“Finally!” Ella exclaimed as the bell rang, signaling the end of class. I chuckled at her excitement as students all hurriedly shoved their books in their bags, and rushed to get out of class. I got up from my seat and stretched a little before bending down to snatch my bag up from the ground, only to get smacked in the butt by Ella.
“Hehe, see you at lunch!” She rattled off, laughing evilly before zooming out of the class as I held my stinging butt cheek. “Damn you Ella! My butt is already flat enough!” I hollered after her only to get weird stares. Shoot. Shooting the remaining people in the class a sheepish smile, I too, hurried out of the classroom and to the girls’ locker room to change for gym.
“Hello ladies,” I greeted the girls in the room. They responded with smiles and scattered “Hello”s as I changed and found an empty locker to shove my items in.
“Alright cupcakes, today we’ll be doing a relay. You’ll be divided into your specific genders and compete against each other. Is that clear?” Coach Glenson explained with a clipboard in his hand and green whistle hung around his neck. A restless chorus of ‘yes’ surfaced before shrill and piercing squeals erupted among the girls.
I winced.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love having relays and all but, the girls were squealing for a totally different reason. The excited screams and cheers were only due to the fact that the boys would be stripping their shirts off because apparently according to them ‘it was too hot in the Sports Hall’. What bullshit! Just them trying to grasp an opportunity to flex their muscles and showcase their bodies.
Ignoring them, I warmed up and stretched my muscles. The boys started to strip and I knew this without having to see it as I could hear the crowd go wild. I rolled my eyes and got up from my position only for my eyes to fall on the person standing right across me. Standing there in all his six-pack glory was the one and only, you guessed it, Chris Kingston! I won’t deny the fact that he had a good body but, he was staring directly at me with a smirk plastered on his cocky face that I had to scrunch my nose in disgust.
The girls in the class were ogling him and that was when he decided it was the best time to throw me a wink. Of course, the girls snapped their heads to me and gave me death glares that could kill but I brushed them off and averted my gaze to Collin. He too, gave me a smirk.
Going along with him, I winked back ‘seductively’ with the ugliest face I could make and we burst out laughing.
"Okay cupcakes! Girls you're in one team, boys you're in another. Now, in your group you'll have small teams of four. So, which four would like to go first?" Coach Glenson asked. The girls all pushed me in front with Kimmy, Jaslyn and Vienna while Chris walked up with Xander, Collin and Kai.
Sadly, or fortunately, however you viewed it, my gym class had what the girls deemed, the hot and popular guys. So that meant, more drooling than running.
“You have two minutes to discuss who’s going first, second and so on so forth,” Coach explained as he handed both our teams batons before adding on, “Now be reminded that whoever’s team loses, has to clean the sports hall for a whole week after school!” Disgruntled moans arose in the sports hall before he shushed us.
“Okay so, since Kimmy is the fastest among us, she should be first. Jaslyn you should go second, Addie you go last and I’ll be the third one. Is that okay?” Vienna instructed as we huddled together. I nodded my head while Jaslyn gave a thumbs up in response.
We girls got into position and the boys followed suit.
Xander, blessed with light blue eyes and soft blond hair and one of Kingston High’s most notorious player despite his innocent ‘boy-next-door’ kind of vibe, was first up. Followed by Collin then Kai who had pitch black hair and smoky gray eyes, deemed the ‘mysterious bad boy’ of the school, and finally but certainly not least, Chris.
We all got into position, “Get ready to lose, Cupid,” Chris mocked.
I raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry but I think you’ve got it wrong. Get ready to lose, Kingston,” I snickered.
A pleased smile found its way up his face, “How about making it a little more fun? Let’s make a deal. If I win, you’ll have to go on a date with me and if you win, I’ll owe you favour.” I pondered for a moment, “What if it’s a tie?” I asked. “Then…we technically both win. You’ll have to go on a date with me and I’ll owe you a favour.”
He looked me in the eye as he stretched his right arm out. I glanced at it before reaching for it, “Fine. I look forward to you doing something for me,” I said confidently earning a short chuckle from him.
Coach put the whistle between his lips and blew out a breath. We were off. Kimmy’s long legs and track-and-field experience beat Xander and she passed the baton to Jaslyn. However, despite being handed the baton later, Collin managed to catch up and surpass Jaslyn. I mean, was it really unexpected? He was the captain of the soccer team!
Jaslyn passed the baton to Vienna and she ran as fast as she could to catch up with Kai. They were at the same pace as each other so when it was finally up to Chris and I, we were the passed the baton the same time.
The moment the cool feel of the baton was pressed against my palm, I sprinted as fast as I could as if my life depended on it – well, it kind of did. Though I was in front of Chris a moment ago, he managed to catch up to me with ease and I felt my throat starting to feel like it was on fire.
My erratic breathing rang in my ears alongside the loud cheers. Some girls were cheering for me while others were for Chris as the both of us caught up, lagged and passed the other. The vicious cycle continued back and forth until finally we almost reached where Coach Glenson stood.
As we passed him, he blew his whistle and stopped the timer he held in his hand.
I hunched over, hands on my knees to catch my breath as Kimmy, Vienna and Jaslyn came over to me with a bottle of water. "T-Thanks," I said out of breath.
Had I won? Had I lost?
Had he won? Had he lost?
I awaited to hear the results.
"Congratulations! Both of you were a tie!" Coach Glenson announced and applaud erupted. I wiped the beads of perspiration off my forehead. A tie! Ugh. I took a swig of the water as the girls came to pat me on the back and congratulate me while others flocked to Chris and the other boys to congratulate them.
I looked over at the boys and Chis winked at me. I unconsciously rolled my eyes. He then parted his lips to mouth out something slowly with a smug smirk on his face.
"The deal."
An inaudible sigh escaped my lips as I turned away. Ugh, now I had to go on a date with him. But, on the bright side, he owed me a favour. That’s fair…right?