Continuation from prologue scene
Jasper was still sitting in that room with the picture in his lap. suddenly he heard the sound of the door opening. He became furious because no one was allowed in this room even his parents and sister were not allowed. He was all set to shout at the intruder but stopped seeing the person who came, or you can say only the person who was allowed in that room. His son AVI DAVIES.
Avi came to him while rubbing his eyes.
“What are you doing here Dad,” asked avi in his sleepy voice.
“Nothing avi when you woke up,” asked Jasper, taking him in his lap.
Avi saw the picture in his hand.
“Do you miss mom? “ Asked Avi while grabbing the photo with his small hand.
Jasper nodded.
“I am also missing mom, " said avi in a sad tone.
Both sat there in silence.
“Dad, what is the time now?” asked Avi, breaking the silence.
Although confused but replied
“12:05,” said Jasper.
“Happy birthday Dad” screamed avi while jumping in his lap and hugged him tightly.
Now he remembers that tomorrow was his birthday not only his but also his son's birthday.
“Happy birthday to you too avi,” said Jasper while hugging him back.
“Thank you Dad, but you didn't say thank you to me, for wishing you,” said avi while frowning.
“Thank you now it's ok with you,” asked Jasper.
“Perfect my teacher says if someone wishes you then you should say thank you to them” replied avi while his eyes were on the picture.
Jasper nodded.
“Dad, if mom was with us.
She could have made cupcakes right?
She used to love so much” said Avi, making Jasper confused.
“How do you know Samira loves Cupcakes?” asked Jasper.
“Aunt Alina said mom used to love Cupcakes just like me” replied avi.
“No you are just like her,” said Jasper.
“Yaa Dad I want to eat Cupcakes please,” said avi licking his lips.
“Avi not now it is midnight you will get a cavity if u eat sweets at midnight,” said Jasper in a stern voice.
“Dad please just today from next time I will eat in a daytime please,” said avi with pleading eyes and a cute pout by seeing this Jasper has to agree.
“Ok last time,” said Jasper
avi nodded being excited
By taking one last look at the room, the duo came out of the room. After locking the room Jasper lifted Avi and both headed towards the kitchen.
While entering the kitchen avi asked
“Dad cooks are asleep,
Who will prepare Cupcakes for me?” asked Avi while pouting.
Jasper chuckled at his words.
“Don't worry Avi, I will prepare Cupcakes for you,” said Jasper.
“Really,” asked Avi, feeling excited to eat Cupcakes made by his Dad.
Jasper nodded.
By placing avi on the kitchen slab Jasper started preparing Cupcakes. Avi was watching him with his excited eyes to taste Cupcakes made by his Dad.
After some time Jasper placed a plate full of Cupcakes in front of Avi as he completed preparing. Avi took one and tasted it.
“Dad, it's amazing!
These Cupcakes taste much better than Cupcakes made by Granny and Aunt Alina,” said avi before attacking the plate full of Cupcakes.
While seeing avi eating Cupcakes just like Samira. He can't help, but his lips curved into a small smile. When Samira left him he locked himself in a room refusing to talk with anyone, but then he heard avi cries who was just two years old and from that time he decided to live for him. He only talks and laughs with Avi with others, he only talks when it is necessary. He spends his day in the office and evenings with Avi while helping him with his homework or playing with him. Both father and son love each other's company more than others.
After avi completed eating both headed towards their room.
“Dad, you know from tomorrow my vacation is going to start,” said avi in a sleepy voice while hugging his father.
Said Jasper while caressing his hairs.
"From tomorrow I will come to your office Dad. I will get bored staying at home” said avi while looking at him with a cute pout.
“Ok, but you can play at home,” said Jasper.
“Yes, but I want to come with you only,” said avi stubbornly.
Jasper nodded as he knew his son wanted to spend his time only with him.
To be Continued......