Blake's POV
I couldn't deny the fact that I was pissed. I was pissed because I had to relive a moment of my life I tried so hard to bury. I was pissed because I was disappointed in Leila for dancing with a stranger and getting drunk. Yes, I know she's still a teenager, but I know her, and I know that she's a responsible person.
So to see her at that party kissing a guy I'm sure she doesn't know, it didn't sit well with me. Especially since her boyfriend also had to witness it. Now I don't personally know the guy, but I do know one two things about cheating, and I know that she had a lot of explaining to do.
I shouldn't even have gone to that party. The only reason I did go was because one of my friends was there, got drunk and called for the guys and I to pick him up. I decided to tag along to make sure they were all okay taking care of him and then on my way out I saw her.
I shouldn't have gone because one; I didn't like what I saw and two, it made me say some things I didn't mean. Hell, my words weren't even directed at her, I was just angry with myself and angry at the memory that resurfaced in my mind and Leila just happened to be the one to hear what I said.
When she said she hated herself, her face nor her voice was what popped into my mind. It was her; the woman who thought I wasn't worthy enough for her love. I would never say that to Leila, especially considering what she's gone through in the past month.
"Leila, look. I'm sorry about what I said, it wasn't meant for you, believe me. I-I wasn't even thinking about you when you said that. But it was still rude and I crossed the line, I apologize."
"Yahhh-" she slurred as she waved her hands before her, "It's whatevs, I-I'll prolly forget alllll about it by t-tomorrow!" She exclaimed as she stumbled back into my arms. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she slung a hand over my shoulder to keep steady.
"I messed up d-didn't I Blakey? It w-was just a lousy kiss! A-and I didn't even want to kiss that man child, I-I just wanted t-t-to have funnnn. Ya know!? And oh Blakeyyyyy, I am so so so so sorry about your granny! She must- must have been a great woman yeah? Great, great woman.
I wish I could m-meet her! And see ugly pics of you a-as a babbyyy. Oh that would be hilariously funnnyyy!" I chuckled softly, knowing that if I recorded her right now and she was to hear herself tomorrow she'd be mortified.
"Oof Reese, t-that idiot is gonnaaaa have my head on a stick yeah? Ugh that big man j-just kissed me! I was gonna push him away but-" she stopped abruptly as we tumbled into the student's lounge and I ushered her towards the elevator, thankful that there weren't many students lingering around nor watching us.
This may just be me bringing back a drunk girl to her dorm to make sure she's okay but from another perspective this looks crazy inappropriate.
"He isn't e-even me type!"
"Then who's your type, Leila?" I inquired. I didn't want to entertain her babbling but at the same time, she's funny when she's drunk. And considering how awful tonight has been I need the laugh. "You are y-you big dummy!" She giggled.
"Excuse me?" I inquired as I peered down at her. She smiled, "no I like t-tall guys, wait you're n-not tall nor short. . .you're medium!"
"Shut up, Leila," I mumbled after a moment of silence. Finally, we made it to our floor and we stumbled out of the elevator. She pouted adorably and I willed myself to not smile, I was still pissed at her, but at the same time hearing her say I was her quote and quote "type" didn't help at all.
It was inappropriate. Point blank.
"Why do you keep h-hurting me feelings Blakeyyy! You tell me to shut up and you're always so demanding! I hate you. . .well I-I also kinda love you, but shhhhh don't tell Mr. K-Kingston." She whispered.
I halted in my footsteps and peered down at her, wondering if she just meant what she said. They do say a drunk mind speaks a sober heart. "You're gonna regret everything you just said tomorrow," I exclaimed as I unlocked our room door and tugged her inside.
She immediately leaped away from my arms and propelled across the room towards my bed. She slumped down onto it and laid there, her arms spread above her head, "w-what, that I looveee professor Blakey?" She giggled.
"You talk a lot more when you're drunk don't you?" I deadpanned as I made my way towards the kitchen. I retrieved a glass from the cabinet along with a packet of Advil. Sobering her up now will soften the blow tomorrow morning.
She'll thank me later.
I sauntered back into the room and lowered myself down beside her. Her eyes were closed, but I could tell that she wasn't breathing steadily which meant she was still awake. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was trying to trick me into thinking she fell asleep.
"Drink this and change your clothes after so you can go to bed," I said as I placed the packet of Advil and water onto the nightstand. From my side view, I could see her eyes flicker open and she smirked. I turned back towards her and just as quickly she closed them tightly.
I chuckled softly and stood up from the bed and made my way into the bathroom. I didn't know how to feel, whether I should be angry, anxious, relieved. Relieved that I was there in time to stop a possible fight between her boyfriend and herself.
Relieved that I got her here safely seeing as her friends were nowhere to be seen and I'm guessing she went with them. But also angry that I let this get the better of me and I turned it personal when it had nothing to do with me.
I sighed deeply and quickly washed my face, hoping to clear my mind of tonight's events.
When I stumbled back into the room, Leila was still spread out wide on my bed. But the glass of water was empty and the packet of Advil was gone. I sighed deeply, realizing she still had her dress on. At the sound of my footsteps, she peered upwards and motioned towards it.
"Blake, can you p-please help me? I'm drunk and uncomfortable and this dress is sticking in weird places."
"Are you okay?" I asked as I sauntered towards her. Without answering she rolled off the bed and came to stand before me. She pivoted on her heels and motioned towards the zipper. Hesitantly I rose my hand towards the dress and began to zip it down.