I took AJ and put him in front of the TV while I clean levii's room,and to be honest I was done in ten minutes.I just grab a basket put all his dirty close in,grab a bag put all the garbage in and took it out.I made his bed and sweep out the room.Anything else was on him.It looked like a teenage room now.
I took the kid and we went back to levii and he look at me surprise.
"Go play with miss Maggie cat".levii told the kid and he went outside.
"You're done?".he ask and gave me a chocolate bar.
"So you wanna help?".
Then we saw AJ came in with the neighbor's cat by its tail, poor thing.
"AJ put him down,you're ganna give him a panic attack".levii laugh and AJ put him down,the cat practically flew out the house.
"What's a panic attack?".AJ ask and sat on levii's lap.
"Well a panic attack is when....panick attack you".he said and look over at me and I roll my eyes.
"How old are you?"I ask him.
"18".he shrug.
"Well act like you're 18".I hit him in the back of his head and AJ laugh.
"Go to your room AJ".levii said and he boy got up.When he was out of the room levii turn to me.
"So let's talk".
"About what?".
"You don't think I care about you,I do".
"Lot of people care about me these days its like I'm gold".I said with a smile.
"I'm serious ally,I do and I like you".
"Fine I know you care about me I just don't want you to,I get caught up in you and then you'll leave me".
"Ally you know I'm not like that".
"Oh really you seem like the kind of guy to do that".
"Ally I'm not a bad guy,I like you a lot".
"Adrian can we stop this".
He sighed but stop,after a while of silence he turn to me.
"Kiss me".
"What?".I look at him confuse
I sighed and slowly lean in to him,hesitating as I do so,he held my chin and press his lips to mine and I pulled away.He smile at me and I couldn't help myself, I grab the back of his neck and pulled him into another kiss,this time I opened my mouth and he explore my mouth with his tongue.We kissed for a while until we have to breathe,I pulled back and look at him.
"That was something".he smirk at me.
"Oh gosh."