Here we were, walking under the moonlight and the stars with soft sand in between our toes and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore hanging between us. Though it was nice and tranquil, it was also kind of gloomy. It was like it was informing us that big fat raindrops would pelt down anytime now.
During dinner, Chris had brought me to a quaint diner which was pretty crowded but the food there was so worth the wait. It was delicious! Though the worst part was the fact that he had his leg pressed up against mine the whole time and was caressing it. It was really distracting and I had to bite down my bottom lip to refrain weird sounds from being elicited.
But overall, I guess it was fine. Chris was surprisingly being bearable this evening. After dinner, he suggested that we come out here, the beach, to have a nice little stroll and to digest all the food we consumed. However, I dare say it was a very romantic scene and that he was trying to romance me.
Our arms would occasionally brush against each other causing my skin to tingle. I had no idea why though; I mean I was not in any way attracted to him. Or was I? No, no, no!
"Why do you play Cupid?" He asked, snapping me out of my trance.
“Huh? Oh, that’s for me to know,” I replied and tilted my head backwards. Closing my eyes, I took in the salty sea smell. A small grunt escaped his lips, “It’s because of a broken heart isn’t it? And now, you want to make sure that other girls don’t experience the same thing. So, you play Cupid and help them, right?” He said softly and turned to me. I kept my mouth shut and averted his gaze. Those eyes made me feel naked under his gaze.
He sighed and shook his head as a clap of thunder followed. My jumpy self, jumped and lost balance. I was starting to realise; I had been falling a lot lately. Chris turned to me and just bursts into a fit of laughter. I sent a deathly glare his way and he attempted to stifle his laughs with awkward coughs. I clicked my tongue, well two can play this game.
“Help me?” I asked with an outstretched hand and the most innocent smile I could muster. He quirked an eyebrow but took my hand nonetheless. A fiendish smile graced my face as I yanked him down. Now it was my turn to laugh.
“Go ahead and laugh, I’ll throw you into the water,” he threatened with a calculative look. I bit down my bottom lip to hold back the laughter but I just couldn’t. I mean all he had done to me was cause me to fall and laugh at me, not bothering to offer a hand. At least that was how our first encounter was!
He sent me a devilish smirk as his eyes danced in mischief. Oh no! He got up onto his two and inched towards me. I was quick on my feet and I started running while laughing my butt off.
"Addison Price get back here!" He shouted as he chased after me.
"Ooo, full name! I'm so scared!" I shouted back sarcastically. With his long legs, he managed to catch up to me and in one swift move, he scooped me up and literally swept me off my feet and into a princess carry.
“Chris Kingston, you better put me down this instant!” I exclaimed, struggling to escape his hold as he neared the water.
“Ooo, full name! I’m so scared!” He mocked before throwing me into the water without a second of hesitation or doubt. I screamed and even under the water, I could hear his mocking laughter. So, I emerged from the water, shivering from the coldness but with strips of seaweed in my hand. He raised both brows and I started throwing them at him, my target.
He blocked my attacks with his arms and eventually, I ran out of seaweed and got out of the freezing cold water. Thankfully, our shoes were placed in the car.
I glared at Chris as he calmed himself down. He shot me a goofy smile before a clap of thunder followed by lightning and finally, the awaited rain started pelting down. I shivered even more if that were possible as the rain drenched me to the bone.
“C’mon, let’s go!” Chris shouted over the pouring rain. He rushed over to me and slid his hand into mine. I wrapped my fingers around his and we ran to his car laughing like maniacs. Despite the probability of hypothermia, running in the cold rain was actually really fun.
Once we were shielded from the rain, in the comfort of his car, we shared a glance and burst out laughing. I laughed so hard that my stomach start cramping up.
“Okay, that for some reason was really fun,” he said still chuckling and I nodded in agreement.
As he drove, I finally took in his appearance after this whole night. He was clad in black jeans and a dark blue button up with the first two buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A silver chain hung around his neck to finish the look. I had to give it to him, he looked pretty damn sexy – wait, HOLD UP! NO, NO, NO!
“I know I’m gorgeous, Milaya. Don’t have to undress me with your eyes,” he said cockily with eyes still one the road.
"Milaya?"I questioned. He seemed tense and embarrassed for a moment as an emotion I couldn’t decipher crossed his face.
"Are you cold?" He asked, brushing off the question I asked him. Letting him off this time, I nodded. He took a left turn and halts the car at a red traffic light. And it was at this moment I realised that we were still holding hands as he had to let go of mine to take his shirt off. Unwillingly, butterflies started flittering around in my stomach as I stared at my left hand.
“Here,” he said as he tossed his half wet button up in my face. I huffed and he chuckled, good-naturedly. I turned to him and my eyes couldn’t help but get drawn to his abs. He snapped his fingers and my cheeks warmed before I cleared my throat.
“Won’t you feel cold?” I asked as I put my arms through the sleeves. He shook his head and flexed his biceps, “I’m all good.” I snort and shook my head, entertained before turning to look ahead.
“By the way, if I wake up with a cold tomorrow, I’m holding you responsible.” I declared and snuggled into the seat. He laughed softly and continued driving.
I drove her home safely. I even had to wake her up when we reached. Her sleeping face looked so pure and innocent that I couldn’t help but smile gently before waving her good-bye.
Today wasn’t a total disaster, it was better than I had expected. She was actually pretty fun to be around, I felt at ease with her for some reason. She was just…comforting in a sense. I was so comfortable with her that the word ‘Milaya’ just slipped out of my mouth. Milaya meant my sweet or sweetheart in Russian and I had never called a girl that before, nor did I mean to call her that, it just rolled off my tongue so easily.
At that moment, it just felt like it was the right thing to call her.
What was up with that?