I woke up with someone knocking at my door then the memories from that casino flashback on me. Was that all dream? I sit up and look around.
This is not my room. My room at our house is just simple small bed, closet and a mirror but here I am laying at a queen size bed, I saw two doors, vanity and more decorations. It's all white and brown.
"Hija?" The voice coming from behind the door.
I stand up and open it. It was an old woman smiling at me. "Thank God you're awake. I am Nana Maria, I work here."
"H-hello, I am Lorraine."
"Okay, Lorraine. If you're going to take a shower or any morning routine do it now because Señor Matthew will be here anytime soon. He doesn't like someone who's slow."
I nodded. "O-okay."
"Faster and don't let the food wait downstairs." I simply nodded then close the door between us.
I open the two doors and the other one is for the shower room and the other one is for the closet. Wow this is my first time coming into this kind of room. I look outside through the window am seems like I am in second or third floor the house.
I get a towel and took a shower. I saw how puffy my eyes are. I was crying since we arrive here. Matthew didn't ask me after we got home so I stuck myself inside the room he gave me.
I look at my body on the mirror and I can see the healed wounds I got from my parents. It's all at my back down to my legs. This is the reason why I don't wear short clothes. I look ugly!
I saw girly toiletries so I decided to use it. This might be his girlfriend's but I have no choice.
After the quick shower I open the door and I am fixing the towel that is wrap around my body when something drop.
I look up and it was Matthew's phone he is sitting on the coach while looking at me. I quickly wrap the towel across my body. "Don't tell me," I said slowly.
"I saw it," my eyes widen. I come to him and hit his arm. "Pervert! Pervert!" I said while hitting him but the towel that I am using to cover my body drop! So my eyes widen more.
Quickly I grab the towel and wrap at around me again. This time I didn't let it go. I saw a smirk on his face. "Arghh!" I said then turn my back on him to change into my clothes.
"Open the door!"
I heard him. "I don't want to." Then I face the closet. Realizing that it is empty. My things aren't here. I didn't think of that.
"I have your things. Open up!" I open the door so small only my face can show.
He looks so serious now. He didn't say anything and give me a paper bag. "Faster." He said then turn around.
I close the door now to change. I saw only a pair set of undies, a white short sleeve polo and a pants. It fits really well. When I get out of the closet Matthew is nowhere to ge found but there's a white pair so sneakers with a note.
"Wear this. Faster, I hate waiting."
I know that this is from him so I wear the shoes. My natural brown hair is still wet but I let it.
I was running down the stairs when I saw him enter the house.
"You took so long to get ready." Matthew said. His eyebrows are almost touching because of his expression. "Let's go."
Nana Maria come to me when when Matthew turn his back. "Don't forget to call him Señor. Now go, faster." I nodded at her.
When I get out of the house. The man from last night came up to me. He guide me to a black BMW and open the door for me. "Thank you." I said then smile.
Señor Matthew is already sitting beside me. He look so bored and irritated. "Michael, let's go."
"Where are we going?" I ask when we get out of the gate. He didn't answer instead he close his eyes. He seems tired so I let him.
I just look around because this high buildings are new to my eyes. Mama and Dad never let me go out of the house except when I need to go to school. After school, I should be at home exact time they said if not I'll be punish.
Those memories is still hunting me until now. Something even in my dream they are hurting me.
They like to introduce me to there male friends but I don't show any interest so they are backing off. If I complain, I'll be beaten. If I say no, I'll be beaten. Every wrong move even if it's petty things I'll be beaten. I don't know if being sell to Señor Matthew will cause me any good since I still don't know him yet.
Maybe his kind at the start but he will also beat me up after months. Who knows with his dark aura.
The door opens and that brings me to reality. When I get out of the car, I got the answer to my question because we are at the mall. For the past 20 years of my life I can count how many times I've been at the mall. "Wow," I didn't stop my self being amuse by the things that I am seeing.
The mall is up to 5th floor. I am looking around with a smile on my face like how kids react when they are at the mall.
I look at him and he is also looking at me but he look away. The two bodyguard is following us.
"Faster," He said when I slow down my walk when I saw the fountain at the middle of the mall. That's amazing.
He enter a store so I follow. A lady came up to him and after there talk she turns to me. "Hi Ms. Lorraine, I am Margaret. Nice meeting you." We shake our hands.
She is smiling at me. "Why don't we start at her clothes, Mr. Alejandre."
I look at him too. He just shrugged and sat on the sofa. "Follow me, Ms. Lorraine."
"S-señor, I.. I still have clothes at h-home. I can just g-get those. Please, d-don't be mad."
I saw his jaw tighten so I look down. "B-but if you want it's okay just d-don't be mad." I am playing with my hands now. Scared that I trigger him.
"I already throw your clothes. We have to buy new ones." I look at him with shock.
I didn't expect that. "O-okay." I simply said I don't want him to be mad more. I already complain. "And I'm not mad." He added that makes my nervous go.
"T-thank you."
Margaret talks about clothes, shoes, and fashion. I am just nodding because I saw Señor Matter looking. I don't want to be beat up when we get home so even though I don't understand her I am saying yes.
After that talk she starts picking clothes and make me wear at. When it's time to wear the leather skirt, I shook my head. "Please d-don't be m-mad but c-can I not wear does?" I said and pointed at the section of short clothes that her assistant is wear.
Margaret chuckled and looks so amuse. "Of course, if you don't want." She gave me a sweat pants and I try it. There are alot of clothes then we go to the another store. I saw the name of the store, it's Victoria Secret. It's all girls stuff.
I saw him talking to a girl and it came up to me again and start talking about the design they have. I said yes to everything. Again Señor is simply sitting at the couch watching us.
With all those shopping. I am holding a lot of paper bags now. I don't want to give it to his bodyguard since it's all mine. It's getting heavy. "Ms. Lorraine. Give me the paperbags." Michael said but I shook my head.
"I can manage." It was like a whisper.
We ate at a fine restaurant. It's my first time to eat other and this fancy. It's just me and Señor at the table. "What do you want?"
I look at the menu and it's so expensive. I don't have money to pay for this so I put the menu down and look at him. "A-anything," I saw his jaw tighten again so I look away.
Is he mad? Will be beat me uo when we get home? I didn't mean to. When the waiter go I quickly look at him. "A-are you mad, Señor?" My breath is so fast now.
I can't see anything in his eyes. "No, I'm not mad. Calm down." He touch my hands so I pull it out.
He might pinch me or what. I didn't talk again after that either him. Until we get home no one talk.
I was about to put the paper bags on the sofa when we talk. "Don't leave it there, straight to your room. No one will bring it upstairs for you."
It made me so nervous. "Y-yes, Señor. I'm sorry and t-thank you for t-this." I almost run going to my room. He might follow and beat me up for complaining and almost leaving my things downstairs.
My hands are red with those paper bag but I don't mind. It's not just clothes, its also shoes and toiletries.
After changing into something. The bed is pulling me so I lay down to sleep. I am so tired all I want now is to take a rest.
I am thankful that I didn't got a nightmare tonight but I somehow woke up feeling someone caressing my hair. My eyes are still close because I'm still sleepy but I can hear him.
"I'm sorry for letting you carry does heavy paper bags. I just dont know what to do,"
The next day, it feels like a dream so I let it. Maybe I'm just having a good dream last night but I don't remember it clearly.