I pried my eyes open to the sound of my stupid alarm. Shutting it off, I curled up into a ball. I was shivering and my teeth was chattering despite the fact that my warm fuzzy blanket covered my whole body. I sniffled and let out a breath through my mouth.
Last night when I got to my room, I started sneezing non-stop as if someone was constantly talking shit behind my back somewhere. My nose was as blocked as it possible could be and during my warm shower, I developed a cough and couldn’t stop it. I even wore my fuzzy long pants and shirt to sleep and yet here I was, still shivering to death.
Yesterday’s date with Chris wasn’t all that bad at all to be honest. I had fun and I got to see a new side of Chris Kingston I never thought I would see. We got to have a good dinner, a calming stroll down the beach and of course the highlight of the date, we got to run in the rain! Now, with all the discomfort I was feeling, running in the rain didn’t seem so fun anymore.
But, no matter how sick I felt today, I still had to go to school. I had a major Biology test today and I couldn’t miss it. Yes, I may be a nerd at times but grades were important to me. When it came to grades, I get a little competitive and strive to get straight A’s for everything I do.
Groaning in pain, I willed my aching body out of bed and groggily made my way to the bathroom with my blanket still wrapped tightly around me. “Shit,” I cursed as I stubbed my toe against the door frame. With my weakened immune system, even with a little stub, I felt the tears pool in my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I blinked them away.
I limped to the bathtub and turned the hot water on before looking into the mirror. I was taken aback to say the least. My lips were dry and cracked while my entire face looked so pale that it looked like I painted it white. My eyes looked dull and I looked like a mess.
Trying to ignore the way I looked, I stripped down and jumped into the hot shower, hitting my shin in the process. I yelped as a bruise formed. Was today my unlucky day? Because so far, everything felt like shit.
After dressing myself in a loose black shirt with a green jacket and jeans, I made my way downstairs, grumbling. I grumbled even more when I saw the note on the counter left for me.
Morning Sweetie!
Dad and I went off to work early today and I didn’t have time to make breakfast. Sorry! We dropped Arie off at your grandmother's so please pick her up after school! Thanks sweetie! Have a great day at school!
A tired sigh couldn’t help but leave my lips.
Great, now I had to make myself breakfast. I frowned. I was way too tired and weak to make myself anything so I grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and started munching on it quietly. Until my throat started tickling causing me to cough every five seconds.
I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to drag myself to school in my current state. I felt like utter crap and I couldn’t stop sniffling. My body was screaming for me stop and rest but I couldn’t, my head willed it to move forward.
I felt shaky. My legs felt like jelly and my body felt heavy. I felt weak and my body felt limp.
I fell to the ground as I made my way to Biology. I waited for the impact to come, but it never did.
Through my half-closed eyes, I saw a figure hovering above me.
"Oh shit. You look like crap," I heard someone mutter before lifting me up.
But that was it and darkness enveloped me.
“Yeah, and he actually did it!” Xander recounted to the group as the bell rang. Looking up from my phone screen, I caught sight of Addison. A smirk curved my lips, “I’ll see you at lunch guys.” I excused myself and started towards her, shoving my phone in my pocket.
“Hey Price,” I called out to her. She slowed down and as I was about to catch up to her, her legs gave out. As if on their own accord, my legs moved and ran over to catch her just in time before she collided with the cold tiled ground.
"Oh shit. You look like crap," I muttered as I caught sight of her pale complexion. She looked terrible and her body was hot to touch. With the back of my hand, I touched her forehead. She was burning up. “Fuck…” I mumbled and hooked an arm under her neck and knees.
Curious eyes followed as I hurried out of the building and to my car. The car unlocked with a beep and I gently laid her in the seat, not forgetting to buckle her seatbelt. I inserted my keys into the ignition and the car roared to life. Pulling out of the school parking lot, I drove to her house.
Glancing over, she shivered and turned to bring her knees up. With one hand on the wheel, I shrugged off my jacket and threw it over her.
I rang the doorbell with Addison in my arms but there was no answer. “I’m sorry.” I felt her pockets for her keys and fished them out to unlock the door. Shutting the door behind me, I laid her down on the couch. She shivered again. I snatched the small blanket off the arm of the couch and placed it over her before searching for a thermometer.
“Thirty-eight degrees Celsius…” I ran a hand through my hair.
I guess I was taking of her today.