and you're looking for a relationship, well you have my number. Looking forward to seeing you tonight." He mumbled before he pressed his lips against my cheek and pulled away, not giving me a second glance as he walked away.
What the hell just happened?
I rapped on Sam's door, waiting patiently for her to open up and within a second the door was flung open and I was tugged into the room quickly.
As she shut the door behind us I took this moment to asses her outfit. She was clad in a white body con dress that hugged her figure like a glove slipped over the perfect-sized hands. Along with that was what I'm assuming are four inch black stilettos.
Yeah, I could never.
I flickered my eyes away from her and let them settle on the dark-skinned girl checking out herself in the mirror. She wore a pair of short denim jeans with an off shoulder white top, black boots and her hair was thrown in an afro.
Damn Midge.
As for me, I wore a pair of high-waisted black denim jeans with a pink silk satin tank top along with a white kimono and a pair of pink glittered stilettos. "Oh, my god you look hot." Sam gushed at she twirled me around, giggling like a maniac.
"No joke babe, we should start our own fashion line." Midge exclaimed as she approached us.
I rolled my eyes and gestured towards the hallway. "We gotta go, the party starts in well. . . it's already began."
They both nodded their heads in understanding and scrambled around the room searching for their phones and bags.
With a sigh, I pivoted on my heels and tumbled out of the room and into the hall. I leaned against the door and tilted my head towards the sound of another door shutting.
My breath suddenly hitched in my throat as Blake came tumbling out of our room down the hallway. He was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, a white silk dress shirt buttoned all the way up his neck as I expected and a pair of white sneakers.
Mr Kingston sure does know how to dress to impress.
"Leila?" I gulped as I flickered my eyes away from his body. I peered upwards to see him approaching me and found myself lost for words as he tousled his brown hair over his mesmerizing hooded eyes.
He flashed me a smile, and I found myself careering into the door, wondering how one man can look so beautiful. "Where are you off too?" He inquired as his eyes roamed my outfit for a split second then back to my face.
"T--to this party with my friends, you?" I asked nervously.
Why am I so nervous all of a sudden!? He's the same Blake Kingston who keeps calling you a brat you brat!
"Going out to a bar with the guys, nothing much."
"Oh Blake has friends? I thought you were old and lonely." I chuckled mockingly and he rolled his eyes before they flickered to his gold wrist watch. "I gotta go, have fun with your friends and just a reminder to be back by midnight, don't wanna wake up late now do we miss Hart?"
I frowned deeply and scoffed as he began to strut away but he suddenly halted in his footsteps, tilted his head sideways and with a stoic expression he said, "you look nice, miss Hart. Have a nice night."
I pushed myself off of the wall and could feel the heat creeping onto my cheeks as I watched his retreating back.
If it weren't for the gasps and squeals behind me I'd be frozen in my spot, dumbfounded as to what just happened.
"Did I just hear you call him Blake!?"
"And did he compliment you!?"
Someone Kill me.