Trouble with love? Well, I'm one to look for.
Everyone falls in love, and to actually make it happen? Well, Cupid plays that role in life. Shooting his arrows of love and making the perfect match in heaven. Everyone has their own Cupid in life and lucky for me, or well the whole of Kingston High, I'm their Cupid. I’m the first person people turn to when they have troubles with their love life or relationships.
However, unlike Cupid, I don't shoot my love arrows. I make things happen. I've made singles in my school – simply put, taken. A perfect example would be one of my best friends, Kayla Dime. I made her become an item with her long-time crush, Cruz Scholl. Now, they're the perfect couple and having the time of their life together in art school!
Enough chitchat about my role in school. Let's just dive right into my story...
The sunlight flooded my room as I pried my eyes open from the violent ringing of my alarm. I cuddled under my blanket, very much enjoying the warmth and comfort it gave me before my second alarm went off, blaring.
With a tired groan, I groggily sat upright on my bed and unplugged my phone from the charger. My thumbs quickly scrolled through my social media apps, double tapping and commenting on posts. Yawning, the red notification on the top right corner catches my attention. I quirked an eyebrow.
A message from Arissa.
Hey Addie!
There's a guy in our grade called Luke and I really, really like him. But the problem is, he never ever notices me…I really don't know what to do. Please help me!
I pursed my lips and raised an eyebrow.
I remembered Luke. We were partners for a biology project. He was a cute guy with dirty-blonde hair and dimples. Not to mention, he was a total gentleman! However, since nobody is perfect, Luke has the tendency to never notice anyone. Heck, he barely knew I existed!
I shook my head and chuckled lightly. Thinking for a while, I smiled to myself as the perfect plan formulated in my head. My thumbs as if on their own accord, typed out a response.
Hey Arissa!
Meet me at the school entrance at 8 sharp. I have a plan. See ya!
I put my phone back on the bedside table and walked over to my closet. Staring at my options, my arm instinctively reached out to grab the clothes I practically lived in. A big, baggy gray sweater with a white collared shirt under and a cute white skirt that ended a quarter above my knees.
Putting my music playlist on shuffle, I walked into the bathroom, clothes in my hold. As I showered, I sang. Want to know something? I may be Cupid but, I'm a professional bathroom singer! Shocking right? Hopping out of the tub with a towel wrapped tightly around me, I brushed my teeth as I mindlessly danced to the music.
Shaking my head a little after drying my hair, I tied my light blonde hair into a messy bun. Flashing a smile at my reflection in the mirror, I smeared on lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner before walking downstairs for breakfast with my bag and phone in hand.
"Morning Mom, Dad" I greeted both parents and swooped in for a little peck on my little sister's, Arie’s, chubby cheek. She giggled adorably and I swooned. She was only three years of age and she owned my heart! “Remember to take the trash out after school Addie, it’s Tuesday.” Mom said without looking up from her tablet as she took a sip of her coffee. I nodded my head in response as I grabbed a protein bar off the counter, “Yeah, yeah I know.” I said as I walked to the front door to put my classic black Vans on.
“Bye!” I hollered as I took a step out and shut the door behind me. Taking a breath of the fresh cool morning air I started walking. I walked to school every morning considering the fact that I lived ten minutes away. It was refreshing to have some quiet time before a hectic day at school.
I fished my phone out of my pocket and plugged in my earbuds. I liked listening to music as I walked. It allowed me to be in my own little world. It made me feel like I was the main character starring in a music video. Closing my eyes, I tilted my head back a little and hummed as I walked.
Ah, stupid me.
Without even realising it, I bumped into something. My eyes flew open as I stumbled. Losing balance, my arms flailed in the air like a new born baby bird learning how to fly before falling on my butt. I winced, “Ouch.” The concrete hurt!
A scoff drew my eyes up and made me realise that I didn’t just bump into something, I bumped into someone. To be more specific, a certain someone with familiar forest green eyes. My eyes narrowed to slits at him.
Chris Kingston, the son of the director and founder of Kingston High AKA my school. He was rich, tall and – I hate to admit it – very attractive. He was every girl's dream guy. Like in storybooks, he was the classic playboy heart-breaker. He didn’t date, no, no, no, but you could find a different girl clinging onto his arm every day. Simply put, he was a guy I would’ve liked to avoid for the rest of my high school days.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famous Cupid of Kingston High. Addison Price,” he said with a smug smirk on his face, hands in his pockets. I glared at him and stood up, dusting myself off. He snickered and I rolled my eyes, shoving my phone in my bag.
“Glad to see chivalry isn’t dead,” I spat at him, sarcasm laced in my words. He ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair, unaffected, as amusement danced in his eyes, “You know, I never thought I would live to see the day that the undead come back to life! But guess what, we all learn something new every day.”
“You know, it’s one thing to not offer a hand but it’s another thing to act like a complete immature jerk,” I snapped at him before pushing past him roughly. His taunting chuckles reached my ears and my blood boiled even more.
What an ass!
"Hey Addie!"
Arissa entered my line of sight as I neared the school building. She waved and I flashed a smile as I walked towards her. Giving her a quick greeting hug, I spoke. “Hey Arissa so, I have a plan. But before that, just to make sure, you do enjoy gaming, right?” She nodded her head and my smile widened, “Perfect. Just follow my lead.”
I pushed through the entrance door and scanned the hallway for Luke’s familiar dirty blond hair. Once I caught sight of him, I started towards him and his group of friends with Arissa hot on my heels. "I'm nervous. Do you think this’ll work?” Arissa asked as she wrung her fingers. I put a comforting hand on her arm, "Totally. I'm Cupid, aren't I?" She nodded. I was right, I've done this a million times and, in the end, a match made in heaven would be made.
“I’m sorry in advance,” I quickly uttered before she had any time to react. I pushed her towards Luke with enough force to cause her to stumble into him. And just like how I planned, Luke reacted and caught her.
Step one, done.
Luke helped her back on her feet and a crimson red blush formed on her cheeks. “Thank you,” Arissa shyly said. Luke flashed her his signature boyish grin. Ah, those cute dimples!
Focus Addie! I shook my head slightly.
I stepped forward and turned to look at Arissa, concern written over my face, “Arissa are you okay? You almost fell but thank god for Luke here! I guess you just got a little too excited talking about how you beat the boss for Space Wars. Honestly, you’re such a gamer girl!”
I snuck a glance at Luke. Bingo. Step two, done.
At the sound of ‘Space Wars’ and ‘gamer girl’, Luke’s face grew in excitement and curiosity as he turned to the said girl. I patted myself on the back internally. He liked gamer girls and Arissa was one. Bonus, Arissa liked him.
“I didn’t know you liked Space Wars…Arissa right? Don’t we have math together?” Luke asked and started walking off with Arissa.
I smiled, pleased with myself. Another couple down!
"Wow, another match made by the ever-famous Cupid!" One of Luke's friend, Greg, said. I smiled with pride at him and bowed before bidding them goodbye and walking off to my locker.
Punching in my locker combination, I opened my locker and dumped all my books in before closing it shut only to turn, flinch and see Chris Kingston leaning against the locker next to mine with a smirk on his face.
What did he want now?