Leila's POV
"Hey Reese's Pieces." I smiled down the line as I flopped down onto my new bed. It's been two weeks since I've been going here and other than Mr Kingston always nagging in my ears it's pretty great.
To be honest, Kingston is annoying for a professor, it's been two weeks and for an and I quote"intelligent grown man like him," well he's pretty childish.
"Hey babe." He chuckled down the line. Hearing his voice sent a wave of relief through out my body and I relaxed against the plush pillow, smiling giddily to myself.
He's the only person who makes me sane in this world and to be so far away from him is slowly killing me. "Hey uhm Leila I have some bad news, I might not be able to make it again this week. I had to pick up some extra shifts at work because I needed the extra money and overtime wasn't enough. . . I'm sorry babe."
Are you kidding me? Again, he canceled on me a week ago and now he's canceling again?!
Never has he had to pick up extra shifts at work before to earn more money. His family is well off, they're not rich but they're more a middle class family. If Reese was desperate for money I knew he would confide in them.
"Fine." I replied sharply.
"Baby I'm so sorry, maybe next time?"
"That's what you said last week, you know what it's fine Reese, goodnight." I quickly cut off the call, not waiting for him to respond before I placed my phone onto my nightstand and rolling over onto my side so that I wasn't facing Mr Kingston's bed.
I pressed my cheek against the pillow and let the tears spill from my eyes. Maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe I'm not. But not seeing the only person you have in this world for so long hurts. I've been at his hip for years and now. . .now we're hours away.
It's just too much for me to take in.
I quickly wiped away my tears when the sound of the door clicking open emitted throughout the room. Mr Kingston came strutting in, his eyes focused on his shoes as he slipped them out of his feet.
"Hello, Brat." He exclaimed as he set his bag down and removed his blazer. My reply got lodged in my contracted throat and I cleared it softly, batting away the tears that pricked at my eyes.
At my silence he slowly sauntered towards me and I flickered my eyes shut tightly, hoping he'd think I was asleep. I knew he was hovering over me by the dark shadow the coveted my already shut eyes and the strong scent of his Versace cologne.
He sighed softly and after a few moments the soft fabric of my duvet was covered over me. Wow. . . so he does have a heart after all?
After shuffling around the room there was complete silence before the sound of the door slamming shut echoed through my ears. After a while I could hear the sound of the shower running and I thanked god silently as I flickered my eyes open.
Before I could move the sound of my notifications blared from my nightstand and I quickly grabbed my phone, unlocking it and navigating my way towards my messages.
Sam?:Hey Midge and the guys and also me (obviously) were going to the beach, apparently there's this bon fire thing going down there and Peter wants you to come!
Me:Okay cool, I'll get dressed.
Sam?:Okay meet us downstairs.
Without replying I hopped off my bed quickly and shuffled towards the closet where I retrieved a pair of blue jeans and my sweater.
I quickly peeled off my clothes and suddenly grew more anxious when the sound of the water running was cut short.
My cheeks flushed red at the thought of Mr Kingston walking in on me practically half naked.
I quickly slipped my jeans on and buttoned it up just as the bathroom door swung open and out came Kingston, his towel draped over his shoulder, his hair completely soaked with droplets of water leaking down his shoulders and over his bare chest.
He only wore a pair of grey sweatpants and I found myself squealing lightly as I snapped my head away from him. "Leila, you're awake. Where are you going?" He inquired.
I'm so used to him calling me brat it sounds foreign when my real name actually rolls off his tongue. "Uhm miss Hart." He mumbled and I frowned deeply, "yes?"
"Where is your shirt?" He asked stoically as he motioned towards me not so subtly. I frowned deeply and peered down only to see that I indeed had no shirt on and the only thing covering my lady parts from him was this damn bra.
Oh my god my Professor just saw my cleavage. "I--I am so sorry." I muttered in embarrassment as I quickly slipped on my sweater. As I pulled it down my face I could see the ghost of a smile on his lips before he shook his head in bewilderment.
"I ugh. . .I--I'm just heading out with some friends." I replied to his previous question. He nodded his head in understanding, arched his head sideways and flashed me a sarcastic smile. "Go out with your friends but I hope you'll be able to pass my test tomorrow little girl—but considering the facts—I mean in your class work, I suggest you stay in tonight."
"Please don't patronize me, we may very well be the same age." I grumbled as I slipped my sneakers on and shoved my phone into my back pocket.
He chuckled deeply and flopped down onto his bed before retrieving his bag in which he pulled out his lap top and a stack of papers which was this weeks assignment. He flickered his eyes to the papers and intentionally flashed me a smirk.
I won't let you scare me Kingston.
