Blake's POV
"Get your stinky feet down asshole," Leila exclaimed as she shoved my feet off the center table. I scoffed and peered up at her, feigning hurt, "is that any way to speak to the man who could fail you in 0.5 seconds? Not a wise choice miss Hart."
"Oh suck a butt. I-I can't believe you told Peter I had the flu and god a rash!? Are you serious, and the piece of cold, o-oh you asshole!" She shouted as she grabbed a pillow off the couch and slammed it down onto my face.
"I regret nothing!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the pillow from her hand and flung it across the room. She clenched her fist tightly and growled under her breath before she rose both her hands before her and flipped me off, "I hate you!"
"Feelings are forever mutual my love," I muttered tauntingly. Suddenly there was a loud crash in the kitchen and I peered upwards quickly to see the chair turned over on the floor, Leila standing beside it with her hands folded over her chest.
I sauntered into the kitchen and picked up the chair swiftly as I glared at her, "problem miss Hart?"
"You locked the doors and hid the key in your pants! I can't go out now!"
"Well, come get it." I chuckled deeply before bursting into a fit of laughter at the pure disgust on her face. She shook her head in disbelief as she marched out of the kitchen, "you're so disgusting and annoying!"
"Shut up, Leila. You just don't know humour when you hear it, you're just a dull old and grumpy 19-year-old who needs to take a chill pill, sit down and do her assignments or guess what? You'll be on academic probation and I'll be happy to be a reference when that time comes."
"Blake! Let me out of this bloody room!" I placed my hands over my ears and lowered myself down onto the couch as she reigned terror down on the room. I've seen this before; irritability, mood swings, a sudden peak in hunger."
"Time of the month?" I inquired softly and she peered up from the pillow her head was buried into and glared at me, "Leave me be and let me die!"
"Jesus woman I was just asking, why is it a crime for a guy to ask women such a simple question like hey, is it that time of the month because I've realized that you're even more of a demon than you usually are."
"What's that Blakey? You want me to chop off your balls and put it in a doggy bag, okay!" She exclaimed as she flew off the bed and charged towards me. I pushed myself off the couch and caught her in my arms just as she propelled across the room.
I flew her over my shoulders effortlessly and ignored her screams to put her down. I sauntered back towards her bed and dropped her onto it before encircling my hands around her wrist, trapping her against the bed. "You're taking advantage of me!" She cried out as she peered up at me, her big brown eyes penetrating through mine.
"I'm not, I'm restraining you because you're acting psychotic."
"Blake!" She suddenly moaned and my eyes widened in shock. As if realizing what just occurred she snapped her eyes back towards me and flushed red, her eyes now wide as embarrassment flickered across her features.
"Uhm-" I coughed as I tore my gaze away from her, suddenly feeling self-conscious, "have you settled down?" I inquired. Silence enveloped us and against my better judgement I lowered my gaze back down at her, only to see that she was still peering up at me, embarrassment no longer visible on her face.
Then she nodded her head slowly and wiggled in my grip, "yeah, I have. I'm sorry, I was overreacting," She whispered. For a second I could barely hear the words escape her lips as she spoke because I was once again mesmerized by her beauty,
There were just so many things, aside from her features that made her so special. She was strong, challenging, yet annoying but bold. Even though she's been through so much as far as I could tell, she's learnt to grow and become stronger from it all, enduring things I'm sure is beyond my knowledge.
I wished-shamefully- that she wasn't my student. I wished that I had met her beyond these walls, or at least someone like her. But as far as I could- as far as the women I've ever dated- to me she was one of a kind. I'm sure there are more and even better women than her.
But to me, this was the only better I have seen.
"Blake?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I was still pinning her down. I pulled my hands away from her wrist and pushed myself off the bed. There was an unrecognizable expression on her face but I brushed it off and sauntered back towards the couch.
"Can you-can you come back?"
"What?" I muttered as I turned back towards her. She lowered her gaze down onto the bed and sighed, "the nightmares came back. I thought they stopped b-but I guess not." Shit.
I ran my hand over my face, knowing deep down that this was beyond inappropriate. God, this whole thing was. How can a school even pair up a student and a professor in one dorm! The entire thing was insane beyond my understanding.
But then again, I didn't want to hurt Leila. Her nightmares really were horrible and she'd only be relaxed whenever I was near. She just needed someone to be there, reassuring her that she was fine and unfortunately I was her only source of comfort.
With a sigh, I rolled off the couch and made my way back towards her bed. I crawled in beside her and lowered the cover down onto her. She rolled over so that she could rest her head on my chest and I flinched.
Accompanied by all the thoughts that plagued my mind today, unlike any other night where I helped her fall asleep, tonight was the one night where I felt a slight uneasiness because I knew the flutter in my stomach wasn't to be ignored.
I'm gonna be in deep shit.