Blake's POV
"I need everyone to go, go to the back of the classroom, get away from the door, and Samantha, please take care of Leila." I gave Leila a once over and motioned towards the end of the class as the students moved hastily.
I quickly grabbed my suitcase, knowing that this would come in hand one day. With all the school shootings, you have to be prepared for anything. "Professor, will you let me in?" An unfamiliar voice cackled outside the door as the knob jiggled.
I cocked my gun, flickering my gaze towards my students and gulping. I may be same age with them, some of them are even older than me. But as their professor they are my responsibility, whatever happens to them is on me.
I have to protect them.
I pressed my back against the wall and held the gun to my chest. I thanked the lord that there was a hallway that led to the door so the perpetrator couldn't see me but I could see them, or more specifically their hands jutting through the broken glass.
I slid down the wall, towards the door slowly, light on my feet so he wouldn't hear me. Just as he successfully unlocked the door, he pushed it open, and I sprung into action; eliminating all my fears and doubts, I approached the armed man.
His head snapped towards me and he held a shotgun in his hand and a balaclava concealed his identity, but I could still make out his age just by the wrinkles in his eyes. Mid 40/early 50's, son of a bitch. "Oh, you're a brave little boy aren't y--"
I raised my gun, knowing that it was smart enough to not listen to the villain's story and waste time waiting for them to kill me and instead immediately springing into action.
Astonishment flickered across his face as I pressed my finger against the trigger, preparing to shoot before someone beat me to it. As if the entire thing were in slow motion, I watched as he careered into the wall beside me.
His eyes were wide in shock and blood soaked his grey shirt as he slid down the wall. "I found the bastard, all units stand down, I need backup. I'm in the second wing, first corridor to your left." A police officer appeared before me. Her eyes flickered down to the perp on the floor, then the gun in my hands.
"Sir, I'm gonna need you to get back inside and put away that gun. Do you realize how much danger you just put yourself in? That's incredibly brave and stupid."
"I'm their professor, I—I couldn't let him hurt my students."
"Okay professor, you're safe now but I need you to go back in there and put the gun away. We just need to do a full sweep of the school to make sure there isn't anyone else we don't know about."
Without another word, I tucked the gun into my waistband and retreated into the classroom on wobbly legs; unable to process what the hell just happened.
I slowly trekked into view, my eyes falling on all the students huddled up together, their eyes wide in fear as they stared at me in astonishment. "Everything's gonna be okay, guys. The cops are here, they got the guy. We just need to wait till they clear us."
They nodded their heads weakly and turned towards Leila, whose blood-shot eyes were trained on the floor beneath her. She was hugging herself tightly. Both Sam and Midge tried comforting her, but I could tell she didn't hear a word they said.
I lowered myself down onto the floor and let out a shaky breath. I could have died. If that officer didn't come just in time things could have gone two ways; I would have successfully put him down or he would have shot me.
A few seconds passed, then those seconds turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into an hour. I trained my eyes onto Leila, who hadn't spoken a word for the past hour despite my best efforts.
I hope she's okay.
I hope after all of this they're all okay.
"Students and faculty, this is the Detective Leon of the MSPD. The situation requiring us to use the Lock-Down procedure has passed. Please remain seated and calm. A uniformed officer will be at your door, ready to escort you outside. Do not panic, do you not fear, the situation is all under control."
I let out a sigh of relief and waited till an officer appeared at our door. I ushered all the students to stand up and lead them out of the class with the same officer's help.
Leila sauntered past me, her eyes blank as she moved as if she were under hypnosis. I ran my hands through my hair, preparing to leave, but the officer halted me in my footsteps. "Professor, do you have a license for that gun?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am." I replied.
Her lips tucked into a small smile, "good, because I wasn't the one who shot him. You were."
Leila's POV
I clutched onto Sam's arm as my eyes flickered down to the blood trails on the tiled floor that dragged down the hallway. I tore my gaze away from it, feeling my chest tighten once again. I let out a shaky breath and flickered my eyes towards Blake who was walking behind us, his eyes trained on the floor.
I can't believe he put himself in danger for all of us.
This happened so quickly I hadn't realized he left our side until there was a gunshot at the door.
I shook my head of the horrid thoughts that flooded my mind as we trekked down into the student's hall. There was a police officer standing outside the door ushering us all outside and I followed in suit behind Blake who made his way to the front, his eyes distant.
