I walk down the stairs,brushing my hair to my neck quickly with my hands.I walk in the living room and saw my parents,doing what I would expect them to do mom was on her laptop and dad was on his phone walking from one coach to the other,I sighed and kiss them both on the cheek and went to the kitchen.I took up an apple and a small knife,I started cutting up the Apple which I sat on the marble counter and ate it. I had nothing to do so I thought I would head down to the game room,I walked down the back stairs that leads to the game room and switch on the light. I picked a game and started playing karate. Well as you all can see,apart from my two best friends,my life is a fucking mess.
Yep just as I expected,the next day I got ready for school and my parents were heading out the door.I grab my skate board and walked behind them.
"See you in a bit honey".mom called as she got in her car.
"Later Alex".dad said as he got in his car and they both went opposite ways.
Their later and see you in a bit means see you next years.I sighed and put on my bag,turn on the alarm system and lock my door. I walked a little down so I can smoke my cigarette.When that was done i hop on my skate board and soon I was at school but I didn't stop I went right into school on it until I reach my locker I threw it in and grab my book for my first class.
I walked down the hall where I saw pro and sher arguing,I bet they're arguing over a band.I walked up to them and it took them about 20 seconds to notice me where they stop their arguing.
"Hey bubble gum".
"Hey babe".
"Hey guys".I said in a low voice.
Sher was hyper and everything amuse her,good or bad.She's seventeen with jet black hair.Pale blue eyes pale skin and a nose piercing ,she's 5'6.
Pro was more like a cool guy he's everyone friend but knows his real friends,he can put up a fight and he's cool when you pissed him off but if you get to a certain level..........you're dead.He had pale skin,blue spiky hair with green at the bottom, green eyes three lip piercing and he's 5'7.He has a boyfriend,nick but I don't like him .Before they started dating he was a player,a man whore and even now they are dating he is still hitting on people behind Pro's back and it hurt me to know that he thinks nick have change but what can I do about it.The only thing I did was tell sher and she said to let him figure it out himself.
"What's wrong?".Pro ask as he lace his hands around my waist and buried his face on my neck.
"Parents just left and they barely said 10 words to me.I don't even know why they bother coming".I sigh.
"Awww am sorry want us to come over and keep your company".Sher said and smile.
"Yea I guess".
Then I felt Pro reached into my pocket and pulled out my pack of cigarette,then step back away from me just as the bell rang.
"Hey give it back!".I whine.
"Nope".he simple said and take my hand and pulled me to class.
"Later guys".she said as she made her way to class.
"Later".I replied.