I went home right after that kiss,I just ran out the door,I know levii wouldn't follow me because he had to watch his brother. I got home it was late,I wanted to go upstairs and sleep but then the door bell rang,I open the door and pro came in.He went to the couch and drop himself down ad turned on the TV.
"Hey babe".
"Make yourself at home" I said sarcasticly and sat beside him.
"What? were you expecting levii".he smirk
"Pssh no".I said and cross my arms.
"Right,its obvious you were,haha you two are head over heels for each other".
"I don't like him".
"Well he likes you".
"what are you doing here so late?"I ask.
"Parents are out,I ain't staying there alone".
"Big baby".I mumble.
"Come on bed time".I said and pulled him up.
We went upstair and we strip down to our boxers,we climbed into bed and pro pulled me into his arms so my head was on his chest and I made myself comfortable and went to sleep.
Next day I took my car to school with pro,we walked into school and pro head over to nick in the cafe,I went to my locker and opened it,only to have it slam.I jump back frighten and turn to the person who did it.I saw martin and Cole.
"Sup freak?".Cole smirk and martin sniekered.
"Fuck off!?"I said and push pass them.
"Not so fast".Cole came in front of me"I notice adrian stopped beating the shit out of you,care to explain faggot".
Thats when I lost it and punch them both in the face,they both fell to the ground and where they landed were two feet,I followed up and saw levii standing there with his mouth open,I turn around walk into the cafe.I sat beside sher and took up her biscuit, avoiding everyone's stares.
"Someone woke up one the wrong side of bed".Nick smirk
"No because your boyfriend was on that side,he's such a baby".I mumbled and bit my biscuit.
"I am not".Pro said defensively.
"Yea right".
The bell rang and I got up waving at nick and sher and motioned pro to the door,we walk to class and sat down as the teacher came in.Levii wasn't in this class and I was thankful for that.
When class was over pro was going to meet nick on the third floor so I walk to class alone,I had almost reached when I was pulled into a closet,the door close when I was in and the person push me on the door,I narrowed my eyes and hit whoever it was are,right across the face.
"Ow!".I knew that voice too well.
Levii switch on the light and held his jaw.A little shock too.
"S-sorry I didn't know it was you".I said
"Its okay now do you wanna tell me why you hit my friends this morning?".he raise a brow still rubbing his cheek.
"Your friends are assholes and so are you".I glare at him and he roll his eyes.
"If you can hit like this why don't you defend yourself".
"I do,I just don't defend myself when its you".I shrug.
"Because you're you".
"Nothing,thick head".I grumbled.
"Now...... let's talk about last night".he smirk and step closer to me and I put my hand on his chest.
"There is nothing to talk about,it was a accident".
"That wasn't an accident".he whispered.