As we made it outside, a gasp escaped my lips at the ambulances parked on the curb, the stretchers of what appeared to be bloodied bodies being rolled past us and towards the ambulances. Frantic students rushing to their parents for comfort and officers ushering other back to our dorms.
"Oh my god, Leila look." Sam's voice quivered slightly as she motioned towards one of the stretchers. I followed her gaze, and at first I didn't realize who she was showing me until I saw his tattooed sleeve.
All I could see staining his white dress shirt was a pool of blood and a sob escaped my lips, "Peter. . ."
I've always heard about school shootings on the news. Wondering to myself how anyone could do something this horrible to a bunch of innocent people. But never would I have guessed that one day I would be one of those people, along with my friends.
"Miss Hart." I pivoted on my heels and peered up at Blake who stood beside the entrance. His shirt was undone and I only now realized that there was splotches of blood on them. Without warning I leaped towards him and embraced him in a tight hug.
He hugged back and pressed his chin against my head as I sobbed into his chest. "Come on," he whispered as he grabbed me gently by the arm and pulled me away.
I clung to him tightly and yet he didn't let go as he dragged me through the busy crowd and towards the entrance of the dormitory.
All I could think of in this moment as I held onto his arm was how glad I was that he was there with us today. I felt safe beside Blake, especially now. But it was wrong, I was only supposed to feel safe around Reese and after today I can't see myself functioning anywhere else that isn't around Mr Kingston.
I don't have Reese.
I only have Mr Kingston for now.
But in the end. . . everyone always finds a way to leave me.
"Please can we go, I really, really, really wanna go Kyle!" I pouted as I shook his shoulders roughly. He snapped his head towards me and scowled deeply before turning his attention back towards his phone.
"You never have time for me. Always on that stupid phone, you stupid brother!" I snapped as I grabbed a pillow off the chair and smacked him upside the head with it. His head lurched forward and the phone flew out of his hand.
"Hey stop it you brat," He laughed as he grabbed the pillow and pelted it towards me. I didn't have time to dodge it as it connected with my stomach, sending me flying back against the floor as he guffawed.
He tumbled off the chair and snatched the pillow from my hands before smacking me in the face with it repeatedly. I giggled, shoving him off of me just as something appeared from behind him, a black object dangling between their fingertips as they aimed it at my brother.
"Kyle watch out!"
The words didn't get it out in time. I watched in complete horror as the bullet connected with his head and he tumbled back towards me, his eyes wide and lifeless.
"Kyle!" I shot up from my bed, only to realize that I was not in my old living room, but I was here in my dorm room. It was just a dream?
"Leila, are you okay?"
"I had a nightmare," I croaked out, my head swivelling towards Blake who sat upright in his bed. Silence enveloped us and he dragged himself to the edge of the bed, "about the shooting?" He asked warily, and I shook my head.
"No, something else. I'm afraid to go back to bed." I mumbled as I flickered my eyes shut, hissing in pain when they stung from lack of sleep. I sighed and leaned against my headboard.
"Come here."
I snapped my eyes open and flickered my gaze towards Blake, "what?"
He patted his bed, "come here," He repeated, and I dragged myself off my bed and sauntered towards him. He moved over, and I crawled into the bed, smiling softly as he covered me with the duvet and remained above it.
I flickered my eyes shut and tried to fall asleep, but my mind kept drifting back to the shooting. That man. . .what would have happened if Blake didn't stop him. "Blake," I mumbled, flickering my eyes open and peering up at him.
He was staring at the ceiling and slowly shifted his gaze towards me, "yes, Leila?"
"Can you hold me. . .please?" He remained silent, and his eyes assessed my face for a few seconds before he outstretched his hands and nodded his head. I rolled over onto him and laid my head down onto his chest as his hand draped around my waist and my back.
"I'm scared." I blurted out.
The thought of the officers not catching that man terrified me, that he was gonna come back and finish the job. It scared me that Peter was maybe dead, that I could have died. . .my friends, Blake.
This is the second time I've ever been exposed to a shooting. . .and I never want to experience it again.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Blake suddenly planted a kiss against my temple. His arms tightened around me and I could hear how hard and fast his heart slammed against his chest. I know you're scared too, Blake. We all are.
"It's okay, Leila. I'm here."