I get down after taking a quick shower. I can't stay to my room since I am a slave here. He bought me to be his slave, right? I didn't know that this slave thing is still on until 21st century.
When I get down I saw Nana Maria at the kitchen. I am shy to approach her but I have to know what I can help.
"Good morning, Lorraine." She greeted me. "Good morning, Nana."
She is smiling while mixing looks like it's for the pancake. "I am cook, Nana." She chuckled. "Of course. You want to cook breakfast for Señor?" I quickly nodded. Also my thank you from yesterday.
At first she watch me when she maybe notice that I really know how she let me. "After pancakes are eggs because Señor's wants pancake with eggs. I'll start cleaning the living room."
"Okay, Nana."
I'm not complaining well I love cooking since at early age Mama is already teaching me how. I use to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for them and I'm enjoying it.
When I'm done with the pancakes. I start with the egg then toast some bread. I saw a toaster but I don't know how to use it. Instead, I put some butter on the pan and put the bread there. I bet this will be taste better than the toaster.
"Good morning," I heard Señor's voice.
I look at him and he looks dazzling in his dark blue suit. "G-good morning, S-señor."
I can't keep my eyes on him. "What are you cooking?" His voice become closer but I stayed looking at the bread. "P-pancake, egg and toast bread, S-señor."
"We have toaster, why aren't you using it?"
I put the three breads at the plate. That was the last set and I'm done. "I don't know how to use it."
He didn't reply. I start putting what I made at the table so that he can eat. "Oh, you're done, already?" It was Nana's voice. I nodded at her.
"I'll make your coffee, Señor." Nana added.
Señor Matthew sat on chair and I am standing beside watching him. "Sit down,"
"A-after you eat, Señor." I am really nervous because of him.
He look at me and stop getting pancakes. "You'll be joining me every meal so sit down now and eat." Because of his scary aura I just nodded and sit down.
I feel like if I don't follow him I'll be mad and beat me up. He's taller and more musculine than my father so I think it will really hurt if he beat me up.
Nana gives me a milk and coffee for Señor then she leave us to continue her doing at the living room.
Señor Matthew put two pancakes at my plate. "You want egg?" I shook my head. "How about bread?" I also shook my head.
"You'll only eat pancake?"
"I am allergy to butter." Since I use butter to cook eggs and bread. He didn't response.
I start eating and the pancakes taste so good especially that he put syrup and blueberries above it. This is my first time eating pancakes with syrup and blueberries. I don't expect that it will taste so good. "You like it?" I look at him.
I felt shy because he probably saw my reaction how good the food is. "Yes,"
He didn't talk back again until he's done and leave the house. "Nana, w-where is Señor going?" I asked her when she's washing the dishes.
"Work hija. Señor has a lot of business. He has clubs, his own wine factory and casino across the southeast Asia. That's why he is always busy."
Casino? So he owns the casino where he bought me? He's that rich! Now, I understand why he waste his money to me. He has a lot.
I help Nana Maria clean the house but he resist. She said she can manage and I can take a rest because I already cook. "Nana, cooking aren't tiring." She giggled.
"Just let me, hija. This is my work and I love cleaning the house."
Again for the ninth time, this is my first time hearing to someone that they love cleaning.
I don't have anything to do so I just put all the clothes we bought yesterday to the closet. After that I didn't notice that I fell asleep I just woke up with Nana's voice knocking the door for lunch.
We eat lunch other since Señor aren't going home for lunch. That's what Nana Maria said.
I volunteer to wash the dishes since she already cook and she agree. She said that her feet is aching so she'll just going to take a rest.
After washing the dishes again, I don't have anything to do so I decided to roam around the mansion.
Some doors are lock so I didn't have the chance to open it. When I enter another room I saw brushes and paints.
I don't know if I'm allowed to use this but I'm bored so I decided to take a sit and try painting.
I love looking painting because I can somehow connect with them. Like I am communicating when I'm looking at them. This is not mu first time pain but painting in canvas, yes it's my first time. My parents isn't into paintings so they are not supporting me with it. Thinking that I am not there daughter makes me still sad..
I am thankful that they give me clothes and food but they should at least told me before. When I leave for school sometimes I am thinking of not coming back because I have the chance to escape but my conscience is stop me.
They are the only family I've got. I don't know any cousins from them nor Aunts and Uncles so it always end up me going back home. Now I am regretting not continuing my plans before. I should escape them.
It took me like two hours of painting. It is simply a flower in a desert. Alone and no one to rely on. It might die soon because of no support of water and the heat is too much but the flower is fighting for her life. She wants to live longer, meet new people and be happy.
"Nice painting."
I suddenly stand up because he startled me. "S-señor,"
He come closer and look at my painting. "Can I have this?"
"Y-yes, S-señor. I'm sorry I use your p-paintings." I can't look at him now that his full attention is on me. I'm scared that he might scold or hurt me.
"It's okay. No one use this room,"
I nodded still not looking. Señor didn't look so I look up to him and our eyes met so I look down again. I heard him chuckled. "Thank you," he said and go with my painting.
That is the only time I breath, I didn't notice that I stop breathing because of nervousness. "Hay," I exclaimed.
I clean the brushes I use before going. I put everything where it was before. I didn't know where he put my painting but I can't see it anywhere in the house.