The bell rang and we made our way back into school, pro have stop eating a lot of food and went back to making out with nick again. Sher and ray went to their class and Nick, Pro and I went to art and guess what? Levii was in here to,he's in almost all of my classes.
I sat down with Pro well, Nick, Pro was in Nicks lap,a teacher walked in and began talking I wasn't hearing anything because I was playing a game on my iPhone. Then I heard the door close and I look up.The teacher was gone.
"Hey what did he just said".I ask someone beside me.
"Miss brown won't be here today and they don't have a substitute so we have a free session".
"Did he really said the last part?" I raise a brow.
"No but it is right".I shrug and went back to my game.
Then I saw pro and nick drawing cartoons of each other,I took out my scetchp pad and started drawing. I didn't really know what I was drawing until I made the finishing touch, I put my pencil down and hold up my work,looking at it.
"Wow,dude you're messed up".
Nick chuckled and I hit him.
I really am messed up,I torn the page out and put in on the table.I went back to my game and then went back to drawing, trying to dry a flower.
The bell rang and I head to my next class.I didn't have this one with Pro or Nick.I sat at the back and name came and sat beside me.
"Remind me of your name".
"Its sky".
"OK I just forgot,sorry".
Then there was a bang on my desk and I look in front of me and saw levii,i started to shake because he look piss.He turn to na-i mean sky and growl.
"Get up".and that's what he did.
Levii sat down and took in a feel breath,by now I think my shaking has gone to vibrating.
"What's this?".I look where he pointed on my table and I saw my drawing.
"My drawing".I said in a low voice.
"Why would you draw something like this?what are you thinking about that got you doing this?".
"Its none of your business".I hissed and turn away from him.
"Alex,whats wrong?".he sigh.
"Nothing is wrong,just forget it,I'm fine".
"Okay,but I'm not done".
He got up and went over to his friends.
I'm getting tired of him and his over protective ass.Sigh
When school ended i went home and took a shower.I ate and got my book and skate towards levii's house,I rang the door bell and he opened it,he was going to say something but I held up my finger and silence him.He sigh and step aside,I walked in and jump when I saw a little boy with a knife in his hand.
"Don't worry,this is AJ my little brother,I'm suppose to be watching him,clean my room and help you with this stupid assignment.I'm stressed".he ran a hand through his hair.
"You're lazy,how bad is your room?".
He look up at me and motioned me to follow him.I did and we went upstairs, he open his door and I gasp.
"You're a pig".
His clothes were everywhere, even through the window,the bathroom sink has food bags and plastic bag every where,I won't tell you anymore.
"So will you help me,before my parents get back".he looked desperate.
I look around the room for a while and then turn to him.
"Lets make a deal,I clean your room and watch your brother,if you do the second question by pay I'll play".I smirk.
"You are a evil,evil child, but deal".
"Okay now get to work".
With that said I push him out the door.