I stifled a cough as my ears picked up the sound of keys jangling. My thoughts cleared and it was as if I woke up from a feverish dream. Aware of what we were doing, I pushed Chris away roughly and got up onto my feet as footsteps rang in my ears.
“We’re ba- Oh! We have a guest over.” Mom cut herself off and shot a warm smile at Chris who was currently on the floor, courtesy of me. Dad walked in after shutting the front door, a puzzled expression painted across his face. My face warmed as a sheepish smile graced my face.
Chris cleared his throat and got off the floor, “Hello Mr and Mrs Price, I’m Chris Kingston. Addie’s,” – he glanced over to me and I raised both eyebrows – “friend.” With an outstretched hand and polite smile, he introduced himself. Mom nodded her head, very pleased, as Dad shook his hand.
Mom locked gazes with me and waggled her eyebrows which caused me to internally die and for my cheeks to be even more flushed, if that were even possible. Heck, I felt my whole body become warm and it was not the fever this time!
“Nice to meet you Chris. Not be rude or anything, I’m just curious, but what are you here for?” Dad asked quite bluntly.
“Oh, Addie was sick today. So, I babysat her and Arie.” Chris’ explanation earned a chuckle from Mom before she turned to me with a very satisfied expression. I rolled my eyes and walked around Chris to place my hands on his shoulders, “Well okay! It was great for him to meet you guys but he’s leaving now. Say your good-byes now!” I rambled as I pushed Chris to the door.
Mom frowned, “Oh, do you really have to go, Chris? Why don’t you stay for dinner as a way for us to thank you?” She suggested with a smile. Chris opened his mouth but I slapped my hand over it, “No, he really must g- Ew!” He licked my hand! His fingers wrapped around my wrist and tugged it off his mouth.
I shot him a disgusted look while he smirked before turning back to my parents with a fake-ass smile!
“Actually, I don’t have to go now. I would love to stay for dinner.”
Mom smiled excitedly before making her way to the kitchen.
“Honey, please Arie for dinner please!” She hollered, popping her head out of the kitchen. Dad eyed Chris and I before heading up the stairs.
“One, that was disgusting and two, seriously?” I gave him an exasperated look and grabbed a tissue paper to wipe my hand. He shot me an innocent smile, “What do you mean, Addison darling? I was just being polite. Haven’t you heard? Respect those who are older.” I rolled my eyes and thrusted the used and crumpled up tissue at him before pivoting on my heel to head to the kitchen, with his amused laughter ringing in my ears.
I picked at my food as my mouth-watered at the sight of the delicious spaghetti the others were having while I was forced to eat plain porridge. The clinking of utensils was all that hung between us at the dining table until Dad cleared his throat.
“So, Chris, tell us about yourself.”
I internally face-palmed. What was up with the formal yet awkward atmosphere? And what was up with an interview-like question?
Chris looked up from his food and smiled, a charming one, “Well, my dad’s the director of Kingston High and my mom owns the fashion chain Le Petit Paris, which might I say is slightly ironic considering she is of Russian descent.” Dad chuckled at his off-hand comment while Mom’s face lit up.
“Your mother owns Le Petit Paris? Wow, I absolutely adore her brand! The clothes are just so elegant and magnificent!”
“I’ll be sure to tell her that, she’ll definitely be very pleased to hear that. Also, Mrs Price, might I say that this dinner is absolutely delicious. Maybe even better than the food the chefs at home make!”
I could see Mom becoming flustered as she wiped her mouth daintily with a serviette, “Thank you, but I believe I am far from being better than professionals!” This earned a chuckle from both Dad and Chris while I just sat and awkwardly ate my porridge. He was such a good ass-kisser.
“Mommy, Chrissy played with me today! We had a tea party!” Arie commented cutely with her face smeared with sauce. Mom wiped Arie’s face while Dad continued the conversation.
“That was very nice of you Chris. To not only take care of one but both my daughters.” Dad said with a friendly smile. Chris shook his head, “Oh, it was nothing. It was fun and I guess I’m kind of to be blamed for Addie to be sick.”
This caused Dad to quirk an eyebrow and Mom’s face to be more excited while I groaned, “You were the one who took Addie on a date yesterday?” He questioned to which Chris nodded. I swear I heard Mom squeal.
Dad had an unreadable expression before he raised his arm and stretched it over to where Chris was. He placed a hand on his shoulder before a satisfied smile broke out on his face, “I approve. I was getting a little worried that nobody would want my ill-tempered daughter!”
“Dad, we’re not dating!”
Mom just had to contribute, “Not yet!” Dad chuckled and continued eating while Chris turned to me with a smirk. I could feel my ears becoming warm. I internally died to say the least. I felt my soul leave my body and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Why were my parents like this?
“Thank you for inviting me to dinner Mr and Mrs Price,” I politely said with a slight bow as we stood at the door. Mrs Price with Arie in her arms, “Of course, it was nice having you over, come again.”
I smiled courteously at both parents before turning to Addie whose cheeks were still flushed. How cute.
Arie tugged on my sleeve, “Come play with me again Chris!” She said with a wide toothy smile. An affectionate smile couldn’t help but curve my lips at the little girl as I ruffled her hair, I officially had a soft spot for her, “Of course.”
Mrs Price gently pushed Addie forward, “Be a good host and walk Chris to his car.” Addie gave a reluctant look while Mrs Price disregarded it and shoved her toward me before bidding me goodbye along with Mr Price.
We walked side-by-side to my car in silence.
“Hey, thanks for today.”
I turned to her and chuckled at her coyness, “No problem, Milaya.”
She blew out a breath and nodded, “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess. Have a safe trip home.” She pivoted on her heel, ready to leave but my hand shot out and clasped around her wrist. Confusion was written across her face.
I tugged her towards me and her hands fell on my chest, “You’re being quite docile aren’t you.” At my words, she struggled in my hold, “Let go, Kingston.” I pretended to contemplate for a moment, “No,” I responded before swooping down and feathering a light kiss on her cheek.
Letting her go, she stumbled back with wide eyes before running back to her house.