Dragging my feet into the house I knew that this would go one of two ways. He'd either let it go or he'd keep trying to get me to get back with him. I could only pray for the first option. I really didn't have the time to deal with an obsessive ex boyfriend. Not to mention the fact that I had absolutely no patience for this.
David is a pretty good guy, for the most part. He is absolutely brutal when he needs to be, but he's not some ruthless leader like most gangs had. He was actually pretty fair when it came to punishment within the gang, A lot of gangs had the blood in blood out rule, or worse they had the no out rule. David didn't abide by this rule though.
You did have to fight your way in, but it wasn't just a mass jump in. It was actually pretty civilized. When you first joined you would have to fight his strongest fighter, but it was mainly just to assess your skill level. When I got here I actually didn't have to fight anybody because it was quite obvious that I had absolutely no skill at fighting. Plus, in the state I was in I wouldn’t have been physically able to fight my way in.
I've come a long way since then. It's now me who administers the tests, and I am also the second in command. If our gang didn't do some good, then I would've left immediately. We might be involved in illegal activities, but we also gave back to the community. Seeing as David was an orphan, they always held a spot close to his heart. Every Christmas we bring the foster homes in area piles and piles of gifts and donate at least fifty thousand dollars anonymously to a random program benefiting local foster kids. There were several other things we did around the community, but my point being that we did give back.
I had no idea what happened when somebody wanted out. I had never heard any horror stories about beatings or death, but I had also never asked, since I had joined no body had left the gang. I like to think that it was a quick non physical exit, and as the second in command I should probably get answers to this but I was honestly hoping that nobody would want to leave.
I quickly enter the place, and run for Aaron's room. Not even paying any attention to the room full of guys. Slamming his door shut behind me I release a quick sigh of relief. I'm so bad with awkward situations that I just try to avoid them at all costs. Thinking I'm in the clear I flick the light on; only to nearly die of a heart attack.
Sitting there on Aaron's bed was none other than David. Who might I add was looking a little bit tipsy.
"Oh, hey David." I shoot him a sheepish wave.
"You were trying to avoid me weren't you, Dakota?" He slurs.
This is not going to end well. I can tell that already because he can't even speak one sentence without stuttering several times, and his words are so slurred that I can hardly understand him.
"No, I wasn't. I simply needed to talk to Aaron about some thing before I came to find you. Sorry if this conversation isn't at the top of my to do list." I raise my chin at him, daring him to contradict me.
"I told you that I was sorry! What else do you want me to say?" He roared while stumbling to his feet.
"Nothing, David! That was the point of breaking up. I don't want to be with you any longer. You cheated on me, and I walked in on you and the TBH slut naked. Then I had to save both you and the sluts life when I desperately wanted to shoot you both myself!" I'm pretty sure the entire gang heard us screaming at this point.
"Is there nothing I can do to get you back?" David quietly asked while trying to run his fingers across my lips. Since he is so intoxicated he missed my lips by a mile and jabbed me in eye.
"Dude! Ouch! What the hell David? You're so drunk you seriously just poked me in the eye!" I snarl at him while rubbing my eye. "To answer your question though, no there isn't. Can you honestly say that you want me back?" I saw him about to pretest, so I raised my hand to cut him off. "I mean honestly think about it. If you loved me as much as you think you do, then you wouldn't have cheated on me throughout out the entire relationship."
I can actually see him trying to ponder this through his drunken haze. I'm actually rather nervous that I'm going to have to repeat this whole thing to him tomorrow, but a moment later he roughly gathers me in his arms.
"I should have never treated you the way I did. After everything you've been through that was the last thing you needed. I hope you can forgive me, and we can eventually go back to just being friends." Shocked stiff I don't even notice him leaning in to kiss my forehead and leave. I must have stood there for awhile because the next thing I fully comprehend is Aaron snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Will you stop doing that? It's really annoying," I snap at him.
"Do you even know how long I've been trying to get your attention?" He curiously asks.
I scrunch up my nose in confusion. I don't even remember him coming into the room, but it couldn't have been that long.
"It's been like twenty minutes Missy. What's going on with you girl?" He questions, concerned.
"You know I always knew that David was an alright guy, but he really showed me his true colors tonight. He was in here waiting for me to get here, and he apologized for his behavior," I told him a bit shell shocked still.
"How are you holding up with the whole break up thing?" He cautiously asks.
"Actually, I'm doing pretty good. I feel like I should be crying or something, but the only feeling I have is relief. I knew he had been cheating on me for awhile, so I guess I slowly dropped my romantic feelings for him." I shrug. “I mean I had heard of people being able to subconsciously start distancing their selves from somebody, so I guess it’s true.”
"Or could it be because your hot and sexy ex is back in the picture?" Aaron asks with wagging eye brows.
I chuck a pillow at him which he easily catches. "I do not even want to talk about that ass hole. Did I tell you that my dick face of a brother talked to me today?"
"I can only imagine how that conversation went, so naturally I want all the details."
"He actually had the nerve to ask me why I didn't want anything to do with him." I scoff out loud at the memory. Jerk.
"Well did you tell him why you were angry?" Aaron asks.
"Yeah I told him, but I didn't get into detail. I don't want him or Jesse knowing about my past. It's none of their business. considering they left me there to rot. Not once calling or stopping by to see how I was doing." I really need to change the subject because just thinking about this has my heart pounding and my hands curling into fists.
"Can I please sleep in here with you Aaron?" I ask widening my eyes and poking my lower lip out. He can never resist this face, so I know that I'll get my way in the end.
"Fine." He sighs in defeat before it morphs into a wicked grin. "On one condition."
I wearily eye him. "Okay, but nothing bad or dirty."
"You let me pick your outfit and do your hair and make up for school tomorrow. You still owe me from the other day anyways. Do this and I’ll call it even. And before you shut it down completely, you know that I am absolutely letting you off the hook easy." He says with a gleam in his eye.
I think it over for a moment, and come to the conclusion that it isn't the worst thing he could ask for. Nodding my head I strip down to skimmies and grab a T-shirt from his closet to wear to bed.
"Night boo." I whisper to him before I allow myself to sink into a deep sleep.