Lunch time came around and I was sitting at a table with sher,pro was outside with nick doing whatever. So I'm here with Sher. She's talking about the argument she and pro had this morning about suicide silence and their best song.
"I mean come on,that song is nice but it hardly said nothing".she blob
I lazily throw a French fry at her to shut her up but it stick to her blouse and she just took it up and ate it then went back to talking.Ugh this day is boring.Atleast I haven't seen levii since my first class and I was hoping it stayed that way.
But yet again,I have no luck.
"BANG".the sound of a tray hitting the table echoed through the cafeteria made me jump just as I felt something wet on my head and I shivered at the coldness and then it ran down my face from my hair. I look up to see Cole,I was about to punch him in the face but then levii appeared from behind him laughing.I shrink back a little then took up my bag.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU !"sher shouted at them.
They ignored her and started to laugh and some people join them but some were too curious to see what will happened next.
I tried to pass but Levii push me back and I hit my back on the table,see....... one push and look where I ended up.He's strong.Just then a furious Pro walked through the door.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH".he yelled and launch himself at levii but nick caught him as his hands were a finger away from Levii's face.
Now this was my chance to get out,I ran to the bathroom and made sure no one was in there before I took my shirt off,it was wet and smelt like milk and so did my hair.I had to go home.I walked out to my locker and grab my skate board I texted sher and pro and told them I was going home.I skate out of school through the back gate because the security wouldn't let me past with out permission and the back gate was always unlock. I opened my door and went inside,I strip off my close and went to the nearest bathroom and took a shower,my back hurts but not that much.I threw my clothes into the wash and pulled on some clean clothes,Sher texted me saying they are coming over after school,they had two more hours left. I turn on the TV and watch the repeat episode of empire.God I hate my life.