My eyelids fluttered open and I squinted at the bright orange sunlight that flooded the room. Groaning quietly, I sat up right. One glance at the place and my brows furrowed together, my room? Why was I in my room? Last I remembered was walking through the school hallway.
The sound of my creaking door made me snap my head to the opening door and in came Chris? My eyes trailed to the white bowl in his hand, was that chicken soup I smelled? The aromatic fragrance of the soup wafted in my nostrils and my stomach growled.
“Glad to see someone’s up and hungry,” he chuckled as placed the bowl of warm soup on my bedside table. He sat on the edge of my bed and reached out, “How are you feeling?” He questioned as his hand made contact with my forehead.
I don’t know if it was the cold but, I felt my body heat up at the slight contact.
“Uh, I feel cold. My body is all sore and aching. My nose is like a leaky tap and my throat feels like the Sahara Desert. Other than that, I’m peachy,” I gave him two thumbs up and he rolled his eyes and flicked my forehead.
I licked my dry lips, “So, what am I doing here? What are we doing,” – I gestured to the room – “here?”
He stretched his arms a little, causing a crack sound to resonate, “Well, some idiot thought it was a good idea to go to school while having a fever. And said idiot passed out but thankfully, being the charming and suave person I am, I caught the idiot and managed to bring her home.” A sheepish smile found its way to my lips, “Sorry? Anyway, how long was I asleep for?”
He fished out his phone, “I’d say about five hours.” My eyes widened at his statement and I turned my head to check the clock. Despite how cold I still felt, I jolted out of bed. My body was on autopilot as I frantically ran a brush though my hair and splashed some water on my face.
Chris shot his arm out and clasped my wrist, “Woah, woah, where do you think you’re going?” I swatted his hand away, “I’m going to pick my sister up from my grandmother’s place.”
A firm expression settled on his face, “No, you’re not. You have to stay in bed and rest. I’ll go pick your sister up. Just send me the address,” he commanded in a decisive tone as he stood up. I opened my mouth to rebuke but he shot a pointed look my way. Backing down, I sighed in defeat, got back into bed and grabbed my phone to send him the address.
His phone vibrated in his hand, “Good, now stay in bed and drink up the chicken soup while it’s still warm. I made it myself so feel special,” he said and ended with a wink. I feigned a gag and he shook his head before exiting the room.
Grabbing the soup off the table, I scooped a spoonful and tasted it. “Hmm, not bad Chris Kingston.” As I continued filling my stomach, I replied to the text messages sent to me requesting help.
Hello Addie,
So lately my boyfriend and I haven’t been really hanging out or contacting each other much because he always claims to be busy. We got into a fight the other day because I thought he was cheating on me. I don’t know what to do…I mean, I want to believe him but I even saw him with another girl the other day. Please help me Addie!
Images of the past resurfaced in my head but I pushed them back, it was over, that was the past. Right now was right now. And right now, I had to help the poor girl's relationship. My thumbs typed a reply.
Hi Jaclyn,
I think you should first apologize to your boyfriend for assuming he is cheating and explain to him why you feel so. I think that this fight with him has proved how insecure you feel in your relationship and show how much you actually trust. You guys should sit down calmly and talk it out because fighting doesn’t get you anywhere, believe me. If in the end, you can’t find it in yourself to trust him, I think this relationship is not meant to be because a steady relationship is built upon, faith, trust and love. Hope this helps.
I blew out a quiet breath and clicked ‘send’ before responding to a few more messages.
“Addie!” I heard Arie shout for me. I looked up from my phone and there she was standing at my door. Shooting me a toothy grin, her tiny body tackled me into a hug. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her.
“Sissy, your boyfriend is cute!” Arie said happily as she pulled away. A confused smile curved my lips, “Boyfriend?” She nodded her head, her pigtails swaying back and forth, “Chrissy said he was your boyfriend!” She clapped her hands excitedly and I shook my head as I pinched her little nose, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Not yet.”
Chris leaned against the doorframe with a smirk plastered on his face. His black shirt hugged his body perfectly, accentuating his defined muscles and damn, he looked hot. Okay, I blame that on my fever!
I pursed my lips, “Lying to kid is not okay, Chris.” He stood in front of the bed and leaned towards Arie who looked at him with her big doe blue eyes, “I’m not lying. It’s only a matter of time Arie, only a matter of time,” he spoke in a ‘wise’ tone which caused my little sister to giggle.
Arie jumped into Chris’ arms and held his face with her tiny hands, “Chrissy, please play with me. Pleaaase,” Aries begged and started shaking his head. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Chris gently bumped her head with his, “Alright.” I saw his face soften at Arie. Who could say no to Arie? Her puppy-like bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair was hard to say ‘no’ to. She was the definition of adorable!
Arie squealed in excitement and Chris lifted her up to sit on his shoulders before turning to me. I smiled and gave him two thumbs-up.
“Hold on tight, the airplane is going to take flight!”
Here we were, two hours later. Sitting on the couch as the TV played Arie’s favourite movie, Tangled.
Arie was settled in between us and her head was hanging as she dozed off. Right when she was about to tilt over, Chris caught her. She was fast asleep and exhausted after playing with Chris while I was finally feeling a lot better.
“I’m going to put this little one in bed,” he spoke, barely above a whisper so as to not wake Arie up. He got up with her in his arms, “Her room’s the first one on the left.” Chris nodded and made his way up the stairs.
“Thank you, Chris,” I spoke as he came back down. He shot me a stupefied look as he plopped himself right beside me. I snorted, “Why do you look so shocked? I know how to show gratitude, you know.”
“Didn’t think you’d thank me. Guess you’re starting to get charmed by me,” he remarked which earned him a playful slap to his chest from me, “Don’t get so haughty, rich boy.”
“Oh, so you think I’m hot?” He commented, putting a play on my words. I rolled my eyes, “Well, looks like someone needs to go for a hearing check-up and classes to humble oneself.” He chuckled at my statement and settled into the cushion.
“Okay but on a serious note, thanks for babysitting Arie and I.”
He shrugged, “No problem, Milaya.” He turned his head to look me in the eye and our faces were too close for my liking but he was smiling, a genuine one.
“So, what does Milaya mean? And what language is that?” I asked quietly. My breathing hitched as I caught his eyes glancing down. Then, he smirked, “Aren’t you a curious little thing. But, that’s for me to know and you to find out, Milaya.”
I said nothing and his gaze fell back to my lips, our faces were only a few centimeters apart and a slight jerk would be enough to make the distance cease to exist.
“I’ll be sure to Google it,” I whispered and he chuckled softly.
His warm breath fanned my face as he placed a hand on my cheek.
I instinctively closed my eyes and leaned into his touch as I let out a quiet breath.