He ended up taking my virginity, and making passionate love to me under the stars that night. It was the best and worst night of my life.
For obvious reasons it was my best, but it was also my worst because I truly fell deeply in love with him that night. I thought that he felt the same by the way he touched me, talked to me, and treated me. It seemed like he was trying to memorize my every curve and every sound that escaped my lips.
He must have had a huge laugh at my expense because once he left for college he never tried to talk to me again. I had text and called him more times than I can count. Enough that a restraining order probably would have been granted had he taken it to a judge. I even saw him around town with his family a couple times, but he never noticed me. Or maybe he did notice me, but chose to ignore me. I never knew, and it crushed me for months.
I really wish that I would've remembered about my brother and his friend going here. I most definitely would've picked a school far far away. Possibly on the other side of the country, but it was too late for that choice now. I was stuck here for the next four years.
I was also exceedingly smart for my age which meant that I had been placed in classes with the upper class-men. I realized now that I ran the risk of sharing a class with either one of the jerks from my past. I could only cross my fingers, as I walked into my math class ten minutes late, that they wouldn't be in this class.
The moment the door opened I had every eye on me. I turned to look at the professor to apologize for being late, and was shocked to see a familiar man. A man who was sporting a black eye, fat lip, and a cast on his left arm that was absolutely not there the day prior.
I looked down and glared at my fingers. Who ever said that crossing your fingers brought you luck was a liar! It had never done such a thing for me! As a matter of fact, I was willing to bet that it gave me more bad luck than good throughout my life, but I couldn’t seem to break the habit.
"H-hey Cobra. I mean Dakota!" He practically yelled.
I could play this one of two ways. I was still desperately trying to get my fresh start, so I was going to try to go with the first option. The option of inconspicuous and denial.
"Could you keep it down," I growled lowly at him. "Unless you want the whole class to know that it was a girl who did that to you." I tried to keep my voice down, but, going by the several gasps I heard, I wasn't successful.
"S-so S-sorry. Please take a seat anywhere." He gestured towards to class.
Option one clearly did not work, so if I couldn’t get my new start, I was going to go all in. They would know exactly who and what I was capable of. I just knew that by the end of the class the entire school would know about this situation, so I may as well get some form of peace. If they were all scared of me they would at the minimum leave me alone and not start anything with me.
I turned looking for a seat when I noticed not only Devon, but Jesse and David as well. Again, I found myself cursing at my fingers and their horrible luck. Thankfully David was seated on the opposite side of the room from them, so I made my over to him making sure I added a bit of extra sway to my hips. Once I got there he kicked his little lackey out of the desk next to him for me.
"Hey babe. Love the new look you gave the Professor." He laughed under his breath.
“I really wanted to keep my other identity a secret and start fresh, but I didn’t even make it to one class before that idea was trashed.” I pouted and sighed in defeat and then turned to listen to the lecture. Well aware of the fact that I had two sets of eyes glued to me the whole time.
When class was dismissed I ran out of there like the hounds from hell were chasing me. I knew they'd want to talk to me, and I just wasn't ready for that conversation. Hell, I didn't know if I'd ever be ready for that. Better yet, I didn’t know if they were going to be ready for that conversation.