When I got out of the shower, I walked into my bedroom and glanced at the only picture I had with my mom and dad.I sighed and took up my phone,I dialed my mom's number and waited for her to pick up.
No answer.
I called dad and his assistant answered.
"Hello Alexander, how are you?".she answered politely.
"Hi melonie can I spe-".
"Mel,what are you doing come on".I heard my father's voice in the back ground.
"Sir your son is on the phone".
"He's not important right now,we're late come on!"and then the phone call end.
Not important,I'm always important.... at least to them,my fucking father.I threw my phone across the room and slam my hand on the dresser.I'm was still mad from today and now this,why can't I have a normal life,with friends,family...a dog.
I have nothing.my friends are slowly leaving me,I'm not important to my parents and I don't know what to do about levii.I drop the razor and slid down the wall and laid on the bathroom floor,smiling at my bloody hand.All I wanted right now is to just go to sleep right here.I swallowed the sleeping pills that were in my mouth and close my eyes.I didn't want to die,I just wanted to sleep and wake up with a whole different life.
I could hear pro beating down the door and fighting with the lock.screaming 'dont do this' like he knew what exactly I was doing.I started to drift off when I heard another voice and then the door know fell out and the door open.I finally went to sleep when I felt myself on my bed.
**Levii ' s P.O.V**
I was waiting for Alex, it was getting dark and he still wasn't here.Maybe he tought I was suppose to go over his house today,I got in my car and drove over his house.I knock on the door and then footsteps came running down the stairs and to the door,the door open and I smile but then I saw it wasn't him.
"Help him,he's locked in the Bathroom".pro said with tears in his eyes.
I rush up the stairs with pro behind me and went into Alex's room and to the bathroom door.
"He's ganna try and kill himself I know it".pro sob as I struggle with the door.
"He wont".I told him but I wasn't sure about it,my heart was beating so fast right now.
I screwed out the screws in the door and yank it out,I gave the door a hard push and it opened,Alex was laying on the ground with dried blood on the floor and his arm and some on his shirt,there was a bottle beside him,still seal which means if he had taken any it.I took him up and place him on the bed,pro got the first aid kit and went to clean up the bathroom and I clean his cuts,there were nine of them,I wrap the bandage around it.He was asleep and he wasn't waking anytime soon.
"You should stay here with him,so I don't kill him when he wakes up".pro said and walked out the door,closing it.
I went back for the bottle of pills in the bathroom and it was sleeping pills.I texted my mom and told her I was staying over and I laid down with Alex. I wrap my arms sound him safely.
Somewhere in the night he woke up and tried to get out of my grip.
"Go back to sleep".I told him and that's what he did.