Claps of loud thunder filled my ears as the rain pelted down heavily. The stormy gray skies wept and wept as we alighted the bus. I cursed myself for not bringing a raincoat or umbrella with me as I waited to grab my duffle bag.
The ride here wasn’t so bad. While listening to music, Chris and I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up, his seat was empty. He had already alighted the bus.
With my duffle bag finally in hand, I grumbled as the rain soaked me to the bone. Everyone was not having it as the teacher shouted over the rain, “Okay! Girls will be sharing one cabin and likewise, boys will be sharing one as well. Both cabins are up the hill but the cabin for the girls is on the right while for the boys, it’s on the left! Follow the trail and get to your cabin!”
I held back a groan and started making my way up the hill, my shoes getting dirtied by the mud along the way. I grimaced before tilting my head back. Well, at least there were trees all around, shielding us a bit from the rain.
Following the trail and the rest of the girls, I carefully hiked up. But with the slippery mud, I slipped and right as I was about to fall and get covered in mud, a pair of arms caught me.
I turned, “Woah, careful there Milaya.”
Scrambling to my feet as my cheeks turned red, Chris smirked. He let me go with a wink before leaving to catch up with his friends. I stood there and watched his retreating back.
“Earth to Addie!” Collin snapped his fingers, bringing me back.
“Oh, hey guys,” I shouted over the sound of the rain. Ella shot me a small smile as she pulled up the hood of her jacket even more, “Let’s be quick Adds, I don’t want to be in the large rooms where we have to share it with four other girls,” she said and grabbed my arm.
I waved at Collin as I was dragged by Ella to the right trail, “See you Col!” He waved back and ran to the left trail to his cabin.
We finally reached the top and pushed the branches of the trees away for the cabin to enter our line of sight. The wooden door was already opened wide as girls rushed in. I grabbed Ella’s hand and we swarmed towards the cabin like bees to honey. A content sigh left both our lips as the warm air of the heater hit us amid the cold rain.
The cabin has two-stories. The first storey had a big living room with a fire place and flat screen TV, a small kitchen, two big rooms and five small rooms. The two big rooms, each had a bathroom but the small rooms didn’t so, there were two bathrooms next to the kitchen.
Up the stairs on the second storey, there were three big bedrooms, five small bedrooms, two bathrooms not including the ones in the big bedroom and a small little sitting place with two small sofas.
“Not bad,” I muttered to myself as I took my shoes off to carry them in my hand, avoiding to dirty the wooden floors with mud. Ella and I shared a look before running up the stairs to pick a vacant small bedroom in a corner to share.
Throwing my wet duffle bag near the door I collapsed on the bed on the left, claiming it, “My bed!” I exclaimed. Ella shot me a look of disapproval, “Adds, you’re soaking wet so don’t just lie on your bed! Go take a hot shower and change your clothes!” She nagged like my mother. I pouted at her and she raised an eyebrow. Groaning, I got off the bed and unzipped my bag.
I grabbed a band tee and a pair of black sweatpants. Shooting the satisfied Ella, a playful angry look, I left for the bathroom.
Since it was raining for the majority of the day and it was only the first day of the camp, nothing happened. We all took shelter from the rain in our respective cabins and played board games or just talked. Some just even took a nap or cooked whatever was in the kitchen.
The rain finally stopped by the time the sun had long set and it was already dark. The crickets made noises as the night time breeze hit me. I shivered and rubbed my arms for warmth, I should’ve brought a hoodie with me.
The girls were in the cabin, having a little movie night while I was out here, in need for a little fresh air. I breathed in the cool, crisp air and I felt the tension in my body leave. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I walked down a trail, following the wet leaves that were scattered everywhere on the ground.
Careful not to slip on the mud, I looked up from the ground and found myself near a cliff. A small excited smile erupted on my face and I pushed the tree branches away. Taking a few steps, I halted in my tracks as I caught sight of the lone figure sitting at the edge of the cliff.
I treaded slowly to the silhouette with my head slightly cocked to the side. Walking closer to the person, I recognized the familiar head of hair and sat down beside him, bringing my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees.
He didn’t turn to see who it was. “Isn’t the night sky beautiful, Milaya?” Chris asked quietly.
I tilted my head back to stare at the clear sky, the stars shining brightly. An unconscious smile found its way onto my lips, “Indeed,” I replied, equally as quiet.
A comfortable silence settled between us as none of us spoke.
I continued staring up at the sky before I closed my eyes to just embrace the tranquility of the night. I don’t know how we got here, but I felt at ease with Chris. Opening my eyes, “It’s beautiful.” I muttered breathlessly.
He agreed, “Yeah, it is.”
The night time breeze gently blew, caressing my face and made a few stray strands of my hair flying. I heard him chuckle before I felt his hand near my ear to tuck the hairs back. My head snapped to him.
He stared at me; his eyes green eyes boring into mine. His eyes turned a shade darker and I could hear my heart beating like African drums. My breathing hitched at the intensity of his gaze and my mind started becoming fuzzy. The atmosphere, the setting, was making it seem so romantic and the moonlight hit him at the perfect angle which made him look so holy under the night sky.
I made an effort to avert my eyes but his hand shot out and held the back of my head, pulling me closer to his face. My ears caught his ragged breathing.
My eyes closed instinctively as he leaned in closer.