"Patronizing who baby?" He chuckled tauntingly and yet there was no hint of playfulness behind his voice as he spoke. I eyed him silently for a few moments, wondering who the hell this guy was.
He caught my gaze and arched his brows questionably, "is something the matter? Aren't you going out, brat?"
Fighting the urge to flip him off I pivoted on my heels and bid him goodnight before rushing out of the room.
I can only pray that I get out of this room one day.
I can only pray.
"I'm glad you came." Peter whispered into my ear as his fingers not so subtly grazed mine under the blanket that was thrown over us for the purpose of keeping us all warm from the cold breeze tonight.
I quickly snatched my hand from his grip and he smirked mischievously before tauntingly brushing up against my shoulder. God this guy just does not stop huh? "Hey ease up, I'm only teasing you. You should see your cheeks, it's like I'm staring at a tomato." He cooed.
He leaned in and pinched my cheeks and I slapped them away, chuckling under my breath as I peered up at him. He smiled and nudged me in the shoulder lightly, "atta girl."
Scoffing under my breath I averted eye contact with him and let them wander over the group of us huddled together before the bon fire. Midge was cozying up to this dude I've never seen before.
Sam and Drake on the other hand were talking. . . with their mouths—communicating through spit–I think you get the memo. After their very uncomfortable expression of PDA Sam pulled away and squealed loudly.
"Let's play a game!"
"What game?" I mumbled with curiosity dripping from my voice. She turned to me and smirked a devilish smirk before averting eye contact.
"Let's play triple dog dare," She exclaimed. I let out an exaggerated groan and frowned deeply as she clapped her hands excitedly. "And what's that?" Midge inquired confusedly.
"It's the ultimate dare, you have to do whatever we dare you to do under all circumstances, no backing out, no punchies, just do it."
"I'm in!"
"What do you think, pretty face?" Peter asked. I rolled my eyes and pulled the blanket over my mouth before mumbling fine. Sam turned towards us before smirking and spinning the empty beer bottle. Luckily it didn't land on me but instead on the guy I still didn't know of.
"Uhm, Damien right?" She asked with arched brows. He nodded his head and Sam squealed once again, "okay Damien, I dare you to make out with Midge."
I think we all saw that coming.
Midges face flushed red as Damien turned towards her and with a longing smile he nodded his head, placed his hand on her cheek and without giving her a second to react he smashed his lips down onto hers.
She appeared taken aback but indeed kissed back with as much fire as he did before. I always felt awkward watching other people display such public affection so it was only natural for me to look away.
After a few minutes they pulled away and Midge peered up at Damien, a giddy look in her eyes. For some reason I feel even more down being here. Maybe it's because seeing all these people paired up together is making me miss Reese.
. . .maybe it's not.
I sighed deeply and dug my feet further into the sand beneath my feet, my mind drifting off to Reese.
"Damien your turn, spin the bottle." Sam exclaimed and he leaned forward, spun the bottle and with a heavy heart I watched as it landed on Peter. His mouth fell agape before he pulled his lips into a smirk, "wonder what my dare will be," he sing sang.
Damien's eyes flickered to me not so subtly for a quick second before he diverted them towards Midge then back at Peter. "I dare you to kiss the girl you think is the prettiest here."
I'm starting to wonder what's with all the kisses, is this the ninth grade!? We're in College for crying out loud, why didn't he dare Peter to go butt naked and run around the beach. This has got to be the lamest game of triple dog dare I've ever played before.
"No problem." Peter shrugged as he suddenly snapped his head towards me. My eyes widened and I leaned away as he closed the space between us. "Ugh guys I--I'm not gonna kiss Peter!"
"He has to do it babe!"
"Do it, do it, do it, do it." They all began chanting and I shook my head vigorously but didn't realize that the proximity between Peter and I were already closed. And then there was the touch of his lips against mine and his hand on my waist and his skin on my skin.
My eyes widened as he dragged me towards him and for some reason as if it were instinct my eyes flickered shut but I couldn't find it in me to kiss back all the way like they expected me to. It was not as if my lips were sealed and stiff but it was jerky and not synced.
Because I didn't enjoy it knowing that my boyfriend was only three hours away from me and all I could think about was him.
I pressed my hand against his shoulder and pushed him backwards. When there was enough space away from us I snapped my head away from him, hating the guilt that racked through my body. I can't believe I just kissed another guy.
"Oh my freaking god, I ship!" Sam exclaimed excitedly and I forced my smile, hating how deeper the hallow feeling in my chest grew. It was stronger, darker and it lurked behind my back taunting me.
I hate this feeling.
But no one seemed to realize it.
"Okay next dare!"