Krystal POV
The sun is falling down and lights around the Academy hall opens and some students are already dressed up.
“Do you want me to do your hair?” Laura ask
“Sure” I answer I sit in front of the mirror and she brushed my hair
“You excited?” she asks
“Yeah, a little It’s my first time,”
“Well, you won’t regret that you choose Lux to be your partner. Many girls would envy you because you tamed the dragon,”
I chuckled on what she says. Minutes passed and my hair is already done. She made my hair into a messy bun and fitted with pins with a flower design.
“Thank you its beautiful,”
“Your welcome. Oh, wait, wear your masquerade mask,”
“I don’t have a mask” I said is it necessary to wear a mask?
“I know that, so I bought two masks. Here you go” she handed me a dark blue masquerade mask, and I wore it.
“Oh, my god you look like a goddess Athena,”
We both laugh and after checking if our gowns are alright, the both of us go to the hall. I can see some students staring at the two of us. It’s a good thing that Laura bought a two masquerade mask if not maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t have a mask.
“Who is that?”
“Is that Laura?”
“Oh my god, they look gorgeous,”
Laura is wearing A-line gown that is color dandelion with a masquerade mask that is color black with some silver in it.
“I have to find Ace good luck to the two of you” she said with a wink and take off her mask and walk away, everyone gasp.
“It’s Laura,”
“Who’s the other one?”
“I think it’s Krystal,”
I look around the hall but all I see are students with their partners and there’s no trace of Lux. Miss Valerie shows up on the stairs of the hall.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, today we would celebrate the Academy’s 70th Anniversary we will start the with an opening dace with your partner. Enjoy this magical night, everybody,”
All the students clap and a slow song has played by an orchestra and little by little the students gather in the middle of the hall and dance.
Where is Lux?
I sat on the chair on the side while waiting for Lux, watching the students dancing gracefully with their partner. The first song ended and some students leave and some stay, the second song was played and all of them danced.
A boy that is wearing a waiter attire walk towards me
“Do you want something to drink or eat Maam?” he ask while holding a tray that has a food and a glass of wine
I look at the food on the tray and notice some grapes.
“I want grapes” I said
He placed the grapes on a plate and place it on the desk.
“You want some wine?” he ask
“No thanks, I don’t drink” I said
“Then how about a glass of water Ma’am?”
“Yes please”
He get a glass of water and gave it to me
“Thank you” I said and after that he walks away
I started to eat the grapes while watching the students dancing. I’m getting bored. IS Lux going to show up?
I sigh.
While watching a man walk towards me and lend his arm.
“Shall we dance?”