Half and hour later my head was in levii's lap as we watch a movie,I turn and look up at him.
"Soda".I said and he reach over the table,took up the soda and careful threw some in my mouth and I giggled after I swallowed.
"Your hair is red".levii said running his finger through my hair.
I turn to him.
"Wow I didn't know that,thanks for telling me".I said and roll my eyes.
"Whatever but why did you turn emo?"
"That's a good question that you won't get a good answer to so let's leave it there".
"You're so difficult".he sighed.
"You love it".I said with a smug look on my face then the doorbell rang.
"That big baby".I mumbled and got up.
I open the door and pro walked in,he pat my head and went over to levii,he took the soda from his hand and drink it sitting down beside him.Levii look at him not knowing what to sat.
"Sup asshole".He nod at levii
"That's rude".I said and hit him in the forehead.
"Yea well he is,but I'm starting to like you".pro gave levii back the soda and got up.
"I'm gonna take a shower".he said and went upstairs.
"Sorry about him,he comes over whenever his parents isn't at home but at least he likes you now".I smile.
"Its okay,I should be going now,I'll see you tomorrow".
He stood in front of me and took my chin in his hand and kiss my lips gently and pulled away and I whine wanting more.
"Aww how cute".
I turn and look at pro in his boxers at the stairs. I roll my eyes and led levii out the house.I kiss him one last time before he walked out and I close the door.
"What the hell are you doing here!!!".I shouted up the stairs.
"Parents are out"!!!.
I groan and layed down on the couch and smile to myself.
"Pro! wake your ass up,"I yelled and pulled at his hair.
He groan and sat up in the bed.
"Go shower".
I threw his clothes on him,he had a lot of clothes here,since he practically live here.
I went down stairs and waited for him.He came down and we got in his car and drove to school.We walked into school where we saw nick at his locker, before we could reach him Lisa went up to him and we stop and watch.They yelled at each other for a minute then......
"I'M NOT INTERESTED". Nick yelled at her then pointed in our direction.
"You see him,thats my babe,now leave me alone".
"Yea bitch,run along".pro said an went up to nick and hug him and they both smirk at Lisa who stomp away.
I shook my head and went up to them.
"You guys are weird".