Leila's POV
I stirred awake as something repeatedly tapped my leg. I fluttered my eyes open and kicked it away, grumbling under my breath as I slipped back into a slumber.
The next thing I knew, the comforter was snatched away from me, leaving the cool breeze coming from the air conditioner to hit me all over. I gritted my teeth in anger and sprung up from the bed, "what the freak!"
"Get up brat, you're already one day late and you have classes to attend." The Scottish voice blared out, and I groaned out loud before rolling off the bed.
As I did so I could feel my shirt rolling over my stomach and onto my chest, my bare skin exposed to the cold air. Even from here, I could feel Mr. Kingston's eyes on me before he rolled them and pivoted on his heels.
I quickly pulled my shirt down in embarrassment and grabbed my towel from my bag before moving towards the bathroom. I shut the door behind me with a huff and leaned against it.
"Uhm Leila I'm assuming that's your name, some guys are coming over to bring an extra bed just a heads up and don't be late for class, especially mine."
He's my English professor, wow I have the greatest life don't I?
I peeled off my clothes and slipped into the warm shower, the warm water gently cascaded down my body and automatically relaxed my tensed muscles and I sighed in exasperation and relief.
I quickly washed my knotted hair, finished up my shower, then made my way back to the room. I retrieved a simple outfit from my closet, then dried myself up and slipped it on.
I quickly did my makeup although I didn't have to, but it somewhat makes me feel confident and a little less crappy. I'm not one for much makeup so I went for a more natural look, I liked it this way rather than caking up my face with it.
I slipped on my black boots and grabbed my bag and phone, then stumbled down the hallway. "Shit I forgot my schedule." I spun around on my heels, preparing to head back into my room but instead, I bumped into something hard and toppled backwards which sent me crashing onto the floor.
"Ah, shit!" I muttered under my breath as I placed my hands on the floor, desperately trying to hoist myself upwards. "Drake help the girl up, I thought you were a gentleman you asshole!" A voice screeched loudly from beside me.
A pair of firm hands suddenly intertwined around my waist and effortlessly hoisted me onto my feet. "Sorry babe, but she walked right into me!" He exclaimed as he scratched the nape of his neck nervously.
I snapped my head towards the girl standing beside him and smiled sheepishly at her as she glared at who I'm assuming is her boyfriend before she turned towards me. "Hi, I'm so sorry about my boyfriend he has no manners what so ever," she exclaimed.
"It's okay, I really wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."
She peered ahead of me and widened her eyes as if silently arguing with him. He rolled his eyes and offered me a simple smile, "sorry about that."
I nodded my head in understanding and gently grabbed my papers from the girl's hand. "My name's Sam, short for Samantha and this is my boyfriend Drake." She extended her hand towards me and I stared down at it perplexed. She suddenly pulled it back when realizing that I didn't make a move and chuckled nervously.
It's not that I'm being rude it's just that no one has ever gone this long in a conversation with me since high school. "I'm sorry, I'm Leila or you can just call me Lei."
She beamed excitedly and suddenly leaped towards me before dragging me into a bear hug. "Jeez Sam, what have I told you about hugging strangers!" Drake exclaimed in exasperation.
"Shut up Drake, you know how much I wanna make friends." She said before pulling away from the hug, her eager eyes assessing me very closely and rather. . . creepily. "Now my new best friend, can I see your schedule?"
"Uhm. . . I guess." I muttered sheepishly before handing her my class schedule. She beamed brightly and suddenly burst into loud squeals. "We have all classes together except you're doing graphics design, oh just like Drake!"
She handed me my schedule and slung her hands over my shoulder before pulling me beside her. "We're gonna be great friends!"
"I can't take another class, I'm bored out of my mind." Sam sighed deeply from beside me, I snickered and shook my head lightly as I continued jotting down notes as the professor went on and on. "That makes two of us," someone mumbled from beside me, I tilted my head to the side and my eyes immediately interlocked with another girl.
When she caught me staring she smiled and outstretched her hand towards me. "Hi, I'm Midge, if you girls are looking for a hitman I'm here because at this point I know you'll all rather die than be here."
"I'm Sam and tell me about it!"
"Leila." After the introductions, we all returned to our work until class was over and I had the chance to find me some food. Yes, yes, I really freaking love food.
"You're so pretty," Midge exclaimed as we exited the class. I blushed nervously and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before clearing my throat. "Right?" Sam mumbled as her hands slung over my shoulder once again then over Midge's shoulder. "I think the three of us are gonna be best friends yeah?"
Okay, this girl is weird as in weirdly nice but still weird.
When we made it to the cafeteria I couldn't help but halt in my footsteps to gawk at what would only be described as a food court. There was subway, Panda Express, KFC, Starbucks and even our own ice cream parlour. Round tables were situated around the cafeteria and mostly all were occupied by students.
"Come on we're gonna sit with my boyfriend and his friend," Sam said as she strode towards a table occupied by two guys. One I recognize all too well and the other I bumped into this morning, i.e; Sam's boyfriend.
"Peter?" I mumbled more to myself as I lowered myself down at the table. He curiously and confusedly glanced upwards and I expected him to just say hi and brush me off but his eyes suddenly sparkled and he flashed me a charming smile.
"Ah the beautiful Leila, nice to see you again. Did you open up that note I slipped into your pocket?" He winked.
Sam glanced between the two of us before her eyes widened in realization. "Oh is she that girl you were--" her words got cut off and muffled in her mouth when Drake's hand suddenly flew over her mouth.
Peter chuckled nervously as he flashed me his dimples and ran his hand through his silky long hair. I took in a sharp intake of breath and averted eye contact with him. You will not be tempted, god why does this College have such good looking men!?
I cleared my throat in nervousness when our eyes interlocked and a small nervous chuckle escaped my lips. Okay remember Lei you have a boyfriend and he loves you.
And guess what!?
You're going to visit him soon so remember that and don't fall for any pricks who's totally hot and can sweep you off your feet in any second.
"Who's this?" Drake asked rudely as he shoved a hand full of fries in his mouth. Midge chuckled from besides me and smiled sweetly, "definitely someone who doesn't eat like a pig." She spat and Sam's eyes widened before she snorted as Drake's face drained of its colour.
"Damn girl, feisty, I like it. If I didn't like Leila here maybe I would have gone for you." Peter chuckled and he flashed Midge a wink. "Aww, you guys would make such a cute couple!" Sam cooed as she flickered her eyes between Peter and I.
He shot her an amused smirk as his hand rounded the back of my chair. Smug move Peter but I already told him I have a boyfriend which basically means I'm off the market.
"I-I kinda have a boyfriend so I don't think anything is gonna escalate here." I mumbled as I poked at my fries. The table fell into complete silence, leaving me a bit flustered. I peered upwards, only to see all their eyes fixated onto me.
Okay that's freaking weird, they're looking at me as if I said I murdered an old woman.
"And since when was that a problem for Peter?" Drake suddenly blurted out. I widened my eyes in astonishment before swivelling my gaze towards Peter. So he usually picks up taken girls? If I ever date him then won't he have no problem doing it to me as well?
Which leads me to my next point. . . that among other reasons is why we'll never date.
"Thanks for the intel, Drake. It is rather useless but thank you," I said.
"Don't worry--" Peter's British voice rang through my ears, I flickered my eyes towards Peter and saw that he was already staring at me with a small smile on his face, "-- I'm not half bad, you'll see."
That's exactly what I don't wanna see.