I rolled my eyes at him, clearly showing my distaste for him, “Ugh, what do you want?” I asked, annoyed. He smirked and took a step closer, I inched back but he stretched an arm out. He gently placed a hand at the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. My body just had to react. My breathing hitched and my heart thumped loudly against my chest.
His lips brushed my cheek, "I want Cupid falling hard," he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I could feel his hot breath down my neck as he moved his lips to my neck. Feathering a small kiss on my neck, I could feel the smirk of lips against my skin before he pulled away and walked off.
My hand flew to touch the spot on my neck as I stood there, rooted to the ground. He wanted me, Cupid, to fall hard? What? What!? My head spun. What was that supposed to mean?
Someone snapped their fingers and I was brought back to reality. Shaking my head, I turned to see Ella Harpers and Collin Fisher giving me curious looks. As I said, Kayla was one of my best friends and these two that stood before me, well they were my other two best friends.
"What did Prince of the school want?" Collin snickered and leaned towards the direction he walked off to.
Collin Fisher. He had stunning emerald green eyes and messy tousled black midnight hair. He was a funny, chilled guy but overprotective over Ella and I. He was like a big brother to us and we were like his little annoying sisters. Not to mention, he was also quite popular being the captain of the soccer team. But fortunately, unlike Chris Kingston, Collin wasn’t a player. Because if he were, Ella and I would definitely beat him up.
"Yeah, what did 'Prince Kingston' want?" Ella questioned, curiosity burning in her eyes.
Ella Harpers. She had the most piercing gray eyes and soft brown hair. She was beautiful and had features perfect for a model. Plus, the fact that she was blessed with the perfect height. Once, she got offered to be the next 'it' model but she declined the offer because she knew that her dream was to become a fashion designer.
When I stood beside my two best friends, I would look like the odd one out. I was as tall as Ella but with my light blonde hair and my weird blueish greenish eyes which was actually turquoise, I looked like some misfit trying to fit in with them. But it didn't really matter, I enjoyed being with them.
A tired sigh escaped my lips and I ran a hand through my hair, "I don’t even know. His exact words were and I quote 'I want Cupid falling hard' and then he pressed a kiss on my neck before walking off.” I felt exhausted already, talking to Chris Kingston drained all my energy.
Ella pursed her lips and folded her arms against her chest, "If only Kayla were here. She'd know what to do," I stated while Ella hummed in agreement. It was true. Although I was Cupid, Kayla was better at understanding what boys meant with their words.
“It’s okay, it’s Kingston. No one ever understands him,” Collin placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair which led to him receiving a glare and a slap on his arm from me. He chuckled good-naturedly and slung an arm around Ella and my neck as the bell rang, “Now let’s get to class ladies!”
The two of them walked me to my class before going to their various classes. With my bag over one shoulder, I walked into class and greeted Ms Finley with a smile before taking my seat by the window. I stared out the window and class began.
The teacher was in the midst of explaining something when 'Prince Kingston' finally decided to show up to class. I frowned, right, he was in my class. Great, just peachy.
"Mr Kingston you're late, again," Ms Finley said, emphasizing on 'again'. Chris had a bored look painted across his face as he shrugged, “Chill, I know.” His eyes scanned the room and girls started softly squealing. His eyes landed on me and a slow smirk graced his face. I frowned even deeper if that were possible and leaned back into my seat.
“Mr Kingston, I’ll have you know I take punctuality very seriously. One more time and I will send you to the principal’s office.”
“Do as you please, Bella,” Chris said coolly causing girls to giggle at his rudeness. Ms Finley just rolled her eyes and continued with the lesson before the devil himself walked over to take the empty seat right next to me and I glared at him which he disregarded. Girls shot cold looks my way and I shrunk in my seat.
The devil leaned in closer to me and I backed away until I was against the wall. Mischief danced in his eyes. "Remember, I want Cupid falling hard, too hard," he spoke, barely above a whisper.
"Fall for who?" I asked. He smirked and crossed his arms, laid back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table. I quirked an eyebrow, awaiting his response. He shot me an amused look as if I were his pet dog doing a trick.
“Who else but me?”
A dumbfounded expression crossed my face, “Excuse me?”
“I mean, who can resist me?” – he put his feet down and leaned in – “Or so I thought until this morning. You pique my curiosity and interest, Addison Price.” He said so confidently and seriously that it was comical. “Usually girls would just throw themselves at me or find some way to enchant me but you, you actually snapped at me,” he added in a tone as if it were the most shocking thing ever. I grimaced, what the hell?
“Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re some holy prince in some novel? And fall for you?” I scoffed, “Only when pigs fly I will, you ignorant, arrogant and egotistical fool.” I turned away from him and focused on the board, not wishing to continue this stupid conversation and lose more braincells.
Fall for Chris Kingston? Not a chance! Who would ever fall for such an immature, rude and egocentric spoiled brat! Just thinking about it made my blood boil and anger to wash over me. Seriously, what did the girls in this school see in him? Other than his looks of course! No brains, no brains and oh yeah, no brains.
Cupid would never fall for him!