Gray is standing there pointing his gun at a naked David with, what I can only describe as, a naked slut beside him. I thought I was going to the action, but I didn’t think it would be this kind of action. I knew he had been cheating on me, but now that I have my proof I can officially break up with him. It's not that he's a jerk per say, but he just can't keep it in his pants.
Deciding that I'm done with this whole thing I whip my gun up to aim at Gray's head, and pull the trigger, his body sliding to the floor. Then I turn to David with a smirk. "Now that that is done, I think it's time we start seeing other people. Oh wait! You've already been doing that." Shrugging my shoulders I nonchalantly finish up. "Don't worry about it though, I already guessed you were, so just consider this is our official break up."
Absolutely disgusted with him I turn to leave and attempt to salvage the rest of my day. Treading to the door was sucky because we were still taking out The MOEs members, slowly. Not being able to stomach more death I made a split second decision and had all of our members gather up the remaining survivors.
“Alright guys, I am feeling a bit generous after what I just learned. So, I am going to give you one of two choices. One, you can drop your weapons and join us. Of course, you will have to go through the same initiation our prospects go through and prove yourself. Or two, you get a bullet between the eyes.” The men looked disgusted at the thought of switching gangs, so I threw them the one bone I had to sway them. “Oh! Did I forget to mention that Gray is dead? Yeah, I shot and killed him a few minutes ago.”
Of the twenty or so guys that stood there about fifteen or sixteen decided to join us, and the remaining were indeed killed. We couldn’t risk them retaliating. We may have gotten to a decent amount of their members today, and the rest would inevitably find out what happened here, but this would at least buy us some time and prevent the members that were here from ID-ing any of us.
“Call the clean up crew and get all this cleaned up. It needs to be done within the hour. I realize that we are pretty far out from anybody else, but this was not quiet. The warehouse needs to shine and leave nothing behind the cops can use on us, just in case somebody called it in.” I demand of my people.
“You think anybody actually has the balls to call the cops on us here? We pay them well to mind their own damn business.” Roody grunts and pulls out his phone to make the call.
“Don’t know and I don’t care. We have managed to stay off the radar for the most part, and I want to actually stay of jail.” I tell him while walking away. I know the place will be up to par when I return.
For once, I decided to be a responsible adult and go back to school. This actually didn’t take as long as I thought it would and I would only miss the first thirty or so minutes of my last class if I haul ass back. When I park the car I text Aaron and let him know that I'm okay and am headed to class. Not even a minute later I get a response.
Aaron: I heard about what you walked in on. You okay boo boo? :(
Me: I'm fine. Thanks for being there for me though. :) Love you :*
Aaron: Also, I heard that you got a flesh wound...
Me:...don't do it.
Aaron: You know I have to. We had a deal, and now you have to uphold your end.
Me: FINE!!! Just tell me when and where and I'll do it. But I better not hear a word about this stupid graze on my arm.
Aaron: Oh boo boo, you know I can't do that. You will never live this down. I won't allow it. The Cobra got hit by a stray bullet. What is this world coming too!!?
Me: I'm ignoring you now.
Aaron: For now. You can never stay mad at me.
Shaking my head in mock anger, I know he's right. I can never stay angry at him, no matter how bad I want to. The dude makes it impossible. Just being around him puts me in better mood. He knows me too well.
Shoving my phone in my pocket I jog towards my last class. I don't even bother hoping that Devon and Jesse aren't in there; I already have a gut feeling that they will be and my gut rarely steers me wrong. Throwing open the door I start profusely apologizing for my tardiness when I notice the look of horror and disgust on every bodies face.
Confused and curious as to what is so bad, I glance over my shoulder and don't find anybody there.
Meeting the eyes of a couple people it slowly dawns on me that they're looking at me like that, so I look down at my body to find my shirt is soaked in blood and mumble, “shit” under my breath.
"Oh! Don't worry it's not mine!" I say thinking that it will make the situation better.
That was apparently the wrong thing to say because a few girls throw up and a loud crash tells me that somebody passed out. Thank God I put on a tank under my shirt, so I just slide my shirt off and throw it in my back pack, not wanting to leave any evidence. I already messed up by coming here covered in blood. I could only hope that their fear of me was strong enough to keep them quiet. Looking around the room for an empty seat I find the only one left is directly in front of Devon.